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Everything posted by ComradeKayAdams

  1. It's coming down to 2 reasons: 1. 6-0 vs terrible teams and 0-2 vs playoff-caliber teams 2. Buffalo's QB isn't good because: stats A related gem from the world's least attractive sports analyst, Nick Wright:
  2. Better than me! Kay had a little too much wine last night, took the test, possibly got 2 questions in, face-planted into the laptop, and then woke up to find I'm as smart as Terry Bradshaw.
  3. It may be a lame football cliche, but run and stop the run has never been more true for a Bills game than this one.
  4. Unbelievable. The guy had ONE bad day, and 25 years later all you judgmental folks here still won't let him live it down. Just the other day, Peter Schrager spilled his coffee on my blouse. And you know what I did? I FORGAVE Peter (even though I really shouldn't have...). OJ did so much for Buffalo in the 70's. Cut the man some slack, because we all know he would cut the same amount of you.
  5. 100% we are rooting for the Chargers. The conference loss difference with the Raiders is part of the reason, but the difference in schedule difficulty is the other. The Chargers still need to play the Chiefs twice and also the Vikings. I understand the concern for a second-half resurgence, but the Chargers are probably way too inconsistent to finish 5-1 or 6-0. Yes, we are also rooting for the Chiefs over the Titans. You have to assume that the Pats, Chiefs, Ravens, and Texans are making the playoffs. That leaves the Bills, Steelers, Colts, Raiders, Chargers, Titans, and Jags as the realistic competitors for those final 2 playoff spots. If the Raiders and Steelers lose Sunday and the Bills win, then the Bills will have a 3 game playoff cushion with 7 games left.
  6. By focusing on the weak schedule and on the losses to NE and Philly, I think many of you are overlooking the reality of the national media bias. If any of the more marketable franchises jumped out to a 6-2 record (regardless of the schedule) with the #3 defense, the #11 rushing attack led by an exciting rookie like Singletary and a respected vet like Gore, a constantly improving second-year first-round QB with running skills and a number of 4th-quarter comebacks already to his resume, and weeks ago had almost beat the greatest NFL dynasty ever....you don't think that team would get more hype than what the Bills are currently getting??? The bias is real and shameful. The Bills represent everything the NFL is trying to move away from: small market in the Rust Belt, cold weather, emphasis on defense and the running game, zero big-name divas on the roster, squeaky clean image (read: BORING)....
  7. Basically, salary cap space isn't an issue this year and it won't be next year. It very well could be an issue in 2021, but the good news is that the dead cap hit for JH's contract in 2021 is only $2.1 million. Star's dead cap, by the way, is a bit higher at $5.2, but that can always be distributed partly into 2022. So in conclusion: Brandon Beane is in control of things. No need to worry. Also, keep in mind that the Bills currently have the #3 NFL defense in points per game, yards per game, and opposing QB passer rating. I would definitely like to see improved stats in sack totals from Hughes, Oliver, Lawson, Murphy, etc... as well as a better run defense, but these guys are doing SOMETHING right for this defense to be #3 in those categories.
  8. I believe their stadium contract is up after the 2029 season, so they'll be free to leave for London as early as 2030. Good riddance, too. Jacksonville never should have been awarded a pro football franchise. It's a terrible fanbase that only cares about college football, NASCAR, cooking meth, and inbreeding during their leisure time.
  9. And yet the two best teams in the NFL right now are the undefeated Patriots and the undefeated 49ers, two defense-first teams with absolutely elite defenses and offenses more than capable of contributing as well. The differences between them and the Bills? 1. Their defenses are actually elite. The Bills' defense is mediocre in turnovers and run defense, below average in pass rush, and pathetic in red zone defense. 2. The Patriots and 49ers have good offenses, though not elite in the same way as KC. The Bills' offense, meanwhile, has a lot of work to do. Too many turnovers, poor passing game, too many three-and-outs, etc.. My conclusion: keep improving both sides of the ball, but you can win a Super Bowl in the NFL with just a good offense and an elite defense.
  10. It just seems that way because we're playing all of them: Jets twice, Dolphins twice, Bengals, Redskins, Broncos, Browns are in disarray, Steelers lost Ben Ruthlessraper for the season, Titans benched Mariota, and Giants are undergoing a rebuild.
  11. If I saw Josh Allen's extension, I wouldn't even be thinking about his personality. "Ooooh, behave, Kay!" - says you. No. No, I shall not behave.
  12. The head coach sees tacos floating around at press conferences, so he shouldn't be throwing stones in his glass house.
  13. I've always hated the "squish the fish" chants. It makes Bills fans come across as ignorant, slack-jawed yokels instead of the refined folding table jumpers that the rest of the NFL has come to know and admire.
  14. I don't know if it's laughable. When you only have 100 spots and are including every football position over 100 seasons, there are going to be some all-time greats left out. I see 8 post-WW 2 RB's (Motley, Dorsett, Peterson, Campbell, Faulk, Tomlinson, OJ, Dickerson) already. There will be 4 more (Smith, Payton, Sanders, Brown). Was Thurman a top-10 all-time RB? No. More like mid-teens. Playing at the same time as Sanders and Smith didn't help his cause.
  15. The Broncos are my Sealy Posturepedic. Flacco is going to lay a voluminous turd against the Buffalo defense. 10-1, entering Thanksgiving weekend. The way the AFC is shaking out, that may be enough to clinch a playoff spot. My vegan-themed Thanksgiving meal is going to taste SOOO good while I watch Oliver and Phillips collapse the pocket onto Prescott over and over and over again.
  16. Woooo!! That's my cue!! The Big Kay Signal in the internet sky has been observed. So all you dirty old men ready to talk some Bills football?! Or are you too busy ***** it to my pics? Josh Allen is my guy. Him and Devin Singletary are coming out of the bye ready to tear up the league and elevate the Buffalo offense to playoff-caliber. Disagree? Do so at your own peril. My esteemed colleagues, Kyle and Peter, have expressed skepticism to me regarding Josh Allen. I currently have Kyle in a headlock as I type. Peter is in the corner of our studio with his underwear over his head. This is how I roll.
  17. The Buffalo sports battle cry of the 21st century. Looking forward to those days being over (for the Bills AND Sabres...and Bandits ). Pay particular attention to what's going on with the Raiders and the Chiefs in the West. They both have difficult schedules over the next 3 weeks and may collapse. If at least one does, there's a not entirely unlikely chance that the Bills finish their home stand at 7-1 and with a FOUR game lead over the next closest wild card competitor. I know, I know..."one game at a time, Kay!" ***** you. Let me have my moment of joy.
  18. I have, yes. The Bills are top 10 in rushing attempts, total rushing yards, rushing yards per carry, and rushing TD's. But I understand your point. They've been passing more than running this year, and some of those rushes are coming from Allen runs in broken pass plays. I'm not saying that Daboll's offense is like Greg Roman's. What I am saying is that I believe the Bills would generally prefer running than passing, and we may start to see this as soon as Singletary returns from injury. For these first 5 games, defenses have not respected Allen and have been lining up to neutralize the run. I suspect that's a big part behind why Daboll has called so many pass plays. This will change as Allen improves (we're seeing it!) throughout the season.
  19. Do people actually think the Browns will run the table after losing to the Pats and starting 2-5? Coaching matters. Offensive lines matter. The Browns have neither. And if you think the Browns will finish 6-0 in their division, then you haven't been paying attention to the nature of division rivalries, especially in the AFC North. I'll put them at 7-9, losing to the Patriots, Ravens, Steelers, Bengals, and....BILLS.
  20. We don't have the best D in the league. Right now we have the 3rd best behind NE and SF. We need to see more turnovers and a better pass rush from Hughes, Oliver, Lawson, and Murphy before considering them for #1.
  21. I have very little doubt we will be seeing both QB's. I assume Frazier is smart enough to prepare for both.
  22. Once the Chargers lose tonight, there will be 9 AFC teams with at least 4 losses after only 6 weeks. That leaves 7: Pats, Bills, Ravens, Texans, Colts, Raiders, Chiefs. Who's the odd one out for the playoffs? Most of you are probably thinking the Raiders (and the pessimists here will suggest the Bills). But check out the Chiefs' schedule, in combination with their injury list and terrible defense. Could they be the odd ones out?
  23. I was going to post the run defense stats for the Chiefs, but then I realized there may be kids reading this thread. I am curiously loving the demise of the Chiefs and Browns. I think it's because they represent everything that the Bills are not: hype, big names, big personalities, and flashy new-age NFL flag-football style fantasy football points-producing nonsense. The Bills play as a team and still believe in delightfully quaint football notions such as defense and running the ball.
  24. That's not fair to characterize the younger Bills fan base like that, for two reasons: 1. In the modern NFL, it's much easier to rebuild a team from scratch in a comparatively shorter amount of time. Three years is enough time to expect a competent GM and HC to take a cellar dweller to playoff contention. 2. Any Bills fan under 30 years old probably has no memory of a home playoff game or a playoff victory (January 1996). No professional sports fan should ever have to experience their favorite team missing the playoffs for 17 straight years. The young Bills fans who are still fans have more than earned their stripes.
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