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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. The Chinese having a stranglehold monopoly producing pharmaceuticals has to end. It was the drug companies that created this and they hate Trump for meddling in their business. Unfortunately, it will likely be big pharma, once a corona vaccine is found, who will benefit most from it.
  2. Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joobGoo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob, gooJoob, joob, joobaJooba, jooba, joobaJoob, joobaJoob, jooba
  3. Schumer and Pelosi reaction to news a Brazilian official who met with Trump and Pence testing positive for the coronavirus, according to Brazilian officials:
  4. This thread will become moot long before the convention.
  5. Cuomo played the Katrina card today. That he waited to this point is the only thing surprising. Comparing this to the 1917 influenza and medieval Black Plague are forthcoming soon from the Left. This is an unprecedented serious crisis, no doubt. But the Dems and Trump haters, as this goes on, will look at this more and more as political opportunity, first and foremost, with their eye solely on November.
  6. Quite the answer there. Maybe I didn't make it clear what I was asking. I wondered why the closing of the 16 temporary hospitals in Wuhan area that handled 13,000 coronavirus patients wasn't more newsworthy than a blip. .....but thank you for your participation.
  7. A coronavirus story not making the rounds today: https://nypost.com/2020/03/11/china-shuts-all-16-temporary-coronavirus-hospitals-in-wuhan/ ....wonder why ? Just found this:
  8. They said it would be different than in 2016. DNC and their media gonna shaft me again ? Say it ain't so Joe ! ....I'll support you anyway.
  9. So Chuck got 3 stooges, Gillibrand being one, to show up with him for his "vital" press conference. They are fidgeting, can't look up, like they want this to end fast. This was done for November.
  10. Wow !?!? Sorry to have bothered you. It won't happen again
  11. Maybe this would help you understand Italy's situation....or maybe not. https://www.ft.com/content/4b170d34-40f9-11e9-b896-fe36ec32aece "China has swooped on strategic assets such as Italy’s power grid, high-tech manufacturers and luxury brands. More than 600 Italian companies have received some kind of Chinese investment for a total value of €13.7bn since 2000, according to the Italy-China Foundation.investment for a total value of €13.7bn since 2000, according to the Italy-China Foundation." http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/22/c_138725008.htm "The provisional trend of airport arrivals from China in the first 11 months of 2019 grew by 16 percent on an annual basis, according to a short report by the Italian Tourism Observatory."
  12. Mrs. Pelosi's neighborhood. Won't you be her neighbor ? Pelosi: "civilization as we know it today is at stake.....certainly our planet" Pelosi ignores (denys ?) her decaying district and it's 3rd world like problems. Yet her Twisted Infidel Brainless Sycophants cheer her as a savior for the masses.
  13. Was this image from one of the Mad Max movies ?
  14. Also coming soon from Cuomo: Prison Pure Enough spring water and reusable Facial/Butt Wipes.
  15. So the DNC & CNN dropped their request that Bernie fan Biden with ostrich feathers and hand him crib notes throughout the debate ? At least they're not making a mockery of Bernie this primary like they did in 2016.
  16. San Francisco. https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/01/13/tents-homeless-and-misery-9-things-i-saw-in-san-francisco/
  17. Cuomo, who runs neck and neck with Schumer, as the all time scumbag hypocritical egomaniac politicians elected in N.Y., could lead the brain dead lackeys in this state off a cliff and they'd thank him.
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