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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. I was shocked they did not mention his cousin twice removed 🙄
  2. Something tells me to run away....fast
  3. Tim Settle can kick rocks
  4. My dad's aunt died while strolling along the Genesee river and a tree fell on her.
  5. I cannot get behind the "greatness" of Buffalo-style pizza. People get so defensive when you say you like another style better.
  6. A true Bills fan would have shown him the door....I'm questioning your loyalty as we speak
  7. Not sure if it was just the one Wegmans near me or all of them, but one in Rochester was doing "Donuts from around the world" that had different flavors from obviously all over the world. I thought that was pretty cool, although I do not have a sweet-tooth so I did not partake
  8. I'm ok with it, I'd probably push it closer to top 15, so it's a little bit of a stretch for 22. The playoff blunders are pretty damn bad.
  9. Half the world dips their chicken wings in ranch....as far as I'm concerned we don't need 'em
  10. I got Dallas. He seems like the type who'll want to come back with all eyes watching. Jerry's world is the place to do that.
  11. Once week, for myself. Sometimes once every two weeks we I get in a pinch.
  12. I will eventually, there is always a furry friend that will need a home. My current condo, the landlord does not allow for pets.
  13. Same. I did not want to see my cat's last moments or breaths when I put him down, but I knew he was by my side through some of my most trying times, so I had to be next to him for his. Not easy, not easy at all. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks, it sucks. I still feel the loss of a cat I had rescued as a kitten that got me through some very tough times. He passed almost 5 years ago. You'll get better at dealing with the loss bud, it will just take time.
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