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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. If that’s true, why even watch any other game but the super bowl each year? Silly take, imo.
  2. I mean, football is entertainment. If it’s not entertaining to you, why do it? Bragging rights? Do I want a super bowl? Of course, but I’m not going to cry myself to sleep if we don’t win it. I got 18 weeks of solid entertainment. 12 of those were wins. Had fun every step of the way. I would actually wonder if your side of fandom is truly being a fan. We’re a few days away from a huge playoff game and you’re “just tired?” Idk, I prefer my way of seeing things, yours seems miserable. Do you even enjoy yourself, or is it all super bowl and nothing else? Someone ruffle your feathers on Facebook?
  3. If it was me and I won mvp and had my team looking at the playoffs each season, I might take breather too. You see Allen with his fat contract and you’re wondering when you’ll be getting yours. Maybe I’d play on some injuries when I’m sitting on a quarter of a billion. Certainly not when I’m at the negotiating table. His style of play, he can have his leg snapped in two. Or his play can suffer because of the injury and further hurt negotiations. No good can come or playing right now if you’re Lamar. He’s doing the right thing.
  4. So, I don’t get these types of posts. Do you think we don’t know Ford’s not very good? It’s a thread about how good one of our players are, why even include that? It would be like if someone posted how well the corners were doing, and you’re like “Wildgoose was a big miss by Beane.” Can you explain the thought process? It’s mind boggling.
  5. They were able to benefit for years signing people cheap so that they could play with Brady and possibly win a super bowl. Those days are over, I don’t see free agent wide receivers chomping at the bit to play with Mac. They’ll have to pay like everyone else now, not only that but do free agents really find Bill’s boring style of play fun? The players seem miserable. I see a rough patch ahead for the Patsies. How could it not be knowing you have to face Allen the next 7 years at least?
  6. I like “the perfect game.” Dare I say, it’s perfect?
  7. This is not a bills fandom thing, it’s a human being thing. Lots of sickos in every area code.
  8. Wow. You should take that material on the road. At this point it should be very clear to everyone that while Josh is very good he has the tendency to try and fit balls in that might have been better off not thrown. Trying to hook up his buddy could lead to a few balls being forced into situations that he normally wouldn’t. If you don’t understand the job of a safety, I could see how you might not understand my original point. Obviously Diggs will be covered by a corner, but I could also see the safeties focusing on his routes knowing big buddy Josh might try and help out his pal. I know I would, they’re basically playing with house money. Might as well try and get a pick or two to help the ol’ stat sheet.
  9. Not if he’s not open. I’m all for getting Diggs his money, but I don’t want Josh to force it. The Jets proved last week they’re coming to play. We need to focus on winning, not getting Diggs a bonus. Also, if we know this information, you’d better believe the Jets know it now.
  10. I for one have never seen this brought up once in the last three or four years. Just kinda seems like OP was sitting there thinking “how can I make a thread where people will pay attention to me under the guise of a Josh Allen debate?” You know, you can just post and interact with people and not play this heel role like it’s professional wrestling. I get it’s kinda your schtick but the thing about schticks are they become tiresome and have an expiration date if you use them too often. When posting a thread, if you feel you have to use the “flame away” line you’re kinda giving it away that you yourself know it’s ‘look at me, hot take’ territory. And if I’m playing this game right… get defensive away!
  11. I thought the use of “tools” was a little excessive. You think that’s how he talks in real life conversations? Seems like something a 15 year old might do with his friends over a game of madden. A little out of place in a conversation on a public forum (with mostly adult posters) about a team we’re all fans of. Can you imagine his conversations around the dinner table. “Yeah, the potato’s are okay, but can you make them a little less lumpy next time, you tool?!”
  12. Why does this matter? We’re playing to win the game, not to get pats fans and the media to talk about our valiant effort. Weird takeaway.
  13. Looks like cut and dry sarcasm to me. Like, hit you in the face with a frying pan kind of sarcasm. If you thought that was a serious comment, you may want to re-evaluate your comedy game. Do you often find yourself at a party thinking “why are they laughing?”
  14. For anyone saying Lambo’s in the wrong for bringing it up now, I guess he brought it up to help the people he did like in the organization in response to Meyer saying he was going to fire people. I could see Meyer being vindictive knowing his time was coming to and end and taking people down with him. Looks like it worked as only Meyer was fired.
  15. So where does that end, and who gets the final say? If he was found “not guilty” who decides if the reasonable doubt was not reasonable enough? “He’s by no means innocent”, according to whom? You? What investigation did you do? You call people ignorant for not being as self assured and arrogant as you. Where’d you get this beyond reproach expertise? You watched a few documentaries, read a few articles? Sounds like we have an expert on our hands. Seems like a slippery slope, and I for one am glad you don’t have the final say in these matters.
  16. It’s a fair point that they don’t really have any incentive to call a fair game anyway. But in a way we’re basically putting a giant bullseye on our backs for the foreseeable future. “Oh, you think we’re blind now, wait til we call EVERYTHING we see going forward.” And if you think this new eyeball awakening won’t mostly be pointed at us, you’re not giving the refs enough credit for being one of the biggest grudge holding/holier than thou bunch to grace the gridiron every week.
  17. No. The biggest point for me being he was not found guilty. If he was, okay let’s have the discussion. But you can’t just decide someone’s a bad person because you believe it to be true. It starts a very bad precedent, and one that surely wouldn’t stop at being accused of murder.
  18. It’s funny, and I have no problem with getting a little jab in. But do you think this hurts us, or helps us? Refs are definitely going to hear about this. You don’t think there might be some sour grapes? Hughes is still being destroyed by the refs any chance they get because he complained. Idk, I just don’t see this going well for us in the long run. We already thought the game was being called unfairly, now publicly embarrassing them for being bad at their jobs? Not sure how that gives them incentive to call a fair game we’re included in going forward. If anything, I could see it going the other way. These guys have proven to be an arrogant, grudge holding bunch.
  19. All I know is if you do decide to do this, I need to be there.
  20. Man, this board has been straight up unreadable for a few weeks now. You guys have Patriots on the brain. “It’s okay to lose to opponent, must not lose to fear.” -Mr. Miyagi
  21. I love how people think the cap applies to everyone but the Bills. Let me guess, you would’ve also like him to bring in some all-pro guards, some tackle depth, a surefire pass rusher, a monster run killing DT, and now elite corner depth instead of the “scrubs.” Sounds completely reasonable, not sure how these mediocre coaches and gms keep jobs around here with guys like you around.
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