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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Bobby Hooks hate fueled circus. I love it, I’ll only charge people a photo of them spitting on the homeless as an entrance fee.
  2. Why wait? I hate all sorts of things, we should just start now.
  3. Idk, I try to get out of going to the airport to pick up friends and family. So if it makes op happy you’ll never catch me there.
  4. No, I don’t hate every player on every team. I hate the players on our division rival teams. If they move to another team I keep that dislike going, if they’re traded to the bills I like them instantly. The only two I kind’ve don’t mind are Brady and Darnold. Darnold never stood a chance and Brady is Brady. Dude’s an anomaly, you kind’ve got to tip your hat that the guy.
  5. I love how Groots sacks are magically not good because they’re viewed as Johnny on the spot sacks. Dude has to be there, he obviously has a good feel for the game, I’ve never been bummed when a guy gets a “clean up” sack. If he wasn’t there, the play would continue. I’ve seen many plays that turned into huge gains because there was no one there to actually end the play. How many times did Hughes get to the qb first only to have the qb escape the sack and make a good play? It’s a bit like a safety that has a nose for where the ball is going. Groot kinda has a feel for where the qb will end up, that’s not a bad thing, that’s a huge plus. Especially in today’s nfl where more and more qbs have scrambling ability.
  6. Haha… New England? We were never good at the same time. We owned then in the 90’s, then they owned us, that’s not a rivalry. Pats rivalry was the colts, and Id even say the Ravens. We never rivaled them in their stretch. You might have thought of them as a rival, but they certainly never did. Fish have always been our rival. Both good at the same time, both bad at the same time. I don’t see Pats as our rival now, and if you do you’re living in the past. They’re the least of our worries. The only point I’ll agree to of yours is that the chiefs seem to be someone we may have a rivalry with in the future if all things progress as expected, but even they don’t think much of us after the last few outings.
  7. I think you definitely need to re-watch. He didn’t come down on top of him. In fact, he did all he could to keep his weight off of him imo.
  8. It was 100% clean, and in watching the replay he didn’t even put his weight on him when they fell. Not sure if this thread is supposed to be funny, but I’m not laughing. Fan of Tua? I could see if you liked him in college or something but as soon as he’s drafted by the Fish that fandom should go the way of the passenger pigeon.
  9. I’m not normally one of these “does this deserve it’s own thread” post police. But I feel like it would have made an excellent addition to the “I was actually the reason they lost this game” thread still hanging out on the first page.
  10. Definitely noticed more optimism overall and I’ve definitely noticed a huge number of newish fans (see: bandwagon) who’ve had no problems thumping their chests for a super bowl. But I think most fans that have been around long enough know anything can happen, and the game can turn on you in a second. I don’t want to speak for an entire fanbase but I think most of us feel like it won’t be time to expect anything until we can get that super bowl monkey off of our backs. Until then, it’s just hopeful optimism for me. I will say I didn’t let last Sunday’s game get me down too much, even the super bowl team of the 90’s had a few bad blowouts each season. This one wasn’t even all that bad, ran into a tough Defense.
  11. I don’t avoid this place, I don’t mind commiserating with other bummed fans. But I do avoid YouTube clips, gmfb, etc. which I typically enjoy throughout the week when we win. Now that I’m thinking about it I get almost as much enjoyment watching people talk about the win as the actual win itself. It also puts a damper on watching football on Sunday and Monday night. By Thursday I’m about over it so I can enjoy Thursday night football. A loss sucks, but it sucks a bit more when I know I’ll have little to no football related enjoyment throughout the following days.
  12. I think that what we’re seeing here, is we have a talented offense. But much like the Ravens, people have found out how to keep us in check. It’s easier said than done, you still have to have the personnel to do it, but the blueprint is out there. If you can manage to get a decent pass rush using four D lineman, whilst also getting away with an aggressive “sticky” D in the secondary you have a solid shot. I will say, it certainly seems like opposing teams are allowed to use that “sticky” d much more often and with less consequences than when we do it. Maybe they’re better at toeing that line?
  13. Haha… I don’t have anything against what you said here. I agree with some of it, albeit a tad dramatic. I do find some irony in this thread coming from a poster named “foreboding.”
  14. Easier said than done. I don’t think it’s a case of the fans “knowing when to be loud”, I know for me I have a certain amount to oomph to give each play. I’d prefer to give it my all when they’re at the line and make it difficult for them to audible/make adjustments than wear myself out when they’re in the huddle. Am I safe to assume from this post you were there giving it your all from huddle to snap on each Defensive play?
  15. I mean, that’s kind of an unspoken rule. People typically aren’t screaming when the offense is out there. If Josh thought the fans were conversing too loudly while the offense was out there he could’ve made the universal gestures for settle down.
  16. It wouldn’t open, so I searched online and found a story about Trevon Diggs and a model. I got it now.
  17. Agreed. I’ve never understood why so many dislike bww. Sure, there are better wings, but you don’t always have better options. Some of the flavors are great and I like the option of getting different sauces. Mango habanero, spicy garlic, blazin’.
  18. Did they also find Trout’s post to reaction ratio outrageous? Ahh… yes, it’s obtuse to find your own creative angle to express your opinion when you can just blanketly agree with one of your post mates with the push of a button. Thanks for taking the time to explain yourself to me. Though I would’ve thought you’d be above such things. Do you think if we go the way of the logo you might consider a name change to TroutReaction or ReactionDog?
  19. Yeah, that seems like a reasonable response. Surprised you didn’t give me a reaction. God help me? 2,600 posts, with well over an astounding 10k reactions, but god forbid someone might like a small icon next to their avatar. Mr. Reaction over here!
  20. I mean, you say “why is this a big deal?” But is it? It’s gone 5 pages, it’s not exactly Ertz level stuff. Icons aren’t my kind of thing either, but if some people like it and they get a kick out of it why do you care? You say you don’t, but you obviously do on some level. Have you always been a big reaction guy? Just taking a dip into your profile you’ve given out thousands and thousands of reactions. I bet you didn’t always fashion yourself a reaction giver. That had to start at some point. Maybe you’ll grow to like your logo. Idk, seems like a weird thing to have an issue with. I can say I don’t care, and I truly don't, makes zero difference to me. Give me a logo, don’t give me a logo. No bigs. You say you dont care, but you really seem to.
  21. *Long run on sentence warning* Dude, I told you that’s by design. When I was a street hockey champion at the local tennis court, I found that additional padding on the ankles kept me in the game where others might have a moment or two of hopping around in agony when an arrant ball or stick chopped them in the ankles. You have no idea how much garbage I collected around the net, when a lesser, normal ankled gent couldn’t hack it.
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