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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. If he could keep the Bears in it with that dumpster fire of an organization. He could keep the Bills in it. Looking at how that team is run is an absolute testament to Mitch being better than most want to give him credit for.
  2. So the Bills signing Johnson to an extension somehow becomes your accomplishment? Congratulations?
  3. Agree. Like Sanders said, we need to just go in and play our game. If they can beat us that way, fine. But I don’t think I can stomach another shell shocked little brother playing big brother outing.
  4. There’s a fine line between shirtless gents sitting around a kitchen island sipping vino and reminiscing of memories past, and dirty hippies. I’ve decided that line is socks. You want to take your socks off, take it to burning man you carny!
  5. As condescending as the premise is, I’m taking that compliment and running with it. As for the stools, you may be a bit disappointed. They do have strong legs, but there’s only room for two on the outside of the island. Plenty of room if two decide to stand, I’m cool with standing, I want my guests to be as comfortable as possible. The shirtless part is triggering, if you know me at all, you’d know that shirts come off with the shoes as soon as you walk in the front door. Even the mere mention of shirts during a kitchen island wine chat is enough to send me into a weapon x berserker type rage.
  6. To be fair to our D it’s not like they’re completely unprepared. They go against one of the best offenses in the league pretty much every day outside of game day.
  7. I definitely googled “cute stuff” but the rest was all me baby!! I don’t like the designed runs. Teams usually have that sniffed out pretty well. Josh is at his most dangerous when the play breaks down and he scoots. If you want to design a run, do it for the guy whose job it is. We have such dangerous weapons why not utilize them all? Start pass, if it’s not there, go! I don’t like the idea of limiting the plays options before it even starts. Im a fan of Josh running, I just don’t 100% trust Daboll to know when to do it. I feel like a lot of times when a play doesn’t go well he starts getting cute and doubles down instead of moving on. We can’t waste drives vs. the chiefs. Agree? Disagree? Or do you just want to talk about Google all day?
  8. Daboll needs to stay away from the cute stuff. I don’t like the designed Allen runs, it limits what can be done on a specific play. Call a pass play, if it’s not there Josh can scramble without a million defenders at the line.
  9. So… joined in 2015, has 6 posts. You’d think that means the op waits for a profound thought or topic. Nope. Just shoots from the hip. Maybe a case of morning cereal “suger” high?
  10. I like the action we were getting from our dbs rushing the qb in the Miami game. But I fear what Mahomes would do to us if we used a db to rush. Still, if they get there fast enough could catch Mahomes off guard and could lead to a turnover or two. Im excited about the game but really don’t feel all that optimistic about a win. Kinda need to see it to believe it against the chiefs at this point.
  11. I still don’t believe that was actually happening. I think he mistook “Beas” with boos. Instead of doing the stand up thing, and admitting his mistake he doubled down and made up stories. I could be wrong, but most people have commented on how no one was booing near them (myself included), and people behind the bench said they didn’t hear anything. If some cretin said something to him after the game and this is his reaction to all fans he has seriously thin skin and may need to consult a dermatologist. Though he’d probably just say he doesn’t believe their diagnosis and proceed as normal.
  12. Haha… now that you put it that way it may be difficult to stifle a game winning td cheer. Alright, I’ll cheer good plays regardless of players (team accomplishments). But during team intros, etc. I’m staring into that abyss!
  13. I added more to my comment. But yeah, I’m with you. Last thing anyone wants is an us vs. them divide in one of the most exciting years of football bills fans have had a chance to experience in a long time.
  14. Just because the mom made her kid return the candy bar he stole, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t still have to apologize for it. But yeah, I’m ready to move on to the Chiefs! Unlike Beasley I won’t expect the team to pay for the obnoxious minority. But as far as that obnoxious minority is concerned I won’t be cheering him. I won’t boo, but I won’t cheer either.
  15. I’ve had a day to think this over. I’ve said enough in this thread so my feelings about it are well documented. I’ll just say one more thing on the topic and move on. I’m actually a little more upset about it than I was initially. Which was pretty damn upset. But I along with 10’s of thousands of others were out there in the rain, spending our money and our Sunday cheering that guy on. I know some folks think there were some boos, I heard zero. And after a good win, when we should be feeling good about our team and the experience, getting ready for next weeks huge game. We get blasted by the very same player we cheered. It’s not okay. He should have apologized after his initial post, he should’ve realized if a few jerks said something, it doesn’t represent the fanbase. But instead he doubles down like a dug in child and doesn’t let it rest. In fact, he adds more fuel to the fire. Heck, I even had a few encounters with jerks during the game, didn’t let it ruin my day, why? Because I’m an adult. People say and do stupid things, doesn’t mean I should go mount my soapbox and blame humanity as a whole. I gotta say, I really liked Beasley, can’t say the same today. He ruined a piece of my enjoyment this week. Can’t say I’ve ever experienced anything like that in my 30 plus years of fandom. Pretty bummed. I think that guy owes us an apology. I know that sounds a tad dramatic, but he really does.
  16. Yeah, the first part of my original comment I said how impressed I was with the composure. Especially in a game of that magnitude. It’s a good thing for sure, but being a fan of a division rival of course I’m going to look for things that can be exploited. And for me, I’d do my best to take away the shorter stuff and force him to go deeper. If he proves he can do it, I’d adjust.
  17. Possibly, it was my first experience watching him. Just seemed like it was a bit of a chore for him. I’ll reserve full judgement until I see more. You don’t get that impression at all watching him?
  18. First time watching Mac. I have to say I was impressed by the composure, but it seemed like it took his whole upper body to throw 15 yards. If it was my D I’d cover the intermediate part of the field and force him to throw long. Just don’t see it in him.
  19. So Beasley’s super fragile, cool. Honestly, this all seems like damage control. Realized he was wrong and instead of admitting his mistake he’s doubling down and making up stories. Blasting a fanbase for screaming your name in the pouring rain, new all-time low.
  20. So instead of admitting his mistake he’s saying a few drunks picked on him, and that justifies calling out the whole fandom?!
  21. This is getting ridiculous now. We’re in the pouring rain yelling the dudes name and now he’s questioning the fandom. Messed up. He needs to seriously move on, and watch a game with Bruce playing and then do the only right thing, apologize.
  22. I was there, I can confirm there was no booing. You guys think we were booing Bruce Smith too? Try and catch a game once in a while.
  23. I’m not a fan of this “you usually don’t” stuff. We’re not a usual team. We’re most likely going to be picking at the very end of the draft for a few years at least. We don’t have many spots left. If there’s a choice between a guy that can make your team, and make a difference you pick him regardless of position. “Oomph, I really wish Josh didn’t get injured on that play, we shoulda took that guard that would’ve blocked his guy and saved our qb worth a quarter of a billion dollars for 5 years. But people say you don’t draft them early.” Meanwhile the developmental linebacker/receiver/corner is sitting on the pine pony.
  24. Yeah, he knew he still had to pay Star and couldn’t get out of it.
  25. Always the Dolphins. We were never rivals with New England. We were great in the 90’s, they sucked. They were great in the 2,000’s, we sucked. The Colts were the Pats rivals, and after that the Ravens. Bills fans may have made those games against them significant, but the Pats and their fans just saw an easy W and didn’t see a rivalry. They saw big brother beating up on little brother. I certainly won’t give them the rival title now, they’re the least of my worries.
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