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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. I love how people think the cap applies to everyone but the Bills. Let me guess, you would’ve also like him to bring in some all-pro guards, some tackle depth, a surefire pass rusher, a monster run killing DT, and now elite corner depth instead of the “scrubs.” Sounds completely reasonable, not sure how these mediocre coaches and gms keep jobs around here with guys like you around.
  2. I completely disagree with the Barkley take. He had his chances and had a bunch of starts under his belt. No one was mistaking him for a starter. When he beat the Jets it was a cute story. You can’t say the same for Mike White, he’s only played in 9 quarters of football and looked excellent in 5 of them. The other 4 were against the best D in all of football. I’m not saying there’s a qb controversy vs. him and Wilson. I’m saying given the situation you’re in (with Wilson being hurt) you see exactly what you have in White over playing Flacco. At least White playing answers questions for the future. Could he be a back-up? Trade bait? Flacco starting… why, for what? If beating the Dolphins is the goal, then Saleh’s as clueless as he’s being painted by the media. Beating the Dolphins with Joe Flacco does nothing toward building a “winning culture.” You build a winning culture with a very clear plan. You build a winning culture by putting your players in the best situations for them to succeed. He didn’t even have a veteran qb on the team up until a few weeks ago. This qb carousel they’re all currently on will do nothing to fix that. In fact, I’d be willing to bet it will only muddy the waters as it appears he’s just grasping at straws at this point. If he hasn’t lost the team, it certainly seems as if it’s only a matter of time until he does.
  3. Sitting White in favor of Flacco makes no sense to me. The dude could actually be pretty good. First off, he’s on the Jets, they don’t have much talent and the coaching is suspect to say the least. Secondly, they went against one of the best if not the best defense in the league. This is basically his rookie year and he didn’t get any work in the offseason. If Josh Allen in just his rookie year had that first game, and then looked as good in his second game before getting injured, then had that terrible game against one of the best defenses, we wouldn’t sit him it would kill his confidence. You don’t look great in every game. All qbs have off nights, more so in your first few games as a pro. Wilson, Fields, and Lawrence all had rough games to start. I’d work with the young guns, see what I have and go from there. Best case, they both show up and you have some trade bait. Worst case you know you may need to start the search over again. You learn nothing starting Flacco other than he might be slightly better than two noobs right now. Either way, it’s very Jetsy and I’m okay with it as they’re only hurting themselves long term, IMO.
  4. I thought adults might know how to spell know. Crazy me!
  5. To be fair, we thought this about the Jags game.
  6. He followed all of the protocols as an unvaccinated player. He said the team knew his status. He explained all of it on Pat Mcafee’s show. I don’t agree with everything he said, but he made a few interesting points. Still unsure why the OP cared enough about whether or not he got a game check to start an Aaron Rodgers game check thread on a Bills board, but, here we are.
  7. So… first of all. All fanbases have the obnoxious minority of the perpetually unhappy. These players have to know that these fans make up a much smaller faction. I get it’s in their face with social media and everything but how can they even be sure they’re actually fans and not just trolls or bandwagon fans? Almost all articles have comment sections full of people just trying to get a rise. I don’t like this newish trend of calling out an entire fanbase for the views of a few. It’s incredibly toxic and unfair to the true fans. With that said, Chiefs fans have become my least favorite base, so, I’m actually okay with this one. Let ‘em rot!
  8. I think with a week off to get healthier Milano might be big factor. He was playing incredibly well before getting nicked up. He was a complete non-factor in the Titans game. Also, I think Tre and Poyer both cause a turnover.
  9. Death nails is quite possibly my favorite common mistake in the English language. It’s a combo of two expressions, the death knell, and final nail in the coffin. Ftr, I’m not picking on you, I get pure enjoyment every time I see it used.
  10. Bills Defense goes against one of the best offenses in the league every day outside of game day. The same can be said of the offense (even if it was an off game last Monday), so no, we’re not overly worried about it. Thanks for the concern, but we’re just fine over here.
  11. Is this a joke? Miami losing to the Jags and seeing the fans freaking out and calling for a complete rebuild makes my year.
  12. I don’t know if I agree with this take. Harding actually had a very rough go of it, she was ultra talented and the judges, etc. did everything they could to ignore how good she was because they didn’t want her kind (not well to do, and in their opinion kinda trashy) representing the sport. Ever since Mahomes has entered the nfl, it seems like he can do no wrong and has only walked on a yellow brick road with ruby red slippers.
  13. I don’t know about fans that have been through it all. But I know bandwagon fans will be unbearable. They already are, I can’t stand seeing some people that had zero interest in watching the games talk about how great “we” are, and it’s all super bowl talk on social media, etc. Grosses me out!
  14. On top of all that, Eagles have their first rounder. Ouch! That’s going to be a nice pick.
  15. 100% agree. It’s the same kind of sloppy reasoning analysts were using for straight up missing on Allen. Fans saw the growth week to week. Early on we saw that the kid was growing into something special. Anyone actually paying attention could have seen it coming. 2020 happened and they were all convinced it had to be the mechanics work that made it all possible. They didn’t miss it, it just wasn’t there til then. Which is just wrong and lazy. It was annoying, and definitely rotted my socks (hope you don’t mind me borrowing that) but I guess at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. We have our guy, and whether they wanted to give him the proper accolades or not, he’s forcing the issue now. Though I guess that won’t stop them for making their excuses how they could be so very wrong.
  16. You going to catch a game with me or what?
  17. Yeah, I wasn’t saying every one was on Bojo, I could see how my original post may have made it seem that way but those early kicks are huge for a rookie kicker trying to get into his groove. Much like a young qb having his confidence rattled early on, it’s sometimes hard to overcome. I’m glad Bass was able to remain composed and overcome it but like you said rookie kickers typically have a rough go of it early on. It makes it that much worse when your placeholder is responsible for multiple missed kicks. If your confidence takes a hit because you miss a few kicks, so be it. But for your placeholder to be responsible for some is almost criminal. Doesn’t seem like something that should be happening to an nfl player.
  18. Bass is showing now his early misses we’re definitely due to Bojo. That dude could’ve singlehandedly ruined the confidence of the Bills best kicker to come around in a very long time.
  19. You know you’re on the Bills message board, right? This isn’t Patsnation or whatever sideshow they have going. You’re obviously on the wrong message board if you think you have to tell us the bolded. You don’t have to worry about us, as evidenced by the last 20 years, Are there bandwagon fans, of course. There are for every team when things go well. But those are the same fans saying “super bowl” in every comment section all of social media wide. Not here. It’s actually insulting you think you have something to teach us about bandwagon fans.
  20. I don’t need to look at KC. You’re looking at this from the Pats lens. Your time just ended so it’s fresh. We’ve had 20 years to learn this lesson. We had an excellent team in the 90’s and poof, it was gone for 20 years. There’s nothing you can teach us about enjoying the moment that we haven’t already learned. We’re not taking anything for granted, we’re just enjoying what we have now. Is there something wrong with that? Isn’t that what being a fan is all about? It’s supposed to be fun and entertaining. Well… we’re having fun and being entertained. Can things change? Sure, that just means we should enjoy it even more now while it’s happening. You’d prefer we sit here and stress about what could happen in the future? Nah… sorry, I’d rather enjoy football, not make it a stressful chore. Don’t need anymore advice on this, thanks.
  21. Haha… you don't have to tell us. We’ve been waiting 20 years for this.
  22. I mean, yeah you said great move, only after tooting your own horn with an entire paragraph.
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