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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. It has nothing to do with listening to him. In general there isn't enough hockey talk and it doesn't have to just be about the Sabres. I like the show and they do talk about what goes on in the NHL a lot. I would like all the football talk if they didn't just focus on the Bills all the time.
  2. I can buy rising Covid cases for a reason as for so many resale tickets available. I don't buy the vaccine requirement as a reason cause all season it wasn't an issue. Face it the problem is that a lot of season ticket holders are older and don't want to sit out in the cold.
  3. My disappointment is them cutting the Instigators show down to an hour. There was no reason to have homer Sal 5 days a week.
  4. I wish the Bills would crack down on those that do that.
  5. Yes the tickets are sold. My question is why are so many season ticket holders who are supposed to be the most passionate of the group reselling them.
  6. Not if you add PSL's. Let the season ticket holders pay for it.
  7. There was no issue with the vaccine requirements all season til now. Maybe season ticket holders should actually go to the game instead of reselling them to make a quick buck. IMO if I were the Bills I would ban the reselling of playoff tickets.
  8. IMO what's more disappointing is that many season ticket holders are reselling their tickets.
  9. The crazy thing to me is how when the game time was announced many here loved it being Saturday night.
  10. That's at the current cheap ticket price. What happens when PSLs and higher ticket prices come into play? I'm not so sure they will fill the place when that happens.
  11. That's all well and good with what the ticket prices are today. Will the stadium be full when the new stadium comes and tickets are much higher in price? There is no way they stay in the bottom quarter of teams in terms of ticket price. The days of tickets costing less then $100 are over.
  12. I would say they are generating excitement since calling up some of the kids. They may not win every night but they are fun to watch this season. The radio thing is that it still bugs me how the cut back the Instigators show so Sal can have more time Monday to Friday.
  13. I'm not saying it's the fans fault for the Sabres not being good. Im talking how little they are talked about by Buffalo sports fans. Very little chatter her since they called up the kids from Rochester. It's no different on the other board I go to that is geared towards hockey. More talk about the Bills them the Sabres. Don't get me started on the media side of things. There is absolutely no reason to dedicate the majority of air time to the Bills.
  14. If you read the second part I did say those within 2 hour driving distance is ideal. Canada would then count. Crap weather has always been an issue. For some reason season ticket holders complain when there is too many home games in November and December. One thing I would love to see is the Bills revoke tickets to anyone who sells more games then they attend.
  15. I disagree. It had no effect on games earlier in the season. I personally think a lot has to do with how many season ticket holders are not from WNY. IMO the Bills best plan would to be to only season tickets to those within a 2 hour drive of the stadium.
  16. I hold them in disdain cause of the fans. I know the Sabres have been bad for a while now but even when they were good they weren't paid attention to much. I'm not even talking about here. In general the Sabres are dismissed a lot. I guarantee once the Bills season is done the focus will turn to the draft. WGR is the worst offender. They cut the Sabres show to an hour and hardly talk about them unless it's game day. They finally have some young kids to get excited about and nothing.
  17. I'm fine with most colour commentators. I would rather they do something about the play-by-play guys. Too many can't follow the play very well and are way over the top homers.
  18. I get that. Locally there is not enough support when the weather turns. IMO having season ticket holders that aren't local doesn't help either.
  19. For a fanbase that's supposed to be one of the better ones, they seem to have issues filling their stadium.
  20. What gets me is how come fans make a big deal about the weather in why fans don't want to go. Yet Green Bay the weather is worse and they have no issue filling the seats. Once the new stadium comes and tickets are twice the price if not higher, the secondary market will dry up.
  21. What's going to happen when they price goes up when the new stadium comes?
  22. It's great that he can run with the ball. If I'm an opposing defensive coordinator I'm telling my guys to start teeing off on QBs that are running.
  23. Had to bump but after Allen's lackluster game today with his 3 picks I think that ends the MVP discussion. IMO as long as he isn't seriously injured I think the MVP has go to Burrow.
  24. My guess is with lower capacity they can get away with upping the average ticket price from $82 to closer to $120 or more. With the team winning it will be an easy sell.
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