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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. All I've gotten out of this thread is the majority of you stick your fingers in your ears like you don't want to hear it. Unless it's sunshine and rainbows you dismiss it.
  2. It will come. They have 2 highly talented goalie prospects coming.
  3. Agreed. Its the one thing that bothers me. So many here are Boxscore watchers. The Sabres have been fun to watch but many don't bother to watch and just look at the box score. What I have never can figure out is how Bills fans that have left WNY still follow the Bills but could care less about the Sabres or hockey
  4. It was nice to see a full building and a loud crowd. Miss seeing that. I know many are hesitant to give them a chance yet but I think this time it's different. The young players are already showing signs of being good. The big thing is they are getting some goaltending which they didn't have for much of the year.
  5. I don't care about how good a human being a player is. I want elite talent at WR over a rotational DE. This blue collar Buffalo mentality has to end.
  6. It's not about making the team better this year. The future looks good. Imagine if they had average goaltending all season. They would a .500 team. I think next year will be much better.
  7. It's only his 2ND SEASON with missing most of his 1st season. People forget how bad Allen was in his 2nd season. Burrows is much farther ahead of where Allen was in his 2nd season. I really don't understand the bitterness many here have against the Bengals or the Rams.
  8. Yes they missed that call and it helped the Bengals. They weren't calling anything all game and then start calling things on the Bengals to help the Rams win in the end.
  9. Yes seriously. Kinda funny how all game they let things go and then at the end they call things for the Rams to get the go ahead TD.
  10. Doubtful. They weren't beating the Rams and the refs. No team was.
  11. They really want the Rams to win this game don't they.
  12. @Boatdrinks why the vomit? Big deal I bet on other teams.
  13. There was no money value in a Bills bet.
  14. I do wonder if a lot of this blue collar mindset from the fans is due to the average age of many Bills fans. I have noticed that a lot of posters here have been fans from well before Jim Kelly.
  15. I agree with what you said. I think a lot of it comes from that many Bills fans still have this mindset that that the Bills have to a blue collar team and Divas don't belong here. Beckham would have been a great addition. For some reason many Bills fans don't want Me First guys.
  16. Not at all I live in Niagara Canada. I wasn't sticking up for them at all. In fact I'm happy the Bengals won as I put money on them to win the Super Bowl when the playoffs started.
  17. At the same time the overrated defense couldn't get a stop when they needed to most of the game. BTW you should be happy an Ohio team is playing for the Super Bowl.
  18. What is your issue with KC? Yes they have some obnoxious fans but all teams do. It took a near perfect game from Allen to do so. The over-rated number 1 defense didn't do anything.
  19. That was said last year too about leaving a bad taste in their mouth and it will push them this season. Nothing changed except for losing a round earlier. As good as Allen is, the defense is far from elite and was very overrated this season. They were number 1 due playing a lot of weak teams.
  20. I have no issue with it. I can sympathize with those who can't make the game and have to sell their tickets. In most instances that's not a high number. I would imagine it's season ticket holders buying them up and trying to make a profit off the tickets.
  21. If I'm KC next week I'm doing everything in my power to hurt Josh Allen.
  22. Why are the real fans reselling them?
  23. Or maybe stop letting ticket holders buy them for the purpose of reselling them.
  24. I would take Marty over Sal, Chris Brown and Howard any day of the week.
  25. You mean those same soft fans that are reselling their tickets for a playoff game.
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