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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. To be honest what bothers me is not so much you don't want to watch them right now due to them not being good. What bothers me is those who only look at the box score and say look they lost again. Same old Sabres.
  2. The goalie tandem is set this way to buy time til UPL is ready. I do think they some great players coming up. I expect next season to be the one they breakout if UPL is ready. Quinn and Powers should be on the roster next season.
  3. Question for you. If the play this style of hockey all season but still finish bottom 5 would that be good enough for you?
  4. Partially it's the same. From the way he posted if they go on a big losing streak and finish at the bottom again, its a failure. Where I differ is that this season shouldn't necessarily be about winning. Wins are great if they get them but my focus is on seeing them keeping playing this type of hockey all season. They will have nights where they don't score a lot as they don't have a lot of high scoring players yet.
  5. The difference for me is I'm not expecting much from them this year. There is probably going to losing streaks. My focus for this season is to see them play this way all year. If they can keep up with this style of play for the majority of the year then I will be impressed. Winning is nice, but seeing them grow is what this season is about.
  6. @BillsFan4 what's with the eye roll? Bills fans had no issue sticking around when they sucked.
  7. They are exciting to watch. It's too bad so many only look at results and have no interest in watching the players grow. For those that have given up on them, don't bother coming back we don't need you.
  8. They probably will have trouble scoring some nights and not likely going to be a playoff team this year. Most people weren't expecting that. My hope is they continue to play like they have in the first 2 games. Watching the young players grow is what this year is about. I'm tired of the scoreboard watching fans of this team.
  9. I know it's tough to have faith in Adams. I do think they have found their coach. I think Granato is going to be good. He's got them playing exciting hockey. I don't expect playoffs but I would be happy if they play like this all year.
  10. The Bills haven't looked that good so far either. They lost to mediocre Steelers team. The two teams they beat so far aren't very good.
  11. It's the most open cause the AFC teams have all looked mediocre so far. None of them look in the same league as the Bucs and Rams
  12. I'm actually excited to see the young guys on the team. They may not win a lot but they should be fun to watch.
  13. This is why I stopped posting for awhile here. Too many box score Warriors. Bet most of you just look at the final score. I don't think they are garbage at all. I think they are a .500 team. I think the after affects from the guys getting Covid took a lot out of them. In the losing streak by the 3rd period many guys were out of gas. You probably never noticed as you just looked at the box score and never watched.
  14. I haven't posted in awhile. I know most don't want to believe it. I think this current run and the way they have been playing since the losing streak is more the real team. For some reason many seem to ignore the Covid situation but IMO it did a lot to th team. I think the after affects from it hurt a lot of players and with Ullmark out didn't help. The only good that came of it was firing Krueger. Since the losing streak ended they have played quite well. It's unfortunate many here only look at box scores.
  15. Yes. Since the new season started the ratings have gone up. I think the main reason ratings were down in the summer is due to most people being able to do things outdoors after being stuck indoors due to Covid.
  16. It's changed now. https://www.nhl.com/news/nhl-draws-record-tv-ratings-on-opening-night/c-320321426
  17. I don't fully blame Bettman on that. A big part of the problem is for some reason hockey has never drawn well in the US. No matter what they do it hasn't helped.
  18. I get that most on this board don't care for hockey. Not surprised to see comments like that. All the disagrees, eye rolls and vomits are for all the comments on how the Bills will be in the Super Bowl next year. Or that a Super Bowl between Bills and Packers would have drawn more. First they are still 2 small markets and second the ratings are down due to lack of parties this year. Believe it or not Super bowl parties are where more casual fans watch it. Most of those people wouldn't be watching the game otherwise.
  19. I disagree cause there is one league were ratings are going up. The league that most here seem to forget about. The NHL. Their TV ratings are up from last year.
  20. I don't think the Penguins or the Islanders are better then the Sabres at all. I think they will be fighting with them all season. That's if the season gets finished. The way they have handled the situation with the Devils has been awful. They should never have played this past weekend.
  21. I will excuse them for their play against New Jersey due to the Covid situation. I'm guessing after hearing about some Devil players going into Covid protocol and still having to play their heads weren't in it. I don't think it's more of the same. They have played well for the most part. I think Eichel is still dealing with an injury. What gets me is all most seem to do is just look at their record being 4-4-2 and equate that to them being the same team as last year. I look at is them being 1 point out of the last playoff spot with games in hand now and still plenty of games left.
  22. I think they can get in at the number 4 spot. Pittsburgh isn't as good as they once were and the rest of the division doesn't look good at all.
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