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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. The only ones that really are must win are the AFC games left. Right now their AFC record isn't good with 4 losses all ready.
  2. It's not a slap in the face at all. They are 2 evenly matched teams. It's going to be a close game.
  3. I hope he doesn't sell them. I personally don't want to go through all the possible relocation crap again. Til Pegula came around there was always whispers about it. From what I hear from many Bills fans they pretty much want the team gone. I can't count how many times I have heard Bills fans go on about hating to hear hockey talk on the radio. Enough about that. Anybody watch last night's game? Cause they played extremely well. Thompson is becoming a star and has been fun to watch. This team could be in the mix if they can get good goaltending every night. It's their biggest need.
  4. Today on WGR they were saying if the Bills don't win the last 3 AFC games it will come down to Tie Breakers. Their AFC record is only 5-4.
  5. I think they are over hyped and are no where near that Super Bowl many thought they were. They have benefited from a weak schedule. Outside of the Chiefs, they haven't beaten a team over .500. They still can't stop the run for the life of them. It's been going for a few years now, good running teams run all over them. They can't run the ball either. Til those are fixed this will continue to happen.
  6. Just a football fan in general. I'm mostly here to chat about that other team in Buffalo that gets disrespected here.
  7. First I'm not a Pats fan at all. 2nd I have been on this board for years. I feel some here need some humbling.
  8. I can agree with that. It's thinking like that I can get behind. Its the over the top Homerism I can't stand. To act like the Bills are the best in the AFC at 5-3 when they have a bad O-Line and can't run the ball.
  9. Yes I do. It's mainly do to with the fans. There is some good posters here but I find a few that are over the top.
  10. As some one who doesn't like the Pats, I hope the Bills split with them and lose to the Colts. The Homerism in this place has gone way to over the top. They are 5-3 with a cupcake schedule. These next few weeks will tell the tale.
  11. I'm predicting a loss. Outside of the Titans, this will be the best team they have faced. The Chiefs aren't that good this year due to their defense. The Colts defense is one of the best and the Bills aren't good against the run.
  12. I won't be surprised come next Monday there is a new team in first place in the AFC East. The Colts are going to be a lot tougher game then people here think.
  13. Disagree. Miami did the same game plan the week before a help the Bills offense in check for 3 quarters.
  14. Its fun watching the young kids play. They never quit in each game.
  15. Then why bother being a Bills Backer in LA. Why not cheer for the LA team since the Bills will never win. I'm expecting them to lose this week and New England to win. That's the way it's going to play out right?
  16. It's not just one game. They didn't look against Miami last week either. The offense has been off for most of the year. Teams are figuring them out. Til the start running the ball consistently they will have games they struggle in.
  17. I would hold off on that. They are missing a few top players. When you don't have much depth it's going to hurt them a lot. They also have played 6 games in 8 nights. At least they are still scoring and giving effort every night. For those upset on the losses, why not watch Rochester?
  18. It would have helped their power play at least. At least the goaltending is keeping them in games this year so far. It's much better then previous seasons.
  19. I think it is. The injuries have played a big part. They don't have to depth to have top guys missing a few games. My hope is they can stay in the race til Tuch and the others come back from injury.
  20. Agreed. I think the injuries have caught up to them right now. Last night showed how much they miss Olofsson, Jokiharu and Middlestadt.
  21. If Eichel was healthy they would have got more. When you look at his salary, the fact he is injured, and that he may not come back to playing as he was, this was the best they were going to get. I personally think it's a great deal. Krebs is highly rated and Tuch is good. Now with 3 1st rounders this year the can add a bunch of pieces next season.
  22. Last night they played pretty good. It shows how the lack of depth affects them. I expect them to win tomorrow against Seattle who haven't been that good.
  23. Same can be said for the Bills too. Wins against Miami twice, Houston Washington aren't impressive either.
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