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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. Nobody is arguing that it wasn't a hold. The argument is they were letting it go all game but decided to call it at a crucial time in the game.
  2. That's not what the argument has been. It was a hold but ticky tack at best. The thing is that stuff was let go all night. I am going to say this here and it could go in any of these threads. The NFL has and will always have favorites. I'm not saying the games are fixed or rigged but certain teams and players will always get the calls. Right now that team is KC and Mahomes. Last season it was the Rams as they needed a winner in LA so the city will support them.
  3. It wasn't that it was holding that was the problem. They had let that stuff go all game and decided to call it at the end. It ended up giving the chiefs the win. Same thing happened last season in the Super Bowl for the Rams.
  4. That is why many are upset with the call. Was it holding? Yes but not calling it all game then calling it at the end it's frustrating. I'm not a fan of either team just hate how the league favors certain teams. It happened last season too at around the same time in the game.
  5. I have no issue with where the stadium is. My issue is that its just a modern update to Highmark stadium. All these other teams are building these state of the art stadiums and Buffalo stays minor league. I'm not saying make it a dome but make it on the level of the 49ers stadium at least. As far as the Sabres go, one thing that would help them in drawing people is the media actually covering them. It drives me nuts that now that the Bills season is over, the Sabres don't get more coverage.
  6. I wonder if some of the issues is Allen himself. Yes he is a great QB but judging how he's played and the plays he makes I get the feeling he has a hard time reading the field. One thing he lacks which make Burrow and Mahomes a step above is adjusting at the line
  7. It's back to the way it used to be in terms of crossing the border. I've been to 2 games this season already and likely going to the Calgary game next Saturday. I never expected playoffs this season but to be in the mix til the end of the season. They are fun to watch. Was hoping now that the Bills are done the Sabres would get more focus. I'm not just talking about here but even media coverage.
  8. While reworking contracts will help, they do have a lot of holes to fill. They need an upgrade at WR, and revamp the OL. They can spend that money better elsewhere. Defense doesn't win in this league like it used to.
  9. Nobody. The problem is lack of cap room to re-sign him. I think many don't understand the situation the Bills are in.
  10. Its still regular season. They haven't shown the ability to rise up to the level required to win in the playoffs. I know why many are worried if McDermott leaves that the drought days will return. IMO many fans are just happy to see success. If he doesn't get past the Division round again then he has to go. They need a more offensive minded coach. It's the way the league is heading.
  11. Regular season and playoffs are two different things. Their defense works in the regular season cause they play more average offenses then really good ones. Their defense philosophy is based on teams making long drives to score and wait for mistakes. Against good or elite offenses they tend not to make that many mistakes. Difference is Reid still got to a Super Bowl with his first team. It wasn't til his second team that he figured it out.
  12. What if this the best he is. He is great for getting a team back to regular success but I'm not so sure he has what it takes to get much better. I look at McDermott like the NHLs Bruce Boudreau. Great coach that has great regular season success but can't get over the hump in the playoffs. IMO those that don't want to change much are afraid they regress back to the drought days. If he doesn't get over the hump next season they have to clean house
  13. That's not what I said at all. I said in the Bengals game he was up to his MVP caliber. Allen is an elite QB but where he lacks is making adjustments at the line and he lacks some game IQ.
  14. It does take a toll but I don't really buy it as a reason why they lost. I more believe it was a result of a bad game plan and Allen not being the MVP certain posters believe he is.
  15. Hate to break it to you but the NFL is an entertainment product not a pro league. The league does things to help teams win all the time. Last Super Bowl was a good example. The Bengals were looking like they were going to win but come 4th quarter the flags started flying against them to help the Rams win. Newsflash the Rams had issues selling tickets. Having them win fixed some of that. They did the same in the Eagles 49ers game. They called penalties to make sure the Eagles won. It's a better draw then a QB less 49ers team.
  16. I will spend the rest of the winter watching the Sabres making the playoffs.
  17. I have said it again and again. The Bills defense works in the regular season cause of the few elite offenses they play. Their defense is predicated on having offenses needing 10-12 play drives to score and waiting for mistakes to happen. It works against average offenses but doesn't work against elite offenses.
  18. The past 2 seasons were their best shot. Now with the cap space and so many holes I think they regress for a few seasons. They will be a playoff team but don't see them being in the upper tier til the cap issues are fixed.
  19. Either way til that changes the results will be the same. What I don't get is why they rarely take what other teams do that works against the teams they are playing and don't use some of them. They clearly saw what the Ravens did against the Bengals and did none of that.
  20. That defense from the start of this season is not returning. Poyer is all but gone plus likely losing a few others. IMO it won't matter what they do as they have hit their ceiling. I say that cause there defensive scheme doesn't work against elite teams. Case in point, look at how KC's defense played the Bengals compared to how the Bills played them. KC jammed the Bengals recievers and didn't play off the ball which game Burrow no time to throw.
  21. IMO I think those that are opposed to change is they are afraid the team won't be as good and possibly go back to the drought years.
  22. In the regular season and against bad or average offenses it works. Those offenses will make mistakes. Against elite offenses like most in the playoffs it struggles.
  23. I wish this passion was shared for the Sabres. While I don't think they are going anywhere anytime soon. My question who is going to be able to afford the PSLs that go with this new stadium.
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