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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. That was at the beginning of the year. They had a sell out today. You can't say much when the Bills have issues selling tickets in December and January. Look at the amount of Bengals fans at the last game.
  2. For the older generation this stadium works just fine. The problem is if they want to get the 40 and under generation to go to games you need it to be on the level of those stadiums. It's already a hard sell for fans in December and January games. The Bengals game should never had that many Bengals fans in attendance.
  3. Yep and with PSLs starting at $10,000 a seat.
  4. For the amenities we don't know anything and that would make the stadium a lot better depending on what is offered. My problem is that from the renderings its an upgrade to what's already there. For the amount of money they are spending I wanted to see something more in line the Vikings stadium. This was the chance to bring the city of Buffalo and the Bills up to the level of the top cities in the NFL.
  5. It's going to be a pile of rocks like the original one. Still for what they spent on it, it should be a lot more impressive. It's very generic but I guess that's to be expected when all fans want is the Bills to stay.
  6. That is such a small-minded way to look at it.
  7. With PSLs coming and hopefully the end of the private lots that will help with that. I still don't understand why so many are happy with something so uninspiring?
  8. I'm fine with no dome but it still should be more state of the art. Instead what we got screams small market. I guess all that matters is that they are staying in Buffalo
  9. It looks different and has a lot of stuff the old stadium didn't have but it's still nothing special, especially when you compare to all the new stadiums that have been built in the last few years. That's all I'm saying. I looks like something they would have built in the era when they built stadiums like the Browns or the Steelers.
  10. While it looks nice, I not blown away by it. It's basically an updated version of the stadium they already have. It doesn't necessarily need to be a dome but more state of the art.
  11. I would agree with that "assessment" if that happened after Allen got hurt. They dropped the short passing game well before that.
  12. I hope so. As a person who loves hockey seeing it as mostly an afterthought is disappointing. Even now with the NFL season over the Sabres still don't get much coverage locally. THEY ARE 2 POINTS OUT OF THE PLAYOFFS. The media needs to start talking about them Who cares who the Bills are going to draft in the 7th round of the playoffs
  13. First I will say the game has never been better or exciting. They do have that Gretzky type player. Problem is he plays in Edmonton and your casual sports fan could care less. IMO it will always be number 4 for a few reasons. One being it's not an accessible sport for most people due to cost to play. For me the biggest reason it will always be number 4 is the game is too fast for the casual sports fan. Football, Basketball and Baseball are slow paced and are much easier to follow. I will say I wish the game was more popular than it is now. IMO it's the best pro sport and has the best playoffs.
  14. I know it does. I think many forget this season was a development one. Being in the mix this late in the season is a bonus. I think they can still make it but I'm also not expecting many additions at the deadline. IMO they are still a year away from being a major playoff contender.
  15. I think they are still very in it. They are only 4 points back with 5 games in hand on Florida. After tonight against Tampa the schedule gets much easier. They play Florida tomorrow, then Washington and Columbus. I think they will get 4-5 out of the possible 6 points.
  16. It has nothing to do with that. Watching them will take away the concerns fans have with the league playing favorites
  17. They may not want to get too close to these "bogus leagues" as you call them but they have no issue taking things from them. The "eye in the sky" from the original XFL. I hope they take this review idea and are transparent.
  18. I agree they like the controversy but I also think they like it this way so they can keep playing favorites. I'm not saying they fix games but they do tend to give favorites the benefit of the doubt
  19. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYBUUusD/ Seeing how the XFL does replay and how transparent they are is something the NFL needs to follow.
  20. I would imagine some of the private lots will be gone. IMO would be a good thing. Let only the Bills have lots. Then they can make guys like condiments man and the table slamming to be a thing of the past.
  21. They tells me the kind of fans season ticket holders are now. I can understand selling some tickets to get money. I have always thought that being a season ticket holder was cause you were a fan of the team. Why get season tickets to sell of the most important games of the season.
  22. The no dome stadium thing is what I never understood. It's been what I have been saying all along. The new stadium is just an upgrade to what's already there but will higher ticket prices. They have a hard time now selling tickets in December and January and this is while the team is good. For a playoff game there is no reason that many Bengals fans should be in attendance.
  23. IMO the reason they talk about gambling so much is it's a draw for the younger sports fan. Sports radio is not as popular as it once was. I'm in my 40s and I only tune in once in awhile. I find that Satellite radio is much better for NFL and NHL talk.
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