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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. The thing is you will always have injuries. It's how you adapt when they happen. The Bills don't seem to do that well. I don't think the game would have been that much different if they were fully healthy. The play calling would have been the same. They left the Bengals receivers have all the space in the world to make catches.
  2. They are a top 5 defense cause their scheme works in the regular season when you play more bad/average offenses then good ones. I mentioned it before but why don't they take some of what other teams have done against the team they are playing. Look how Baltimore held the Bengals offense in check for portions of that game. Why didn't the Bills take some of those plays and use them.
  3. I don't think it's that. I will say Brown has never said anything bad about the Bills. I do wonder cause they work for the Bills they just are afraid to rock the boat. Even Bills press conferences a lot of the media give softball questions.
  4. Yeah and use a gold cup to drink my fancy beer out of. In all honesty it has nothing with hockey. My point was how each comment on the teams they cover. It has nothing to do with how good or bad they are. The Bills guys shy away from any criticism while the Sabres guys have no problem with it. They both work for their prospective teams.
  5. I am not surprised. I'm sure the defensive philosophy is McDermotts and has nothing to do with Frazier.
  6. It's exactly that. Their defense works well in the regular season when you aren't playing top 5 offenses each week. The one thing I don't get is why they rarely take what worked the previous week against the team they are playing and incorporating some of it into their game day plan. I know the Bills has injuries but why didn't they do what Baltimore did the week earlier. Baltimore had multiple stops against the Bengals. Same argument could be said for the offense. Baltimore's plan of attack worked and Lamar played they may have beaten them. For some reason the Bills refuse to change their game plan
  7. Why so many holes? This sums it up. This is from a tweet from Bruce Nolan "Since the 2018 Bills draft that included Allen, Edmunds, and Taron Johnson, they have acquired, through draft or FA, 4 players I would consider to be no-brainer "sign them to market/close to market contracts when theirs are up": Mitch Morse Daquan Jones Tyler Bass Sam Martin"
  8. Sure but Baltimore managed to stay in the game with a backup QB and was able to run the ball effectively.
  9. They are going to have to. They don't have a lot of money to make any big additions.
  10. Yes one team is championship level and the other isn't. I don't think that has anything to do with it. The Sabres show will criticize the team especially this season when they have bad games or critize the lack of moves. Where as it's a love fest for the Bills. The rarely will say anything bad.
  11. Compare that to Sabres live with 2 people who work for the Sabres. They have no problem criticizing the team when warranted.
  12. I will agree with that. What I don't get is how Sal is the same way. He's not a team employee but in his eyes the Bills do no wrong.
  13. What's worse is listening to Sal and Nate this morning. They don't even work for the Bills. Very rare do you hear them give an criticism to the Bills.
  14. That's been said for the past few years. What I don't get is the first game of the season they used a lot of short quick passes and it was working. Then they stopped doing it.
  15. Then they better start adapting to the way the league is heading. Winning with defense is an old school way of thinking. The teams left all have offensive minded coaching.
  16. McD got outcoached again when it matters. IMO McD needs to hire new coordinators and let them do their job.
  17. I do drive one. I also only go to stadiums that have high end amenities that don't sell Genny beer.
  18. I don't get the love of a sport that has very little action.
  19. It's not just here that I see it. Even the local media including WGR (which is the broadcaster for the Sabres) barely talk about the Sabres.
  20. Yes there is a number of you that wanted a dome but there was also vocal group who didn't. You want something bizarre. How can many of you out of state fans be a fan of the Bills but care less about the Sabres or hockey in general.
  21. It's not just about being priced out being blue collar. It's also how many of you post about the Bills. Going back to the stadium thing so much hate for a dome not due to price but "football is made to play in the elements". Look at how many older fans continue to bring up the "It's hard to win in this league" Yes I am judgy so what.
  22. A lot of why I feel that way has to do with how condescending many of you are towards the other team in town. I know they have been bad for awhile. For some reason hockey is below many of you. The new stadium renderings look like an upgrade to what is already there just more protection from the elements for the fans. I wanted to see a state of the art stadium that was the class of the NFL. Some brought that up in that thread and many hate that idea stating that the city can't afford it. That to me means they don't want to be priced out.
  23. What do you mean strange? Reading posts and threads I can tell many of you are fans from the Rockpile days. A lot of you have this old school blue collar attitude. Case in point is the new stadium thread. Many of you love it as it an upgrade to Rich Stadium but keeps the blue collar feel of Buffalo. I feel it should be similar to what the Titans are getting with all the amenities that new stadiums get.
  24. Wow man. There is a reason I haven't posted here in a while. I don't fit in with the blue collar group that is here. Too many old school fans here.
  25. I'm talking about how many are dismissing the OP as if you don't want to believe it. It's like there can't be problems with the projected Super Bowl champion that's follows the process.
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