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Everything posted by BuffaloBillies

  1. If you hold your 2 pointer fingers up in front of your eyes just right, the title says: Bill Belichick does Anal. Go ahead, try it. No one's looking. (Tip: keep one eye closed)
  2. Wrong year. Here you go... https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2019&wk=4
  3. Any chance of elevating Wade for this week - just to throw a nice wrinkle at them? And give him a couple chances.
  4. I live in Cincy. Locals hate their team because they hate Mike Brown (owner), first and foremost. Keeping Marvin about 4 years too long was also unforgivable by many who cancelled their season tickets over it. They rarely draft well (Mike Brown is heavily involved in their first round pick each year), and the Bengals are fleecing the city on their stadium deal. Plus, they have been snakebit for many years, losing in the most impossible ways (especially against the Steelers). They all love AJ (with good reason), but after that, maybe Geno too, but that's it. No excitement. No hope. Until Mike Brown dies (sadly).
  5. Mom and dad, are you gonna get divorced? You keep yelling at each other. I thought we were a family.
  6. Bruce Smith in his prime. Hey, you said it was magic land.
  7. Transplant that lives in Cincy now. Coming up this weekend with some Bengal fans, but meeting my old boys there. There will be 10 of us... 5 Bills fans, 5 Bengals fans. My Bengals buddies are acting like they're marching to their death this weekend after Cincy got punked hard by SF. The Cincy OL is SOOOO bad - hopefully Bills smother all game. My Bengal buddies love going to Buffalo though (we've gone the last 5 times it's been Cin @ Buf). They never get messed with too badly - all in good fun. Can't wait!
  8. Totally revamping the OL was what this team has needed for 20 years! FINALLY they did it. To me that's the difference.
  9. Yes. But this one to me is more surprising than the end zone dead ball. So it reads as if the kicking team kicks the ball 31 yards (for instance) and no one on the receiving team attempts to go for it and it just lays on the ground stopped it would be the receiving teams ball from that spot. I guess you're supposed to read that super literally and ball must come to a complete stop in motion ( ball comes to rest )? If the ball is still moving at all it's fair game for the kicking team to recover. I don't think I've ever seen the ball come to complete rest in the field of play on a kickoff where no one on either team touches it.
  10. Bengals OL is really bad. Max pressure and blitz packages all day. Mixon has been swallowed up immediately both games so far too. Don't give Dalton the chance, and he can't burn us.
  11. Article 4. Catch or Recovery of a Free Kick (a) If a player of the receiving team catches or recovers the ball, he may advance. (b) If the ball is declared dead while in the simultaneous possession of two opposing players, the ball is awarded to the receiving team. (c) A player of the kicking team may legally touch, catch, or recover the ball if: It first touches a receiving team player; or it reaches or crosses the receiving team’s restraining line. (d) The ball is dead if it is caught or recovered by a player of the kicking team. If the catch or recovery is legal, the ball belongs to the kicking team at the dead-ball spot. it is not touched by the receiving team and touches the ground in the end zone (touchback). (e) If the ball comes to rest inbounds after reaching the receiving team’s restraining line and no player attempts to possess it, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the receiving team at the dead-ball spot.
  12. He should just throw lefty. Guess he's not amphibious.
  13. I agree. Neal and Bozo gave me more confidence in coaching staff.
  14. Me and a bunch of dudes coming into town for Bills/Bengals game Friday AM (9/20). We plan to start at 716 bar and make our way to casino by night. We will be walking, if practical. Where should we hit along the way between the 2 places? I see many options along the way. Thx
  15. I don't care how YOU pronounce it, I'm going with BOZO! Bozo, Bozo, Bozo, BOZO!
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