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Everything posted by BuffaloBillies

  1. Gotta get those first 3 wins (Jets, Giants, Bungholes). If so, definitely 10 is doable. FINALLY massively addressed the OL with a complete overhaul vs just adding one 3rd round guy each year like they've done the last 20 years. I love it.
  2. Played basketball at Mark Pike's dad's church gym. Nice guy - he got Mark to sign a couple hats for my dad and me. Also ran into Joe Ferguson in the airport, probably ~1980 (during the off-season). He was sitting by himself trying to get some shut-eye with his legs stretched out wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat pulled down over half of his face.
  3. Here is their building... Being in Cincinnati, they are likely Bengals fans. Best way to get 'em back will be week 3, the home opener.
  4. leg·end·ar·y : remarkable enough to be famous; very well known.
  5. 10-15 of them look like they were busted on the toilet dropping a duece.
  6. Because Rosen was also running for his life every play. Maybe didn't want to make the "aggressive" throw, but the alternative was to get mangled by the defense (again) if he didn't get rid of it.
  7. Nice of Washington to do their part... one less homeless man muttering around the city.
  8. You should play along... ask her if she watched the Mavens crush the Bulls opening week last year.
  9. Respect, Mr Kelly. Anything you ever see that might help me, I'm all ears. Go Bills.
  10. Professional sports team. It's their job, literally. They should be able to figure it out during camp and preseason. No excuses.
  11. Maria Williams playing paddy-cake his final 2 years here. Kelso's helmet
  12. That's almost exactly what it says on the side of my box! Wang + Levitra = Wood
  13. Never seemed to be enough. Drunk kickball after lasted about 2 minutes until it was in dozens of pieces.
  14. Coming soon? I think that already happened. Isn't that what's on the tape?
  15. Probably taking it to small claims court. Hey, it was cold in there, and he is 77.
  16. I live in Cincinnati now and bring my buddies (who are Bengals fans) to Bills games in Buffalo. We make a weekend out of it. The first one (~10 years ago), they couldn't believe the tailgating scene and all the craziness. They were hooked. They love going to Buffalo games (vs Cincy) in Buffalo. Even though they might have on a Bengals shirt on game day, Bills fans have always been cool to them too. We haven't missed one yet and we'll be there week 3!
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