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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. Takes some guts to suggest BDubs to someone on a Bills board
  2. Haha if someone's being "trained" to be the replacement, it definitely shouldn't be Rapp.
  3. Not sure how anyone sees this as a break for us after the Bengals reserve O-linemen bullied our defensive line for 48 minutes in a playoff game.
  4. I was there and the ones I was around and even in the parking lot after were really pissed and kept talking about how they were robbed and we were gifted the W and this destroys the narrative that the refs ever help them out. It was pretty hilarious stuff.
  5. I would easily take that tradeoff. I don't know if you're wrong or right...but that would be insanity to bring him back, especially if we lose out. But I think it's nuts regardless. The guy just has no composure whatsoever in crunchtime.
  6. No. He's an upgrade over Dorsey but Josh had to do things and make plays that most or no other QB in the league could do to win that game. It was easily his worst game out of the 3 and that was with 2 weeks preparation. He also didn't adjust well once KC adjusted to us. We should be shooting for the moon with #17 here. We can see where the next 4 games go, but the move should be to fire McD and bring in an offensive Head Coach who will either call plays or has his own guy. I was at the game and I could be wrong about this, I haven't seen the play again, but wasn't he covered really well on that play anyway? It looked like it would've only been a 1-2 yard gain even if he had caught it. That happened a number of times on those swing passes. It's just not set up well, just like a lot of our screen play designs.
  7. Josh is so good at saying the right thing. Even after 13 seconds when people were complaining about the OT rule he took the high road and said they'd be celebrating just as much if they got the ball first and won. There's guys that get a ton of media training that aren't this good at it. I don't like McD at all, but Josh isn't going to throw him or anyone on the team under the bus publicly. And there is something respectable about that.
  8. The “I lost someone close” thing annoyed me, like that absolves him from any accountability. That’s like when people are against gay marriage but then claim they have nothing against them and say “But I have friends that are gay!”
  9. Holy crap, I didn't even see the 9/11 thing until right now. Good God this guy is a clown.
  10. I don't agree he's a good coach...but even if you believe that, you are still in excuse-making mode for McD. You can literally go back and re-read the post I responded to and this one, you are flip-flopping...you are acknowledging that he's not a good game manager and his late-game blunders this year, even though they have been going on for YEARS now and this is no different than any of them. His QB just hasn't been elite enough to bail him out this time and so he's getting exposed for who he has always been. You did in the post that I responded to say that you think McD should be fired if we don't make the playoffs...but if we make the playoffs again, it doesn't change that he's still a poor game manager, has no composure whatsoever late in games, and after 7 years on the job is STILL not prepared for late game strategy. All of that has to do with work ethic. He doesn't have it. That does not change if we simply make the playoffs. Basically, if 17 bails him out once again...he should stay? You changed the stance in the post you responded to me with saying no he shouldn't be here if we just make the playoffs, which that makes it more rational. But then you're going back to Dorsey being "the" problem, which I'm sure is how you scapegoated Frazier exactly the same way for years. Dorsey was "a" problem. McD is the one who hires these coordinators and lets them stay, and they operate through his philosophy. He is the Head Coach, this is something you just don't seem to be able to grasp. He IS responsible. Yes, we could have been much better with Brady running the offense for the whole year...WHO'S FAULT IS THAT??? And lets say we run the table and make the playoffs and McD chokes again as usual and we bring him back...if we have a good season next year with Brady, he's probably going to be in talks for a head coaching job, right? And if he gets poached, we're back in the same boat of hoping and praying McD picks a good OC while still shouldering his horrific game management and late game failures? In what world is this a good plan? It's this simple...we are not going to win a SB with a coach of McD's caliber, not now or ever. At best he's a major obstacle we would have to overcome to do it, at worst....we know what's at worst. Why do that to ourselves? He really should be gone no matter what if you are evaluating him for himself, not based on the way he might get bailed out once again for "just enough" results. The apologists have an inability to evaluate him for himself, not whether the QB bails him out or not.
  11. Dude you absolutely are a McScapegoat excuse maker. I remember just a couple or so weeks ago debating with you on it and you were making excuses every which way for him. Sure, Dorsey earned his firing, but McD hired him and kept him in that position for a year and a half. Just like he kept Frazier for years. He scapegoated Frazier and then does the same exact loser soft prevent zone at the end of games that he does. And the late game coaching blunders and poor game management have been going on for years, literally since year 1. This is nothing new. He's just had #17 here to constantly bail him out until this season. It's hard for me to understand why people like yourselves can't evaluate this until things go completely off the rails, and even now you're still saying he should go only "IF" we miss the playoffs! It's truly unreal. All of his blunders and gaffes are still blunders and gaffes even if we make the playoffs. We've wasted 6 years of an elite talent at QB because of this trashbag coach who has never put in the slightest bit of work to improve himself or his preparation. That's the hard truth.
  12. Me too. For years I was in that same boat of all the negativity if I said one bad thing about McD. They’ll probably never admit how wrong they were, but at least many have come around.
  13. I think we’ve found something offensively. But we still have McD. Chiefs 31 Bills 27
  14. That was bad even for an inexperienced head coach though. He’s always been incredibly unprepared.
  15. To be fair, Beane never condemned Araiza or anything like that, I believe he even implied that he believed him.
  16. I think this makes what McDermott has done this year even worse though. We've had these positives and are STILL going to miss the playoffs with an elite QB. The Gabe part though is not a credit to the Bills. We've known this for a long time now. Being late to the party is not a positive for Beane.
  17. So what is it that McD excels at? He’s a horrific game manager, the team is completely undisciplined, his D gives it up on every big drive, he has trouble hiring good coordinators…I really don’t understand why people still want him here. Truth is, his QB has been bailing him out for years. He’s a bottom of the barrel coach on his own.
  18. Hoping to just have a non-partisan discussion just about this topic without the toxic Left-Right finger-pointing that dominates most of the threads here, if that's possible. The extremes on this topic are both equally positions that I don't like at all and find dangerous. - I do think a child should not be able to get a gender-transitioning surgery without parental consent. I know some people feel that they shouldn't be able to even with parental consent but I don't really want to get into that part here, I'm talking more about the philosophy of parental rights. I also know that's not a perfect solution as I can't really imagine what it would be like to have gender dysphoria and being told to wait until you're an adult - probably much easier said than done. And some kids have bad parents who would have a lot of issues with their children if they knew they wanted to do that. But ultimately I just have to come back to some of those surgeries being something you can't really go back from, or it's very difficult and there's a good chunk of those children, certainly not all of them, that grow up and don't have those feelings or dysphoria anymore. - The other side of the extreme spectrum is those who are advocating that a counselor or therapist has to notify the parents if their child is telling them about any of these feelings or issues they might be having even if they are not getting any kind of medication or surgical procedure done. To me, this can be just as dangerous. This is stripping away access to help and support that young children might not otherwise seek out if they know their parents are going to be looped in. I can't imagine if I had something like gender dysphoria or those feelings, it would probably be beyond humiliating to have my parents find out about it and that they'll always know. In some cases it's much worse. I grew up in Foster care and if I ever had anything like that or in my case if I was even just gay and told a counselor about it who told my foster parents, I know for 100% fact that at least 2 of my foster "dads" would have beat the absolute crap out of me. If I had to deal with any of those things, I would have had to just hold it in instead of seeking help if the laws said the parents had to be notified. And things like that can lead to teen suicides and all kinds of damage. There is no solution that's perfect here...but I think it's gotta be somewhere in the middle where children aren't able to get these surgeries but that they also have access to help and the confidence of privacy for it. I don't believe that parental rights should cross that line.
  19. Haha that’s where I am. Two guys that aren’t actual Presidential candidates that are unlikeable and can be bought.
  20. If this comes true, I wouldn’t blame Allen and Diggs or anyone else if they ask to be traded. It’s a completely hopeless situation here if McD is back.
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