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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. It's on McD. But yes, Diggs knew. He's known for a while.
  2. Yes, or he knows people within the organization that know that. It was the same with Chris Brown years ago. I still remember after Jauron's 3rd year he would drop these comments about "continuity", and then that's exactly what they Bills kept saying when they kept him for year 4. And then in year 4, Chris would finally start being critical of him, and we knew that was the turn. They have these guys whipped.
  3. This is true. Sal’s a pretty big homer, he must know they’re turning.
  4. What do you call what McD does late in games? We were giving their receivers 8 yards of cushion on 3rd and shorts. McD’s philosophy late in yesterdays game in the 4th and OT was literally to leave their receivers wide open on any short pass and just hope they dropped them.
  5. That’s just who he is unfortunately. It’s been 7 years and he still makes the same exact mistakes and we’re in decline…and there’s still a faction of people here that want more of it. I’ll never understand it.
  6. I appreciate her loyalty. It can’t be easy knowing she’s married to a coach that believes in giving 8 yard cushions to receivers on 3rd and short in the 4th quarter and OT.
  7. We’re going to miss the playoffs with an elite QB…how in the world is that exceeding expectations??
  8. We're literally going to miss the playoffs. What are you talking about? I think McD is the bigger problem...but there have definitely been some misfires with Beane. WR has especially been a huge problem.
  9. If Sean McDermott continues to coach like Sean McDermott, winning out is impossible.
  10. He literally IS Dick Jauron, he just has an elite QB and Dick didn’t You want McD to get credit for firing the guy he himself evaluated and hired for the position and kept him in for a season and a half that turned out to be a failure…what???
  11. You’re still doing the same thing. You won’t acknowledge individually the late game blunders and chokejobs McD has had, instead deflecting to other things. Nobody even mentioned Sirianni.
  12. You're afraid of ditching mediocrity to take a shot at winning big because you're scared of losing. That's literally McD to a T.
  13. There is literally nothing McD can do to have you judge him objectively. He has been absolutely horrendous at late game management...really his whole career but has had a QB bail him out countless times...but it's been exposed to everyone this year. You're either just in denial or have just taken a defend him at all costs schtick at this point.
  14. You literally sounds like who McD is, a play not to lose kind of guy
  15. Or maybe our head coach is a gutless coward who chokes away every single big game we're ever in
  16. I wouldn't want him as any part of the organization. I wouldn't even take McD as a positional coach.
  17. And McD is going to miss them with Josh Allen. Let that really sink in here. This is beyond a disaster. There is no defense whatsoever to bring choking clown back.
  18. You did not watch this game if you thought Allen was the problem
  19. Nice that you guys caught on 2 years too late. But at least you're there now.
  20. Josh needs more playmakers but he played great today outside of that one play. I can very much live with the way he played today if it means 1 turnover. He was on and McD didn't even give him a shot with 20 seconds. He burned a ridiculous timeout leading up too. We have a top echelon QB, you HAVE to take your shots with 20 seconds and what should have been 2 timeouts. Absolutely have to.
  21. There's no other coach in the NFL that has an elite QB that would have taken that 2nd timeout knowing if the FG is good, they get the ball back with around 20 seconds and two timeouts. He's a coward and a piece of trash. How many more of these late game meltdowns to people need to see?
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