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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. If this comes true, I wouldn’t blame Allen and Diggs or anyone else if they ask to be traded. It’s a completely hopeless situation here if McD is back.
  2. All of our other colossal meltdowns don’t matter? Accountable? By firing McD? I believe we are.
  3. That sounds better. Obviously #1 I hope he didn’t do it. But if he did, we gotta get out of that deal.
  4. That’s just devastating. He would still stick against the cap if he’s suspended or we released him because of this?
  5. The team is good enough…the head coach is not. He will cost us at least 1 more in these next 5.
  6. I'm sure he wants to so he can scapegoat someone else when the defense gives it up when it matters most. He got away with it for years when people would just go off on Frazier and gave McD absolutely no accountability for it. He probably misses it.
  7. It's been a problem for years, people have just been blind to it because the QB was bailing him out. He hasn't put in the slightest bit of work to improve himself as a Head Coach for over 7 years, no reason to think it's immediately going to happen for year 8. It's time to cut the cord, it's long overdue.
  8. Not if McD can help it Refreshing to hear. If it was McD, we might've heard that he didn't get what he wanted but someone else forgot to relay the message.
  9. Are you happy he chose to kneel with 20 seconds left in regulation with an elite QB rather than try to win the game? Or that he burned an extra timeout to let the Eagles regroup and take their time to take the 58 yard field goal to tie it and take us down to 1 time out? Or that we went to a completely soft prevent zone to let them easily catch any short pass they wanted with more than enough time on the clock to drive right down the field without resistance or doing it again in OT? Do we also need to go back to his entire history of late game postseason gaffes or even just the games from this year? Look at some of the teams that are in line to make the playoffs who have a QB nowhere close to Josh. This is embarrassing that all McD's been able to do with this team is go .500 and needing a miracle to make the playoffs now.
  10. He’s had Allen to bail him out for a long time. This year he’s finally just been fully exposed. He’s no different than Jauron.
  11. That's the hope. Maybe they'll even trade something for him, but that's unlikely. I'd settle for them just taking him off our hands.
  12. This. There was plenty of time for McD to blow it whether it was a FG or TD that was needed.
  13. By doing better the year after. We’ve been in decline for 3 years now. Do you think we’re getting better?
  14. The FG in this game was the right call, but I do agree with you that McD's game management issues have been there since the beginning and he hasn't worked on improving himself as a head coach at all in these 7 years. That tells you a lot about him. What he did in that Colts game was an egregious mistake and he's the same exact guy today that he was then. And it's killing us.
  15. This would be the smart thing to do. But I wouldn't want McScapegoat even as a positional coach. I don't really even want him living in Buffalo anymore.
  16. So do you also think he's having the best season of his career because of his completion percentage? I really have no idea what to tell you if you do. Josh was elite yesterday if you actually watched the game.
  17. That's one of the things that gets me the most about all of this. Our QB, who is not without his flaws, clearly leaves his blood, sweat and tears out there on the field and our coach after 7 years on the job is still wildly unprepared for game management situations and coaches like a gutless coward at the end of the game. He is not on the same level as Josh, not even close. We've already wasted 6 years of a top echelon QB, we absolutely can not waste anymore.
  18. Keeping McD is what really blew this season, and the last 2. Yeah, Dorsey wasn't it either, but you have to look at the guy who gave him that job and kept him in it too long. But the real issues lie at the very top. If it's not exposed to people now, I don't know what more they need to see.
  19. Because everything with him is deflecting accountability. It's the fault of his coordinators, bad luck, or in this case it's just hindsight. It's not like you can be prepared for late game management scenarios. Oh wait...yes you can. For example, if you were down 4 with 1 minute left and no timeouts and it was 4th and 1 at the goal line and you decided to take a field goal and attempt an onside kick and it doesn't work...it's not hindsight to say it was horrible game management. It would have been horrible game management even if it worked. And I would say it for the other way around too. I have disliked McD for a long time but I defended him when we went for it on 4th and goal, down 3, with 1 second left or whatever it was vs the Titans a couple of years ago when we didn't get it. It didn't work out, but it was absolutely the right call to go for it there. That's what you do as a Head Coach, put your team in the best position to succeed. But questioning these decisions isn't Hindsight like he said, it's just being prepared for them. He rarely ever is and he makes the same mistakes over and over and over again and has been for 7 years now. Yes, I don't like someone that tries to pawn off accountability onto others and to completely deflect from themselves for their own horrific decisions. It's not a good character trait.
  20. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/sean-mcdermott-on-questioning-late-game-decisions-hindsight-is-always-20-20 This guy does not get it. At all. No, it's not hindsight. It's being prepared for late game situations. He's not prepared for them after 7 years on the top job and after 22 years of coaching in the NFL. I have never seen anyone take on less accountability than this clown. Who will the next scapegoat be? I'm not sure at this point who I dislike more, McD the coach or McD the human being.
  21. Who hired the two coordinators that he had to move on from? One of which he had here for like 6 years? He should absolutely be feeling the heat for that. And McD hasn't changed or improved at all as a Head Coach for 7 years now, what makes you believe he's going to make huge adjustments for year 8? It would be utter insanity to move forward with him.
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