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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I'd bet Allen is really close as well.
  2. Taylor was never a legitimate starter in Buffalo. And really the only ones that can make sense of their draft board and if a jump is needed are the Bills. All depends on who they value the most. If they want Rosen and on their board he's far and away the best...yes trade up. If they have someone like Mayfield high they can see how the draft plays out and make a smaller jump possibly. If they have Lamar Jackson high they can sit at 12 and likely get him while keeping all their picks. Whatever they decide to do one thing is certain. More people than not on here will complain and say it was a stupid move while half hoping the guy selected fails so they can keep crying out how they are so smart. Point blank, period.
  3. Gruden loves him some Johnny. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/jon-grudens-infatuation-with-johnny-manziel-is-eye-opening/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/draft/2014/04/18/johnny-manziel-jon-gruden-houston-texans/7857409/
  4. Beane's Goals: Win Championships Fornacate with females Get ?
  5. Natural fit with the Raiders. Plus Gruden's love for all QBs and them not having much behind Carr. Not saying it will happen, but could certainly see it.
  6. Added information: Positives: - Eats a well balanced meal every meal. - Looks both ways before crossing the street Negatives: - Doesn't always say "Thank you" after I say "Bless you" when he sneezes. - The car ahead of him paid for his drink at Tim Hortons in the drive thru. He did not pay it forward.
  7. Still a better love story than Twilight.
  8. Maybe the Bills don't want Rosen as much as we would like to see him here. Maybe they like someone else. And if they do like Rosen, maybe they don't HAVE to get to 2. 1. Darnold 2. Chubb 3. Allen would not shock me here 4. Possibly a spot to trade. Or they possibly take Barkley. 5. If Nelson is on the board he goes here. You know what QBs like better than other QBs? Protection for QBs. They can grab that here, go Mike White Falk or Lauletta later and let them sit behind Keenum. 6. This is where I believe Rosen goes. Question is who makes the trade? Point being there are a TON of scenarios out there that involve Beane getting his guy (who we have no idea who they will value most) at a reduced rate. After Denver's pick NO ONE can offer the package we can. Miami only picks one spot before us and Arizona is after us. We have the capitol and a competitive draft slot.
  9. This is not necessarily bad news for Buffalo. If they did it for Chubb it means we can rule out them either taking a QB or trading out to someone else that wants one. So Darnold goes 1 and Chubb 2. It really wouldn't shock me to see the Jets go Allen at 3. I'd think Browns would either be open for trade or go Barkley at 4. This all drops Nelson to the Broncos at 5 and they possible go Mike White or Falk or Lauletta later on. That would put Indy at 6 without a chance at Chubb, possibly open for business far cheaper than getting to 2 where we can move for Rosen if he's the guy.
  10. Frozone from the Incredibles. Ability to free up room in my freezer by instantaneously making my own ice AND have Samuel L Jackson's voice? Easy call.
  11. Everyone....look at Butter! He's exercising his right to free speech! Way cool! Way to go Butter! Reminds me of the old saying that goes something like..."It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
  12. In my eyes the legacy of Tyrod in Buffalo is simple. He wasn't as promising as his supporters hoped. He wasn't as bad as his doubters made out. He was average, with occasional moments where he would show his athleticism. With Taylor every Ying has its Yang. He was careful with the ball...yet too careful at times. He could run the ball well...yet was hesitant at times resulting in sacks. Good teammate. Professional. Well dressed. And like most players these days, active in the community. An exemplary human being and an exemplary athlete that will best be remembered as a sub par passer.
  13. They likely will pick a QB...but for them it makes more sense to go OL or RB and grab White Falk or Lauletta later.
  14. But he has ties with the Bengals. He will obviously be brought in soon.
  15. Honestly I think Mayfield slips out of the top 10. My belief (and I've been wrong before) is that fans like him better than scouts/GMs do.
  16. Hopefully Brandon Beane will get you this nice gift for your birthday. It may be a tad late...but I think it's worth waiting for...
  17. Personally, I think Manning is done. Look at his numbers before Beckham got there. Then with Beckham...and then last season without. I really believe the this is a rare case of a position player elevating the QBs output. That said, if Shurmer can ride Keenum to the NFC championship game, he could do the same with a broken down Eli.
  18. You mentioned London Fletcher. That's whom I referenced. Just a mix up.
  19. There is an old saying that there is no such thing as a stupid question. That saying gets debunked daily on these message boards.
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