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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Exactly. He's a paid spokesman at this point. And he stands to make out well in the future from other potential clients if Allen shows well.
  2. Agree. And honestly I wouldn't be shocked if we end up closer to 60% if we want to move. Just like every QB wants to set the market for each new contract...glad we have all the picks we do.
  3. I don't care what any chart says, I don't see us getting to 5 and keeping 22, 56 or 65.
  4. He pitched to an All Star exhibition game as well. What an amazing concept for books. I would LOVE to see someone do that today. Jerry Sullivan perhaps can play DB in Cleveland training camp. Maybe he would run into Jarvis Landry. ??
  5. I wouldn't call them a second favorite team, but I've always like watching the Lions. Don't know if they just remind me of Buffalo a bit or the Thanksgiving tradition of watching them or some of the players just being amazing to watch. Barry Sanders. Megatron. Don't know if I'll enjoy watching them this year with that Bluto looking Matty Patty as their coach.
  6. Don't know if they will sign Matthews as they just signed Brice Butler.
  7. Honestly, Mayfield's immature attitude is scary. I actually have to defer to Ryan Leafs comments on him. It's concerning and in my opinion crazy can always recognise crazy. I like Baker a whole lot, but he needs to be in the right locker room. Strong coaching and vet leadership. One concern I do have with Rosen is our locker room. Rosen is inquisitive. He likes to learn and be challenged. Do we really think Dave Culley is going to be the guy to help do that? I'd wager that Rosen knows more on QBs than Culley does.
  8. Yes, I absolutely would say the same for Mayfield. I'm not attacking his personality either by the way. I'm saying in my opinion it's not a great response. This may shock you but Rosen is the guy I want most, it's possible to like a guy and not like something he does. I know from what I have read how he's viewed by teammates. I know that he has the best ability of any QB walking in the door after the draft. I do find it quite ironic however that you criticized people being "in their knees" for Mayfield when time after time you do the exact same thing for Rosen.
  9. Easy killer. I said nothing about Mayfield. Just saying he could have taken a more mature approach in my opinion. Not even saying I don't like/wouldn't want/can't stand the kid. Breathe man, breathe.
  10. I honestly would love a QB at the top of the draft...but sweet Jesus the comedy that will be here if they don't.
  11. Mel Kiper said when Jimmy Clausen was drafted that if he wasn't a franchise QB in 8 years he would quit. This marks his 8th year. We need the billboard committee to assemble.
  12. All jokes aside there is a rumor the Browns are trading pick 4 and 33 to slide to 1.
  13. Not with that attitude it's not. Maybe try and take on a 2nd job. Invest that money in a nice steady stock and watch it grow. If you work hard I'm sure your dream can come true. I would recommend talking to a financial advisor and seeing what options may be best for you.
  14. Philly, Rams (if they can hold all that "personality" together), Saints and Vikings. NFC is going to be tough next year.
  15. What if.... - Once position player start to slide teams that DON'T need a QB trade up to nab them while they can. A team like the Raiders jumping to 4 to snatch Chubb/Nelson from the Broncos. - A team that no one thought of moved up to take a QB...much like KC did last year. - We get the 5th QB off the board and it turns out he becomes the best pro QB? - We get the 1st QB off the board and he flops? - We sit at 12 and have the chance to pick a guy touted as a future HoF OG has slid down the draft? - The first 3 and 5 of the first 6 picks are QBs? - What if the Giants and Broncos both pass on QBs because they feel upgrades to a different position and someone like Mike White in the 2nd are better for them? - What if every trade up opportunity we have is not a trade that makes the team better in Beane's eyes? Point being on draft night anything can happen, and likely several things will happen that no one saw coming. All the guesswork from members of this and other fanbases as well as the "expert opinions" are likely to be out the window very early when the unexpected can and does happen. One of my favorite quotes goes something like "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." Let's hope when the punches start to get thrown out staff can readapt their plans into something that make this draft a successful one.
  16. He's too tall. And am I the only one that thinks he's really just Tony Pike trying to make a comeback from the witness relocation program?
  17. We don't really need to either. Shouldn't be any of our business. Honestly I don't care if he comes back and tears it up or not. Some things are bigger than football. A guys mental health is one of them. I hope and pray he gets what he needs to be a successful human first and foremost. Anything else is just a bonus.
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