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The Firebaugh Kid

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Everything posted by The Firebaugh Kid

  1. If they turn this season around...and I believe they will.....it will be remarkable.
  2. I was there. Ive seen playoff victories at the Ralph/Rich Stadium... but this game was by far the best. Ill never forget Belicheat walking onto the field towards the end and the entire crowd in unison chanting "!@#$"....it was hilarious. What a day
  3. If we play like we did last week...same result. I still cant get over how intense and focused they were.
  4. Thought the same thing...that was Kellys big moment early in his career. Hopefully this is the first of many huge performances from Allen.
  5. It feels SO DAMN GOOD to be celebrating a big win on this fine Monday?
  6. Romos honesty and in depth assessments are a welcome change to the Joe Bucks of the world.
  7. Last year was truly a pleasant surprise. This year I have that same ? going into game 1. Sunday cant get here soon enough
  8. Doin work right there sir! Thank you. Pats fans are the absolute worst. Cant wait to torture them for 8 hours on 10/29
  9. When we took over their city and showed them how real football fans roll.
  10. smh. The Bills earned the 6th spot all damn season.
  11. Really like Nick. That would suck seeing Brady throwing to him. Trust the process I suppose.
  12. Hammer lot is overrated. But its more old school if thats what youre looking for. They dont allow table smashing etc. Get there early 8/830. The tailgate goes fast. Pace yourself. Drink liqour over beer so youre not in the bathroom peeing the game away. Eat and save food for after. Be nice and loud. Cheers
  13. You seen him in person? Hes like a sasquatch in a football uni. I love KB. Constant size advantage.
  14. The D will be good/great. Its all about the offense. An average offense gets this this 9-10 wins.
  15. You never know how its gonna shake out until the games begin. Denver and Atlanta were 2 automatic losses last year...right? This team can beat anybody. This staff has turned it around. The defense will be stout. The offense is a mystery though. I see a similar record as last year, maybe 7-9. Hope its better. Excited to see 17 and that big arm.
  16. Im sorry to hear that. My father was the same way. I also dont think Shady did this.
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