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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. How terrible was that series? Jimmy G just 💩ed on the field.
  2. They do that to limit the game time. It became clear that a single-possession and FG to win was really unfair (given how rules changes have favored offense), so we got this next step of each team gets a possession unless a TD is scored. In a better world, we might get something more fair than a coin flip determining the game, at least for the playoffs. But that’s applicable for games with two elite / unstoppable offenses. It sucks we lost without a shot on O in OT, but I just don’t think it’s enough to change the rule. There were a couple-few ties in the regular season with 10 minutes for someone to score… if you wanna win, you gotta be able to stop the other team.
  3. SF #94 treated that guy like a freakin’ rag doll. That’s likely the death knell to his NFL career. SF #94 treated that guy like a freakin’ rag doll. That’s likely the death knell to his NFL career.
  4. Apparently CBS newsman Jeff Glor was wearing a pair of Zubaz pants this week, under his anchor desk. He showed them off to his fellow morning news crew in a viral video.
  5. I’ve never seen Josh sell fakes like he did last week, specifically the one noted in OP’s point 1. That and smoothing out his meshpoint motion was something I was hoping he would work on over the off-season with Palmer. For the whole of the regular season, it didn’t look any better. I guess he saved it for the playoffs and it was masterful. Let’s hope it can be included in his bag o’ tricks with more frequency.
  6. https://heavy.com/sports/buffalo-bills/josh-allen-cold-weather-playoffs/ He needs a pair of my grandma’s knitted wool socks! (Forgive if this is posted within other threads, but a glimpse of the wall didn’t show this.)
  7. It had an interesting premise, with fairly strong leads (Keizer Southerland, Maggie Q, the blonde lady senator whose name I forget now…), and cool sets. The writing and acting was a major off-put for me, though; it was very try-hard and followed a lot of standard political trope that “The West Wing” frankly did much, much, much better. It also cribbed from the Geena Davis-as-the-impromptu-President series. With the Netflix pick-up of the series, all of this just got much worse and it turned into a thing of characters’ interpersonal relationships conjuring all the hot-button issues (with a leftist slant) of the time wrt transgender / gay, fairly stupid and derivative conspiracy that had some interest to it but was dropped cold, addiction, White House kids with the stereotypical problems. It was a lot of recycling of old things and strained to come up with the political intrigue material it wanted to address. If you want to watch a presidential drama, The West Wing is and ever will be the gold standard.
  8. It was difficult to think I could dislike Gronkowski any more, but there he goes and does it. Not one iota of remorse that, hey, my dirty play almost killed a guy. What a piece of actual 💩.
  9. Was rooting for them but damn, they just weren’t getting that poster wall art lined up right at all and then it started tearing because they kept having to peel it up while wet with glue and reposition it…. I don’t get the sense that they would’ve done well on the other option of cake decorating for the roadblock either, fwiw. So it started filming just before the COVID shutdown and looks like they picked up when things started opening this past summer-fall. Wonder if they had re-route some of the prior planned city stops. It’d be kinda cool if they did more inside the USA. Currently rooting for the lovely Raquel 😍 and whoever her partner is. But the roster is full of very likable teams and/or absent of unlikable ones… we’ll see how it goes with the black couple who just recently started dating tho bc there were not good vibes from that guy when he goofed by overthinking and wasting 30 minutes looking for the envelope and then being so defensive about it.
  10. Hey, whatever they wanna do is fine. I’m of the opinion to have 18 games, one preseason game and two byes during the season. Bump rosters up to 58, keep the larger practice squad, and tweak a little more with IR vs. inactive list, and broaden the ability to come back after injury because not everything is a season-ended like it was back in the day. I think that’s where the league wants to get to, but this is a middle way trial run for the CBA issues. The expanding season is another reason why I’m pro-retractable roof. Games (not just the Super Bowl) are going to go into February soon.
  11. Possible leak shared on a uni page, fwiw: A comment below said, “Knowing football fans, I expect them to be called the Rear Admirals within a few minutes of the debut” if this is in fact what they go with.
  12. Errrr…. That might bring up a little too much McCarthy era flashbacks.
  13. Saw the graphic saying a 47+ average on 50 punts this season and was like hmm I guess he’s improved. And then there was the Bojo we all know.
  14. I graduated from UConn and my name is James. My mum’s side of the fam was from WNY, and I’d go out to the farm during summers to help with haying etc. and that was during preseason time in the early-mid ‘90s and I got stuck on the Bills. Ironically, perhaps, my close cousins in WNY are Cowpukes fans.
  15. It would look better if there weren’t an additional white outline outside of the red. Just abut the red to the blue, I’d suggest by filling that white outline to red to make the red outline thicker. Instant improvement.
  16. It would absolutely NOT cost $1.5B extra for a dome or retractable roof. Most estimates I’ve seen for retractable are that it would add $300-$500M. It would not add significantly to ticket costs and when factoring in fewer repairs / maintenance over the life of the thing… at that price I just don’t see why this is even an issue for something that will hopefully last 50-60+ years. Protect the investment and make it more usable with a roof that can be closed if you want during the season and then in winter closed to the brutal weather that beats up concrete. Lucas Oil Stadium with retractable cost $900M in today’s dollars ($720M then) for the whole thing ~15 years ago.
  17. Would that they might use this to correct obvious wrong calls or non-calls for pass interference. But no, the ref union gave the directive to refs on the field to give a huge 🖕🏼to the competition committee, teams, and the fans by almost never changing a PI call last year, no matter what the video showed. Either their egos can’t handle being wrong… or they just want to retain the ability to change the entire course of a game in one inscrutable immutable judgment call. And the league is fine with it; in fact, the league uses this to massage game outcomes.
  18. If I’m not mistaken, this also was used to impose a penalty on Carolina for the 12 men on the field penalty. None of the refs threw the flag, Josh was incredulous for like 10 seconds, there was some mulling about as everyone was just like 🤷🏻‍♂️, the teevee guys did their thing of saying yeah he was still on the field at the snap and then a flag was thrown like a minute after the play, seemingly once word came from either the replay official or NY or both.
  19. This thing needs to be built for two realities, for what things are going to look like 40 years from now. 1) Climate change / global warming. Wetter and warmer. More weather extremes. More rain and snow. 2) The addition of another week to the NFL season to bring it to 18 weeks, and possibly a second bye week if the league is smart wrt giving players rest and allow for changes in scheduling as COVID looks like it will become an endemic thing. This pushes the season into late February. 3) The concrete from the renovation just 10+ years ago is already failing. The weather in the region just beats up things that left in the elements. Plastic seating gets ☀️ and bitter cold and gets brittle. Heating elements in chairs break down. Turf lifespan is reduced. 4) If they’re already planning on putting coverage over the seating to protect fans from weather, that will require much of the structure that a retractable roof needs. When you’re building something this big and rare, build it right.
  20. Took the words out of my mouth. For whatever reason, Josh’s deep passes to Sanders this season have almost never seemed to hit. Whether that’s Josh overthrowing, under-throwing (he does put a lot of balls at receivers’ feet), or if it’s Sanders being too slow or difficulty tracking the ball, the connection hasn’t been there. IIRC, they say that Sanders is great in practice, but that absolutely hasn’t translated to games. Gabe, otoh, has been pretty 🔥 when he’s been given chances / targets.
  21. My brother flew that fix on “his” plane (he was a USAF Raven which are teams that handle plane security, among other things) to the launch site.
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