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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. lol. I was there, all right. I've watched Mario Williams crush a dozen cosmopolitans in fairly short order.
  2. Well, um... Some issues with that, innit? (Did you know I worked there for the last eight years?)
  3. The TBD replacement team still needs bodies... We can get this thing into triple digits, easy.
  4. It's called a CONTROL GROUP. Don't you people conduct research?! According to my social media feeds, like, everyone seems to be a researcher.
  5. Whoa whoa whoa... If you're saying I get to line up against high school underclassmen, then I will legitimately do damage. Until my hamstring explodes. On the second play.
  6. I'll go run around random objects in my yard, trip over landscaping stones, chase my dogs, and form-tackle my young daughter so I've got some film to submit for evaluation.
  7. Suit me up. I am roughly the size of an NFL RB or S (little heavy for a S). I'll play two-way. Promise to hurl my body ineptly at Bills players until I get injured. Do I get a game check for this?
  8. I'm healthy as a horse. Not a drip... https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/685efa3e-6f0e-4b49-bd30-e550c214a06e
  9. I'm sneaking in a quick vacation in Ithaca, so the game being moved or otherwise not played Sunday works in my favor. Selfishly speaking, of course (which is the U.S. native tongue).
  10. We don't have the DL guys who brought that chip and chirp last season: Lawson and Phillips. Not that their performances on the field always matched their "juice." But they could trigger a loose cannon like Lewan.
  11. New England* is ALWAYS more physical than Buffalo. This year looks no different. Might not matter anymore, though. Times are changing.
  12. This projection is really effing spot-on. Of course the Bills got the "established veteran" part very wrong in 2018.
  13. There's some fat to trim from the Bills salary cap/roster after this year. Which means Beane needs to do even better in the draft, moving forward, in order to get better return-on-investment (ROI) from the second- and third-tier players. The first-tier group will command increasingly-large shares of the salary cap, if all goes well with Allen, Edmunds, Milano (shrug) and...anyone else soon? Looks like we don't get "our" money's worth in disruption from the D-line, innit?
  14. Is this satire after last week's game? Like the kid, but he got targeted and abused in the run game.
  15. Is this when we share gameday drug regimens? Or should that technically be its own topic?
  16. It would be wise to take immediate action leaguewide. Configure a smarter, more cautious plan in an effort to ensure a complete and valid season. The other sports did it. I know the NFL is a more complex and expensive beast, but the money is there to make it happen. The TV money faucet isn't gonna run dry.
  17. Presents a real conundrum for the league. How can the NFL place public health and safety above all else and STILL play the season with some modicum of competitive balance and consistency? (With respect to: thresholds and policies for when games will be postponed vs. when teams will play the games minus certain players.) The competitive integrity of the season will be a challenge to maintain whilst being abundantly cautious (IF the league chooses caution). We don't know what happens moving forward. So it's important for the NFL's Covid contingencies to be mapped out and adhered to. Publish the plans. Make it transparent. ALL stakeholders (including the viewing public--it's TV money that drives everything, after all) should have access to all the information (minus medical confidentiality considerations).
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