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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. I love his game but he gets injured so often its mind numbing (yes, I'm aware its a physical game). One thing I noticed during the Miami game is that the D continuously gave up the same pass pattern play over and over and over again, many times to Landry. Was this one of those schemes by design to keep everything in front of you or was the D just not paying attention cause Miami just kept getting 1st down after 1st down on the same play call over and over. And that's with Fales at QB. Yes Bortles does suck as an NFL QB but one has to think he's better than Fales, right?
  2. Exceptional post. How this team made the playoffs was more about finally receiving good fortune than talent. Look at the numbers and it's quite possibly one of the worst seasons ever to qualify for the post season. But I'll take it if it gets this monkey off our backs. Did the Ravens entertain or consider keeping Trent Dilfer after a SB victory?
  3. Moving on up boys. We're in the playoffs now, only top shelf from here on out. Miss the days of Enberg and Maguire. RIP Dick.
  4. I'm with you in that regard. Look at this stat line for the regular season: Record: (9-7) Division: (3-3) vs AFC: (7-5) vs NFC: (2-2) Home: (6-2) Road: (3-5) Place: 2nd Team Rankings: Through Week 16 Total Offense: 29th Passing: 32nd Rushing: 6th Total Defense: 25th Passing: 18th Rushing: 30th How did this team make the post season let alone win 9 games. Sunday is a tall order for sure.
  5. WHAT? A broken down Peyton Manning is still 2x the QB Tyrod is. It was painful watching his final year being a shell of his former self. But Manning could still read a defense, make adjustments at the LOS and throw receivers open with anticipation. 3 things a perfectly healthy Taylor can not do to save his life. I like the guy and will always remember him being the QB on the team that broke the drought but he's not the answer moving forward if the goal is to win a title.
  6. Didn't Oakland have to beat the Chargers as well for that scenario to play out? Personally I'd rather they play Jax. They're limping in on a 2 game losing streak and are not as good as people, mainly their fans, are making out.
  7. I like Tyrod but just don't think he has enough talent to get to the ultimate goal. I'd rather have Alex Smith and he's on his way out as well. That alone should tell the story. Back up role at a reduced salary, OK. If not thanks for the memories.
  8. McD!! Took over a team that hasn't seen the postseason in forever. Stayed the course, believed in the process and now has a playoff berth to show for it in his first year. He may make you scratch your head but I don't see any dandruff on his. Good coach with a promising future. Him and Beane have the vision to turn this thing around.
  9. Both of you thought the grass was greener elsewhere. One thought he was better off leaving a so called train wreck to pursue a crusade for racial equality only to resurface later saying "I still want to play". Bravo Anquan, Bravo! Now your sitting home watching when you could've been on a playoff team. And then there's you Mr. Maclin. As much as this city welcomed you and offer you an opportunity to start while your friends Shady and Tyrod sang your praises you decided to go elsewhere. Again under the presumption you would be playing on a playoff contender instead of wasting time on a rebuilding team. How's that working out Jeremy? At least you have that lifetime supply of crabcakes going for you. They'll come in handy while entertaining friends as you watch the Buffalo Bills play in the postseason. I don't know why I started a thread on these two and maybe I should have just let it go. I just felt an overwhelming need to vent on how they disregarded the franchise and how upset it made me and other fans. I'm so happy for this team, coach and fan base. In a season where everyone thought, "what are they doing"? They caught the breaks and broke the curse. What are they doing? Their playing in the playoffs baby!!!! GO BILLS!!!
  10. Not a fan is quite an understatement. He absolutely dislikes the Bills for whatever reason. Guy had such a sour puss on his face sitting next to Deion when he gave Kyle "The Call". He was an all time great but how he got a job as an analyst that way he butchers the English language is beyond me.
  11. They'll be the team we target to trade up and draft McD's QB of the future.
  12. Jags going in to the playoffs on a 2 game losing streak . That noose is gonna get tighter as the week goes on while the Bills are playing with Haus-money. I live 40 minutes from their home field in Jax and I hear it every week. They were setting up the parade and fitting rings 2 weeks ago. We can beat these guys, their not as good as pundits make them and Bortles has looked bad as of late.
  13. Belicheck didn't get into the playoffs his first year. Just saying.
  14. Can't blame the effort bro, I'M A LITTLE DRUNK MYSELF!!!
  15. Diva label was prominent when he was considered the best WR in his draft. A lot of trash came out of his mouth. Since then he's proven that he's decent but in the grand scheme of things, JAG.
  16. Can care less. It would be a hollow championship if he won. The fact that he's this close with our OC is a miracle in it self. Love Shady and would love to see a playoff berth instead of a hollow rushing title.
  17. Don't understand why fans think Ravens over Cincy is a gimme. Ravens played like crap against Indy last week and Cincy beat a pretty good Detroit team. I can easily see the Bengals putting in a good game against a division rival. No way the Raiders beat the Chargers.
  18. Heck Ya! And bring in Dez who's on the outs in Dallas. Imagine it. Dez and KB on the outside, OM freaking God!!! DT and Zay sharing the slot w/ Clay at TE. If it doesn't work out, get back in the booth. What do you think Cutler's going to do?
  19. No. As great as Shady has been we need to get his replacement on the roster sooner than later.
  20. I'd let him walk if it were up to me. He's a difference maker and a legit CB opposite Tre but he's always hurt. I can see if he's getting his clock cleaned with some major hits but it seems its always none contact, soft tissue, hamstring type injuries. If he's this inactive in a contract year I'd hate to see his motivation once he gets paid. Dareus part deux?
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