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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. We need Last Years Josh back. Someone care to knock on his door? Josh needs to get out of his own head.
  2. Just to clarify this silly thread... Stats do not matter because WE ARE GOING TO WIN THE WHOLE DAMN THING! period.
  3. So is there going to be a Televised American Anthem or was that it? Cause if that was IT? I am disappointed There we go.. I was starting to wonder.. lol
  4. Anyone else wondering where the American Anthem is being played?
  5. Jacksonville has Hollister as third string.. That's the best job he could find and some of you had him as a starter.
  6. he has other family and lots of friends in Dunkirk. Read the replies
  7. Hello all fellow Bills Mafia. I wanted to reach out to you today because I am going to be starting a new Kiwanis Club.The link below explains what Kiwanis is but after the link I will explain it a little better along with who I am. https://www2.kiwanis.org/childrensfund/about-the-childrens-fund/mission-vision-and-core-values?gclid=CjwKCAjwj8eJBhA5EiwAg3z0m_Mplp5ysDXgbZgOw3PCVm8yE4zvEmUQ8EyDp5efBzjaJLEDN0uOGBoCsUkQAvD_BwE#.XI2GWbfYqzx Kiwanis is like the Lions Clubs in size but it is for Kids. Sub programs within Kiwanis we call Service Leadership Programs we call SLP'S include K' Kids, Builders Club, Aktion Club, Key Kids, Circle K and so on. In short Kiwanis is "Serving the Children of the World. One Child, One Community at a Time!" We support different things like https://www.kampkiwanis.org/ https://kiwanispediatrictraumacenter.org/ https://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/ in our area and many more important items that support Kids! So what KIND of club would this be? This would be an online zoom Club called "Kids Backers" or another name if the club so chooses though the name can not be a copy of another Kiwanis Club. Now about myself. My name is Duane, I am a member of The Kiwanis Club of Orchard Park!. I have been a member of Kiwanis for over 21 years. This Kiwanis year that starts in October, I will be a LT. Gov. of Niagara Frontier South Division. This Division is located in Erie County. I have big time goals for this Division and one of them goals is to build an online One Purpose Club. This one purpose club will do some Fundraisers, A service project or 2 to start and donate to a children's need of the clubs choice. This would be in form of a Zoom Meeting and we would meet on zoom 2-4 times a week. The next question you will ask is "well what will I have to do and how much?" Yearly dues to Kiwanis is $101 28 Cents a day... I think we can All afford that! So I am asking for your help? Who is interested in helping kids? They need YOUR help!
  8. I guessed right, that either way you would want to commute to Dunkirk often. From south to north just before the city on Rout 5.. I am sure you know Rout 5 right? and rout 20 and I 90. So. from close to Dunkirk to close to Buffalo in order from south(Dunkirk) to north (Buffalo) Dunkirk Silvercreek Angola Hamburg Blasdell Then Buffalo (Keep in mind, there are lots of micro communities in between that are great, just longer travels to get to stores) If you like the farm life. Eden is the place for you! Angola, would be the middle most area Close to buffalo, go Hamburg then Blasdell. Again... ya need a guide look me up.
  9. do a google search on tax rates anywhere and it will tell you. Hamburg/Blasdell for shorter work trips. Rural Eden or Angola that would be somewhere in between. NY in general has higher tax rates. If you live on the south end of Hamburg near rout 5 your a 20-25 minute ride down town in rush hour. Some days longer. I think more info would help. Do you want to love close to mother or closer to work or in between?
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