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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Sir this all started because you state the opinion that you feel most don't want a roof. This statement Just isn't true. Period. end of story,
  2. your joking right? Millionaires donate to 501c3 Tax Deductible Charities.. you would be shocked how little they actually pay... your digging a hole to big to crawl out of here lol...
  3. you come up with a bigger place to do a poll then let me know.. forums is a small fan size and you cant possibly know how say a million bills fans are thinking.
  4. that explains it better.. OK.. To my point... These forums are not the only place a poll has been at.. Channel 4 and 7 did a poll. Twitter did multiple polls. They were all pretty split between Roof, Retractable and no roof
  5. Agree. But here we are. Twitter, Channel 4 news and other bigger outlets have done such polls on the stadium.. Roof.. Retractable.. No roof.. Results pretty split.
  6. yea.. you said it wrong.. so your saying only 10% of the fans on these forums are from buffalo? Does not matter.. A FAN is a FAN. Just about everyone here has been to at least one game in there life I am sure. If they are an Ultimate Fan as you put it then the Ultimate Fan no matter where they live should have a say on a poll... just silliness.
  7. That's such Garbage. Everyone here either shows enough respect for the bills to not troll or are fans .. if you think 10% of the posters here are fans your koo koo
  8. I can listen to Baldy all day long!. Bull Rushing a Tackle that some think will be a star in this league? The second play was just as impressive as the first.
  9. I get they are trying to figure out the run game... but mitch has to be wanting to toss this ball more
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