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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. This is what i've been saying all along. Yeah, we beat the Bucs, Denver and Atlanta, but we're all seeing now how bad these teams really are. So if you put it into perspective, we really haven't impressed with any solid wins against solid teams. And along comes a disrespected Jets team on Thursday night in front of a national crowd............bad things, man............bad things.
  2. If anything, i'd say the coach quit on the team............he didn't have them prepared and did nothing for the half time adjustments.
  3. Shaq is our guy who sets the edge................now only if we had a big boy to stuff the middle.
  4. Our boys really need to step-up in the trenches to give us a shot at a win in this one.
  5. I'm sure Winston has eaten alot of things............a WIN is probably the least of anyones worries.
  6. It's gotta be McAdoo..........the dude has completely lost his team.
  7. I'm expecting some pretty lop-sided blow-outs through the next 8 weeks. It aint gonna be pretty.
  8. Who needs them anyways..........don't you know that Zay had his break-out game last week and he will save this WR corps.
  9. We'll be lucky to split with the Fins. The Chargers won't be an easy one either, as it can go one way or the other...........the Pats are going to spank us as always, KC will have its way with us and the Saints will make us their dorrmat. I think we're in for a rough road ahead.
  10. I recorded it on my DVR last night and watched it this morning. I almost forgot how tough he was over the years..........we will never see another Jim Kelly in today's football. The guy had absolutely no quit in him.
  11. No excuses..........the team played like shiite. I'm not sure if they'll recover from this shellacking.
  12. TT passed the ball well, when he had time to throw...........the Oline really let this team down.
  13. No sir, i am not...........never been banned, nor am i planning on it.
  14. Well, DisplacedBillsFan...........or maybe it should be DisillusionedBillsFan. 13-3 is utter nonsense, but keep the faith, bro.
  15. We want national recognition and when we get it, we stink the joint up...................no surprise here.
  16. McD didn't have his team prepared to play.............pure and simple.
  17. A hard fought battle?............what the hell game were you watching?
  18. Not just a stinker on the national stage, but against a beatable divisional opponent...........we ain't going anywhere if we can't compete for the division.
  19. 17 yrs. and counting, my friend.................17 yrs.
  20. Exactly........there is no consistency on the O at all, let alone the O line.
  21. 1) McD..........just awful and inexcusable against a division opponent 2) O line..........see above 3) penalties...........no excuse and no comment
  22. Would you still feel this way if the Bills throttled the Jets last night?
  23. They had the chance to profile themselves on the national stage last night. This game was the make or break, to prove to the rest of the league and themselves that they are legit............pretenders, i say.
  24. If he gave himself up, he would have stayed down on the field.............he got up and started running, which makes him fair game.
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