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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. I think this is an absolutely awful take on shady for this season. Time will tell. As I reading his long post I was wondering.... isn’t there a dude that routinely has crap takes on shady and is it this dude? Must be it is.
  2. “Fire that f*****g pigskin” -varsity blues(drunk dad)
  3. You couldn’t pay me to walk into that stadium. I havnt been to a lot of visiting stadiums but I’ve been to Cleveland, Pitt, and Jax and ALL were a better experience than the last home bills game I went to vs the pats. It happened to be just after Brady had come back in 16. Worst game experience I’ve ever had and it was in our own back yard so I can’t even freaking imagine going into their neck of the woods. NO. FRIGGIN. WAY.
  4. oh dude. I've gone to bat for the former qb over and over and over again on here. so i'm not gonna bother there... an offense with an OC(daboll) knowing his players and playing to their strengths might just be a better one than one that had a better player but an OC that force fed him trash all year. in fact it wouldn't surprise me if the offense scored more points this year and I still think the old qb is a better one than either of the veterans we have now. I guess this is just all based off the fact you think the offense is gonna be horrendous. I disagree. I actually think there may be aspects that get better. IMO if the bills have a top 10 and aren't in the hunt i'll be extremely disappointed with how daboll and the offense earned their paychecks. if last year showed me anything its to not bet against beane and McDermott, even if it looks like things aren't headed how we like. I think we all remember last august when the "tank" was on.
  5. I think the offense will hold serve. therefore if the defense moves into the top 10 I see a playoff push..... and where did I say I doubt the defense. I said its a big "if". and it is. they have to improve quite a bit to get there. that doesn't mean I don't think they improve. don't be so defensive. you apparently think the offense is in for some sort of nosedive. I don't think that's the case at all. its not like they were very good last year. and you totally underrate how bad dennison was and how much a difference it can make if you have an OC working on emphasizing his players strengths. it wont surprise me one bit if the team goes 5-11 next year. also wouldn't surprise me if they went 9-7 or 10-6.... it would, however, surprise me if they had a top 10 d and went 5-11.
  6. I have a VERY hard time believing if the defense turns into a top 10 unit that they are gonna go 5-11 like you guess in the OP. theres enough pieces on offense and lets not forget dennison is now gone. I personally believe daboll will be better than him by default... if(BIG IF) the defense morphs to top 10 like you hope in the above post i'm expecting a playoff push.
  7. Guy has no shame. He has consistently tried to insert the old qb into numerous discussions that have nothing to do with him. Pathetic really.
  8. The way he broke down and worked both teams when shipping Watkins and Darby on the same day....pretty awesome stuff here.
  9. Man, it’s the real deal. Anywhere the dude goes as a backup he’s sees extensive PT. It’s crazy. death, taxes..... and fitz finding his way onto the field ANYWHERE he goes.
  10. I don't disagree. I just like the idea of a first round talent coming in motivated and in shape to try and win his job back. that can only be a good thing for everyone I think.
  11. Interior OL DE opposite of hughes…. I think Lawson vs. Murphy could heat up that edge!
  12. the play cost me my fantasy playoff matchup that year! my best friend and roommate at the time had the damned jets defense!
  13. you've been moaning about MCD since the indy game..... the dude made the playoffs in his first year with what most would agree was limited talent on the team. he's shown plenty of promise. I seriously don't get your gripe with the dude.
  14. you WOULD try and passively find a way to bring up and blame the old qb for petermans blunder. classic.
  15. bad lines screw up and let people run free to the qb plenty. I heard bosa's sound bite. I didn't look too far into it one bit. anyone trying to say it was some sort of conspiracy honestly looks like a complete fool..... they also need to rewind the tape 2 weeks prior to the jets game and watch the same line let the jets d-line literally swallow up taylor within a second or 2, play after play after play.
  16. I remember that game. There was a good bit of hype going into that. It was a blizzard back in 07. But the teams recrods were actually a little better than you recall and the score was different. Bills were 7-6 and Edwards had taken the job by that point and the browns were 8-5. Score was 8-0. Awful game to watch. Lol. The kicker is the browns finished a very solid 10-6 and STILL missed the playoffs that year. OUCH. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/200712160cle.htm
  17. When my dad walked in the living room the tv had to be changed to anything other than football. So that’s a big NO for me. Haha
  18. You are right. There’s a couple that apparently had fairly reliable info that there was a ton of pressure from Dennison to make it happen.
  19. It goes both ways man. I’m perfectly okay with the move from the old qb but the minute I call somebody on their BS when they start spouting off about how absolutely awful he was they start throwing around the douchey “COT” acronym. Ive literally prefaced posts by saying I’m ready to move on from him but I don’t agree with some over the top posters claiming he was a RB in a qb’s clothing and have gotten labeled as a lover or COT or whatever else. It’s absolutley absurd.
  20. -The old qb played fine against Oakland. It was a nasty rainy day and the run game was humming. He did just fine managing that ball game and extending a couple big plays. Namely the 2nd and 20 to Tate and the td to Holmes. -he wasn’t benched after the jets game. -Zay Jones caught his first td before peterman ever started the SD debacle - how the hell does peterman being inserted have anything to do with the defense buckling down the rest of the season? - And I learned some things about peterman that game but it wasn’t anything close to how you mention it in your first point. That whole post..... it’s all just so bad and inaccurate.
  21. Production alone says Edelman. But it’s hard to not account for the Brady factor there. My vote goes to a healthy and motivated KB.
  22. has it been your goal to be the proverbial piss in the cheerios all week? dude. we get its practice.... its also nice to see the rookie doing well.
  23. have a family RV lined up and a crew of 5 or 6 of us ready for a weekend at Lambeau. that'll check off a bucket list item for me....that's it for away games this year.
  24. We can’t all be as cool as you.
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