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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. my god.... I guess I hadn't really looked back at it..... this is really really pathetic. geez.
  2. i'll be perfectly honest. I hated the pick when It happened.... but I was really excited for EJ after his first 2 games. he lost to the pats 23-21 in the opener and honestly easily could have won that game. I remember stevie dropping a crucial 3rd down late in that game that would have put them in scoring range and made life much harder on the pats..... and then he had the Carolina game the very next week when he slung it for 296 yds and the game winner. I honestly thought we had hit on a qb finally. I understand that was obviously really premature and foolish but his first 2 games were seriously promising.
  3. The first time I saw the playoff remarks in quotes I knew he’d fit right in around here with a certain handful.
  4. I already looked up his numbers. Which led to me saying you say silly things. He wasn’t pushing anything down the field. Stop it. And PUH-lease. Get over yourself. Didn’t go over my head at all. Everyone knows Taylor isn’t the talent or qb that jimmy g is. JG will most likely end up being a top 5-10 qb in the nfl within the next couple of years. Nobody is claiming the same for Taylor so it’s dumb comparison. The kicker here is that I truly don’t believe I’ll miss Taylor that much. I’ve been 100% on board with what’s going on..... it’s just that you say really ridiculous stuff to try and prove lame points.
  5. Nobody was pushing anything down the field until jimmy g stepped in. Go look at the passing numbers before he was inserted. You say really silly things sometimes. ...... and is anyone even arguing that Taylor looks like the sort of qb that JG looks like right now?
  6. you most definitely have a certain way about you. its why I never bothered with you on prior pages and will continue to gloss over you in the future. good talk, bruh.
  7. its obvious theres a lot you don't get.... or watch the first portion of that game for that matter.
  8. the sports reporters that vote on the HOF and decided to make him wait a bit are billionaires? ............and stop being so dramatic.
  9. very nice post here but you and I both know its wasted on the guys you are quoting.
  10. on the ground. Listen, i'm not one bit upset about moving on from taylor. i dont wish for him back.... but anyone that's not willing to acknowledge how putrid that O-line was in that game basically shows exactly what sort of agenda they have going on right now.
  11. right. I distinctly remember a play early in that game where they sent 5 on our 5. the pocket literally enclosed around taylor in what looked like a freaking star formation and I remember thinking.... "have I ever seen a full pocket collapse around a guy that quick when it was a hat on a hat?" we aren't talking just one or 2 lineman getting pushed back. they literally backed our whole line into taylor and swallowed him up.... and then it kept happening.
  12. this is complete BS.... The jets were constantly collapsing the pocket around taylor with just 4 and 5 guys. it was one of the worst displays of pass blocking in my recent memory. ….. and now this is the part where somebody mistakes me stating that fact as me absolutely loving tyrod and wishing he was still here...… which isn't the case btw. in case you're wondering.
  13. His numbers were staggering for a good span. Then you have a guy like gore. Really only ever elite in one season when he posted 1600 rushing. The rest just very solid over and over and over again.... now over 14,000 rushing. I mean what do you do with a guy like that? Consistency has to count for something but he was rarely considered a top 5 back in his generation. He’s like the art monk of rb’s. Hard to deny the raw numbers
  14. That’s not the marker it used to be though. Edge James has over 12000 in 11 seasons and is 12th all time among backs in scrimmage yds with just over 15000 and has anyone even heard a whisper of talks for him and the HOF? Shady most definitely has some serious work ahead of him.
  15. becuz they had plenty of other pieces. they knew a team in need would overpay him a bit and he wasn't quite worth it to them. I believe we overpayed for him but I also believe he's an obvious upgrade..... becuz he will be. hands down. saying he's a poor mans Washington is an incredibly bad take. Washington was absolutely awful last year.
  16. the fact that you are referencing stats for a space eater like star says all I need to know here. the guy was the centerpiece of that run d for years. space eaters like him aren't paid for raw numbers. they get paid when they do their job, penetrate and eat up space for everyone else. and he's been on of the best at that since he entered the league...…. casey Hampton was a renowned and elite space eater. he averaged a mere 31 tackles a season. like i said. ill-informed.
  17. There was really no need for all this. You said 200 yds was a “very good” day for him while trying to reinforce a point. That was false. 200 yds a game was his average in Buffalo. I’m not happy with that. I’m totally fine with moving on from Tyrod. That doesn’t change what you said from being wrong... and sorta stupid. Sorry. Good talk, bruh.
  18. Especially when the young guy was as bad as he was last year. Really really REALLY bad take.
  19. And the award for “the most awful and ill-informed post of the day” goes to..... as for what the OP said. I don’t get what posters you are seeing. From what I’ve seen the majority of what people are saying is it could be a borderline top 10 unit. That’s realistic and it’s something you seem to agree with. I’m not seeing much about the D being over hyped around here honestly.
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