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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. you're just so..... OFF, on all of this. first off. the bills traded back, got picks, and STILL got a lockdown corner. a corner that was directly responsible for sealing 2 wins last year. i'm sad for you that you cant see any of this. and as for allen. he was regarded as top 5-10 pick by the majority for over a year leading up to the draft. the same cant be said for the other 2 qb's you mentioned. but since you see similarities and you had your mind made up about him you claim its the same ole crap you saw for the last 20 years. and this staff isn't different? they just made the playoffs with a ton of roster turnover while cleaning up the cap from the prior crap show. literally all of that is different from the previous 17 years. dude you need to take the sh*t colored glass off and open your eyes. WOW. nothing about how this FO has started has been depressing. not even close.
  2. I would argue it was much more McD than Whaley. After all, isn’t that what we heard afterwards? So I’m gonna go ahead and lump it in with the new staff.
  3. Bringing up 20 years worth of failures in an argument against the new staff that has already NAILED their 2017 pick and then broke the drought with massive roster turnover is really REALLY foolish IMO. And make sure not to lump how all the fans “feel” about this draft in with your thoughts. It may have that “feel” to you. But I’m absolutely fine with how things shook out, as are plenty of others with even heads on their shoulders. I see no reason not to give the new staff the benefit of the doubt until they’vd proven they don’t deserve it. So far so good.
  4. This is all so dramatic. Good lord dude. And don’t lump the fan base in with your awful takes. He won’t have to go on a record setting tear to start his career off(watson) as the only way to ignite the fan base. Give me a freaking break. This basically says there is nothing he can do short of putting up numbers no rookie has ever seen for you to buy in. Which means your mind is already made up no matter what happens..... comical stuff here.
  5. That playoff pregame speech from Williams. Geez. Chills.
  6. Well I never said that he was better than gurley. And I don’t believe he is. Like I said. I have McCoy in the 4 or 5 range. My point is he most definitely would have an argument for the top 3 if he played in any of the offenses that the consensus top 3 backs play in. As I state in my prior post. It’s picking nits. I get that. But I would have him at 4 or 5.
  7. I have a hard time putting guys with merely one season of production(Johnson/Kamara)over McCoy. 6 isn’t insulting thought. I’m picking nits but over the last couple years I’ve had him in that 4 or 5 slot. Can you imagine him in Pittsburgh’s offense, with those weapons, running behind that line? Or behind the line in Dallas? as a part of the offense in LA? It would be sickening.
  8. Isn’t it funny how the order of when they finished changes that for some? Lol. Theres a bottom line that a handful hate to admit.... one team did what they needed to do over a 16 game season and the other didn’t.
  9. That was an awesome play by the old qb and Tate on 2nd and 20 vs OAK. Made a few amazing cuts for the first then got mobbed on the sideline and Coach McD was leading the way. Was definitely a play that stuck with me throughout the season. What a fun season.
  10. hahaha. right? I was legitimately ticked off even after we won becuz of how ridiculous of a game it was. I remember thinking "I cant even enjoy the freaking wins anymore. whats the point".... ive since been able to sit back and watch it on my dvr since then and really enjoy the beautiful s**t show that it was knowing now that all that craziness led to a playoff birth. so while I LOVE the hand off to meatball. I guess I would have to say still go with the webb throw. it was a miracle toss in awful conditions and it kept the season alive.
  11. right..... everything we've grown accustomed to going against us finally came back around for us. such a strange game. wasn't really even all that happy afterward. I just was all nerved up and wondering how it all happened for us that way. haha.
  12. becuz most bills fans think the bills will be slightly worse next year and its fairly evident the packers will be.... the packers. the being said. Lambeau is a bucket list item for me so I don't really care how bad we get beat. there are 5 of us making the journey in an RV.
  13. I have an officer friend that has invited me out with other officer buddies..... I wont go anywhere with them anymore. they totally reinforce every stereotype I already had about cops. I have very little doubt the officers in that incident a couple of years ago had it coming to them. FTR I also train 3 different local state trooper/city police officers here at my gym and they are extremely kind people. so i'm not trying to bundle them all into that catergory. I just know first hand that some can be that "type"
  14. this is exactly what I've been thinking. it just doesn't line up with all the prior steps he's taken.
  15. I've gone to bat for the former qb way more than i'm actually comfortable with becuz of characters like teddy and you aren't wrong about the defenses weaknesses in that game but 10 points is 10 points. hard to put much of any real blame on them. being there live I really couldn't get a good feel of some of the throws he missed but finally watching it on tv...… there were some seriously important throws that he didn't make by either making an inaccurate pass when a guy had a step or just not throwing it at all. especially in the 4th quarter. there is other blame to go round though. clay not being aware of where he was on the sideline on a crucial first down conversion. thompsons unnecessary hold on shady's massive screen play.... both HUGE errors in crunch time. the worst thing I could have done was watch that game last night. really got my gears grinding again. such a winnable game.
  16. Coleman. Wow. Ya. Now that’s a serious idea right there. Bears were rumored to be shopping Howard this spring as well. I think that would take too much. Probably a couple of 2nds. So I think once McCoy has run his course here, whether that’s sooner or later, they have no desire to place a huge emphasis on the position. like you said, it would be somebody for a late pick that can fill a certain role alongside ivory would assume.
  17. I’ve been thinking of guys beane might wheel and deal for with a mid round pick if the worst happens with shady.... ware came to mind. He had a real nice 2016 season before he got hurt. I would argue he’d be a slight upgrade over ivory. Chris Carson in Seattle is another name that came to mind now that they took a runner early this last spring.
  18. to be fair... who the hell memorizes definitions. why would you hold it against somebody to cite a dictionary to prove a point that what he said makes sense? do you usually have an arsenal of definitions ready to recite for the words that you use? I don't agree or disagree with either one of you. but making fun of somebody for going and getting a definition to strengthen their argument is sorta lame on your part.
  19. Right? ..... Oh no! The millionaire in his mid 20’s had a party and only invited the hottest women! THE NERVE OF THAT GUY!
  20. I’m not saying McCoy isn’t gonna see a suspension for this even if he’s not convicted but your remarks on Foster aren’t Accurate. Fosters suspension was becuz of weapons and substance charges prior to the abuse accusations. It feels more like a Zeke Elliott sort of suspension. Elliot was never convicted but got NAILED by the nfl.
  21. my parents had a corgi they named kegger. they don't even drink...….. such awful people.
  22. if its true, he'll never have a job with any team ever again..... i'm quite skeptical at this point though.
  23. last years saints game comes to mind immediately...….but the 04 steelers game is easily the worst ive ever felt walking from the stadium. was the first game I ever attended. lol.
  24. I would argue that 11,000 yds and over 100 rush td makes your take on Riggins fairly absurd. It’s been 30 years since he’s played and he’s still 19th all time in rush yds and 6th in rush td’s. I agree with you and most others saying OJ at 10 is way too low. I also would have a hard time putting Dorsett over Thurman.
  25. that play has been talked about a ton on this board. especially in the weeks right after the loss. I dunno where you guys were for that. lol
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