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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. These types of posts are the most unnecessary and useless of all posts on messages anywhere. You're telling us to wait and see, it could be better than it appears on it's face. Enlightening. Sure it could be, but it probably won't. I'm not interested in waiting 3 years to talk about whether or not this was a bad move. If it turns out to be a great pick 5 years from now, that's irrelevant. It was a bad move TODAY. They shouldn't be given a pass if they get lucky and the kid doesn't suck. He sucked in college, badly. history suggests he'll suck in the pros. The Bills had countless chances over the last 2 drafts to grab far more accomplished prospects, and instead they sell the farm for a kid from a farm, that still belongs on a farm. Allen at 12 would have been bad enough, Allen + two high second round picks is inexcusable. It was true in 2008 and a decade later it's still true: http://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=3350135
  2. What evidence do you have to suggest it IS possible? History is against you. Even the greats like Brees, Manning, Rodgers, Roethlisberger and Brady had career accuracy numbers within a couple points of their college careers. I really don't think you appreciate how bad 56% really is.
  3. I think Peterman has as much a shot of becoming Brees as Allen does of becoming Newton. The more interesting question I think is: if he becomes as good as Cam Newton is that good enough? My answer is no.
  4. You seriously think Arizona would have taken Allen? I don't see them being so desperate to trade up to get their last choice. Rosen was the pick all along. Makes it that much more nauseating.
  5. That's a plus to wentz, not Allen. And his name is AJ McCarron. Using your brain doesn't hurt as much as you might think.
  6. I think the "why" is the important part here. There are a lot of guys with huge arms pulling the night shift. What else can he do at an elite level?
  7. i'm just really happy the Browns spurned the Bills for the 4th pick. The price must have been insane and it was definitely the same player. I would have had to go to the hospital.
  8. Kinda funny to think they needed to pass on Watson last year so they could get ammo to trade up for Josh Allen. I guess it's just a different level beyond my comprehension.
  9. D+ We traded 5 top 56 picks for a QB that has no skills outside of a big arm and a 19 year old LB prospect. Beane is a guy that loves measurables it seems, and there's a graveyard of NFL GM's that fell in love with Jeff George, JaMarcus Russel, and Brian Bosworth's of years past. The linebacker had a good year, and probably stands a reasonable shot to be decent. Allen on the other hand, it doesn't even feel fair to call him a bust candidate. He's a 4th round talent that became a darling.
  10. Manuel had prototypical size too. He's a huge dude.
  11. I have a feeling we'll know who he is in 6 games. That's about how long Manuel got. However, my hope is that McCarron makes Cinci look like fools and Allen never plays a snap.
  12. I hope McCarron keeps Allen on the bench for his entire career as a bill and we trade his sorry Rob Johnson ass to the Jaguars for multiple 1rsts.
  13. He might be the greatest QB to don a pair of shorts since JaMarcus Russel.
  14. As someone with a lot of skill-based hobbies, sometimes you have to temporarily become worse so that you can become better over the long haul. This is what golfers do when they create a new swing at 35 or Phillip Rivers decides to change his throwing motion. The same thing happens organizationally. Trying to go for it all when you aren't prepared usually sets you back a long ways. Regardless, this has gotten way off topic.
  15. Looks like my assumption was correct. You incorrectly parsed the most simple and straightforward of messages, and added a little bit of non-sequiter homophobia for added flair. Well done. 0/10. Try again. You understand that in order to see your vision through to completion you have to have time though, right? He had to right the ship to prove to the players, staff, and management what they're capable of. He also had to assess what he had. Now they'll look at replacing the beams and braces.
  16. Nope, hate electronic music. I've just had life experiences. "YOLO" and all that.
  17. If I remember correctly it was Actually 4th down with the game on the line. Going into the Cards game he led the NFL in nearly every category and looked like he was a lock for the Pro-Bowl and the drought was over. It was a really sad day. I was in Seattle and the run had brought 200-250 people into the Bills Backers bar to cheer for the Bills. The next week there were 10 of us.
  18. Have you ever taken Molly? This was the opposite of what it does. Molly is out of your system in days and spice doesn't even register. No one will ever know.
  19. I take it reading comprehension is not your strong suit? I'm agreeing with their hypothetical assessment that they've bought some time. If you honestly think that every manager is trying to shoot the moon with every staff they have at all times, I'd love to know what else is in that head. They'll say they're trying to win a championship, but that's cliche nonsense. A rookie QB has never done it, and this team has a lot that needs to improve to compete with the modern NFL where every championship team is built like the yankees of old. Losing is acceptable when winning isn't the goal. I tend to agree with this, though I think if Rudolph is there at #22 he has to take him. I'd rather they do that then sell the farm for their 3rd choice, or Allen at any pick. I think we're looking at the beginning of a 2-3 year plan, which is a world in which Hughes, McCoy, Williams, Incognito, and maybe Benjamin are no longer here.
  20. Maybe you shouldn't. At the combine he measured 6' 5/8". 1" shorter than rodgers, taller than Wilson, and about the same as Brees/Taylor
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