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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. 38% approval ratings? 80 million more of us than there are of you? lost the popular vote by 3 million? I get it, math is hard. Just because you take up more space in flyover country doesn't mean the majority of the population agrees with your backwards, uneducated, fascist thinking.
  2. Not sure where you work, but this hasn't been true for a long time at the broader scale. When you're highly skilled and the company depends on that skill to be successful, most successful owners will try to understand where their employees are coming from and when possible work with them to resolve their issues. When they don't, the best talent leaves and the company suffers. Not sure how much of a hurry Duane Brown will be in to re-sign if he has other equal offers.
  3. What is my option for agreeing with the players without being derided as "jumping on a bandwagon"?
  4. Unlike most conservatives, I've spent my life living in large multi-cultural cities. I've seen the nuance that folks that have never moved outside of my 1000 person town can't possibly comprehend.
  5. The options are to agree with it or say it didn't happen. If that's a bandwagon sign me up for first class tickets.
  6. What it means is they don't get the benefit of the doubt for a racist comment being an innocuous error.
  7. BREAKING: A bunch of middle age white guys from smalltown USA agrees that old white guy's statements to young black men is not offensive. Developing story.
  8. Call a bunch of your buddies a bunch of dirty rotten lying cheats, and it's not offensive. Walk into a synagogue and say that.
  9. I think you'll find a lot of things that are two centuries old are now in extremely poor taste. Honestly, it doesn't matter if you think it was fine. You weren't the one the statement was directed at.
  10. No they aren't uneducated. Most have required degrees and they have to pass an exam. By definition they are not uneducated. Traffic cops on the other hand were probably poor student meat heads at your local high school or kids that got picked on and want their revenge. The fact that I have to explain this to you tells me you're probably another intellectual bottom feeder.
  11. How is it dense to suggest that per capita the chance of being killed by a cop int he US is 3x what it is in canada or england. Are cops interacting with their citizens 3x less? Also worth mentioning those two countries rates are high when compared with other developed nations
  12. The biggest problem I have is that you're saying they are rare, and trying to make it seem like it isn't a problem. Roughly 1000 people were killed by police each year for the last 3 years. I'm guessing the number isn't lower going further back That's not rare at all, especially when compared with rates in other developed countries.
  13. Nothing but accusations and personal attacks from you. Why so defensive? If you were truly on the right side of the argument you would be able to rely on data to back up your claim. I've provided data showing the training durations for cops in the US, others have posted detailed write ups concerning police killings, and I provided a video example. Each one seems to get you more defensive about your take and only results in you making assumptions about who I am and what I believe. I don't have any subtext here. I've laid it all out there pretty definitively. I believe that the police force attracts thugs, I believe they murder minorities and even white people when other means (including tasers) are widely available to them, and I believe it is a problem caused both by a lack of training and the lack of appeal to higher income earners. Most of that has data to back it up that has been provided, and the thug bit is my own personal bias from my experience.
  14. No problem. I've had a knife put to my throat before and managed to diffuse the situation without having to kill anyone or be harmed in the process. It's probably why companies pay me a lot of money to solve problems for them. what I take from it is that in the UK you spend two years training to be a police officer before you become one, and in the US it can happen in as little as 9 weeks. Here in Texas it takes one year to become a licensed barber... http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/us/jobs-training-police-trnd/index.html https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/job-profiles/police-officer
  15. Look I don't expect much. We allow our police force to be uneducated, run them through an academy, and hand them a gun. I mean what do you expect. It doesn't help that police are poorly compensated, so people that have higher earning potential aren't enticed by the job. Instead those jobs to people used to getting their way through force, not through thinking and conversation. Detectives are a different story.
  16. I've got a lot more to fear from a man in a suit or one with a badge than I do from a random guy with a gun.
  17. The three times in my life I've called the police: two car thefts and a hit and run they were completely useless and ineffective. However, if I ever need someone to tell me my tail light is out, I know they'll bravely answer the call of duty.
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