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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. I'm concerned about them not picking the right guy after moving all in to do it. Coaches around the league do this constantly. They have the opinion that somehow their guys will be better than everyone else's guy and it almost never works out. In fact I really can't recall a coach & GM coming in and gutting a talented roster and coming out better on the other side. The NFL has so much parity today that it's unnecessarily. The Bills were literally 5 plays away from being a 12-4 team last year. They completely controlled their own destiny and it wasn't for a lack of talent that they didn't get the job done. Have Beane & McDermott with their 0 combined years of experience really convinced this fanbase that in order to get 5 more touchdowns per year we need to set a fire to everything we have and start all over again? I call bull ****. The simple addition of Anquan Boldin and a healthy watkins should have been all we needed to get over the hump. I dont want to wait another 4 years to find out if we have JP Losman and I sure as hell don't want to draft Andy Dalton or Ryan Tannehill and decide we have to hitch our Wagon to them for the next 10 years because it's as good as we can reasonably hope for. I have 0 expectations that we'll end up with a Brady, Manning, Rothlisberger, Brees etc, because you might as well play the powerball.
  2. Not at all what I'm saying. My point is that the Bills are obviously putting themselves in a position to go up to #1 overall, and gutting the current team to do it, when the expected value of that pick is extremely low. The far better solution is to take many more, but less risky shots until you get someone that works. As an example, if the Bills knew they wanted a QB next year, which they obviously did, why not just draft Watson where they stood instead of trading back to draft a guy next year that may not be any better? If they didn't like what they saw form Watson year one, do it again next year. Everyone thought the redskins were silly for taking RGIII & Cousins, and it may have been the most savvy move they've ever made, in hindsight. Thanks for getting where I was going.
  3. 7+ QBs get drafted every year and 5-6 of them flame out of the league while 0-2 of them range from too serviceable to get rid of (Tannehill, Cutler, Dalton, etc) Getting that "QB for a decade plus" is winning the lottery. The Bolts still get flack from drafting Leaf, but if he didn't go 2, he would have gone 3rd, 4th, etc. It's not a science. Doing all of this to most likely get the next Ryan Tannehill is far from worth it. This is the worst time I've seen in the drought. There's no light at the end of the tunnel and a coaching staff is telling us that they can sell the farm next year and get a QB that will turn around this franchise on what will end up being a team otherwise void of talent: Gonna say my goodbyes to Kyle Williams and McCoy right now as they limp through this 20 game pre-season.
  4. Why is everyone throwing around $20 million like that was some sort of realistic number. He probably would have been a lot closer to 10. For all the pissingand moaning that goes on around Buffalo for being a farm team for the rest of the league, I don't know how you let this slide. We just developed a top WR for another team to build a dynasty around.
  5. That's a pretty flippant way to use the term "immature" what exactly is OBJ then?
  6. Yea, let's take our 1rst round picks that turn into franchise players and trade them for 1rst round picks so we can gamble all over again. This is a degenerate mentality fairly prevalent with this team. Even when you win, you lose.
  7. Watkins was my all-time favorite draft pick, and now he'll probably go win a half a dozen super bowls with New England.The only way the Bills "win" in this scenario is if he has a great year , but lands on IR towards the end of the season. Otherwise there's no way they'll be able to afford him, and if I was Watkins there's no way I'd re-sign. I'd much rather play for a better team where I'm valued. Thanks for !@#$ ing up once again, Buffalo. Sometimes I wish I was born in another city, so I could look at Buffalo the way the rest of the country does.
  8. Well, the out route and comebacks are the two hardest throws in football. Every player on an NFL roster can throw a deep ball. It just depends if that deep ball is a normal 30-40 yarder or some JaMarcus Russel 70 yarder from one knee. I really dont think that ever matters except for hail mary plays. Feel free to bring in Cardale on those.
  9. "Can make the necessary throws. His arm is strong enough. Can be a solid starting quarterback". Mel Kiper http://www.espn.com/high-school/girls-basketball/video/clip?id=19086850 "A capable thrower on the run. Arm strength is good enough on out routes." Mike Mayock http://www.kansascity.com/sports/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/article136524153.html "Peterman had a strong Senior Bowl week, and in my study of his film I've seen accuracy, poise, instincts and a good enough arm to make pro-level throws across the field. " http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2694599-matt-millers-scouting-notebook-is-nathan-peterman-this-years-dak-prescott/ "Despite lacking top tier arm strength, Peterman can still throw the ball down field and completes many of his passes at a high percentage." http://nflmocks.com/2016/11/16/underrated-2017-nfl-draft/
  10. Tom Brady won a couple of Super Bowls with a Noodle and already had his gold jacket ordered before he worked on his arm strength.While some guys are born with a stronger arm than others, it's something everyone can improve.
  11. Strengths: Good height to see the field. Very poised and composed. Smart and alert. Can read coverages. Good accuracy and touch. Produces in big spots and in big games. Has some Brian Griese in him and is a gamer. Generally plays within himself. Team leader. Weaknesses: Can get pushed down more easily than you'd like. Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush. Lacks a really strong arm. Can't drive the ball down the field and does not throw a really tight spiral. System-type player who can get exposed if he must ad-lib and do things on his own. Summary: Is not what you're looking for in terms of physical stature, strength, arm strength and mobility, but he has the intangibles and production and showed great Griese-like improvement as a senior. Could make it in the right system but will not be for everyone.
  12. How can you support trading down as a general practice but not support trading up? They're two sides of the same coin. The end goal is to maximize value, and if a team feels they get more value by trading up than standing pat, that's following the plan. We came out of the draft with 3 likely day 1 starters. It's really hard to hate that at this point. Time will tell how good they end up being. I hate the concept of drafting DBs in the first, and I think they went down too far/didnt get enough return, but all said and done it was a very productive, albeit boring draft. A-
  13. it's coach speak. McCoy isnt the starter yet either.
  14. technically - if you're talking 1 to 1. I was oversimplifying. we had something like 24 UFAs. somebody's going to get signed. I'm not worried about it at all. Bird in the hand, man.
  15. The comp pick formula is not a simple formula - playing time, contract and honors all factor into it among other things. If you lose brady and sign a fullback, it doesn't affect your comp picks. Also, who cares about '18 comp picks in spring '17. Not exactly a burning issue.
  16. Sad day to be a Bills fan. As a CB I railed against Aaron Williams as hard as anyone. As a safety he came alive and epitomized what it means to be a Buffalo Bill. Aaron played with a ton of passion and I'll truly miss seeing him out there on Sundays.
  17. Maybe. There's no guarantee he would have gotten a better deal though. For a guy like him, it's always better to take the sure thing. And none of them are guaranteed to be available, let alone to the bills. Cousins is 2 first round picks or more, Romo stays in Dallas or goes to Houston and Cutler is A LOT worse than Taylor.
  18. You can still draft them both. They aren't off the board. Taylor is the best QB available right now and we got him.
  19. Yawn. I think it does exactly that. They got the best QB available, and are free to draft as many as they like to try to hit a home run. It's a perfect plan that allows you to win this season and for years to come.
  20. They signed some warm body to a futures deal end of the season.
  21. Good move to lock up the best QB available. If we want to draft one at #10 I'm still all for it. Now, all options are on the table.
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