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Everything posted by TheElectricCompany

  1. Again, it's all fantasyland scenarios, a "hypothesis contrary to fact" fallacy in the flesh. All we know for certain is that he blew out the record books for a few years and is on pace for another great season. HOF talent existed with OBJ since his rookie year, and the Giants didn't need to get super creative to unleash it.
  2. None. I don't agree with it. They fined him and told him to shut it.
  3. Keep the hits coming. "Small town", "simple values". You know it's been called one of the more racist cities in the country?
  4. Bruce's sack record, Rice's TD record, Favre's consecutive starts, and Blanda's INT record should all be safe ?
  5. Who knows. The whole scenario is fantasyland. At the same time, what if you paired him up with Rodgers or Brees? It's reasonable to say that he'd be even better! As I said, he's trending toward the HOF. I think he'd be a top WR anywhere. It's not like the Giants are some amazing situation. They've had coaching, QB and talent issues for years.
  6. I think OBJ works pretty damn hard at being an elite players. "Support their teammates"....well, he made it clear that what they're doing isn't good enough. He may of gone a step too far calling out Eli (he is NYG royalty after all). Look, I think it's all kind of hysterical. This is a talent driven league. You should collect as many HOF type players as you can, assuming they don't beat up their wives or murder people that look at them weird at a club.
  7. Culture trumps strategy, right? As long as get some undersized, lunch pail boys who work tirelessly at their craft, we're good.
  8. We know OBJs trajectory, and it's a gold jacket. Could his output be different on another team? Absolutely, but I think it's safe to say that a player of his caliber would be pretty damn productive in any system.
  9. OBJ will always sting. Bills fans know the deal. We could have sit pat at #9 in 2014 and picked one of the best WRs of our generation. Instead, we move a ton of currency to get Sammy and Benjamin, and neither can hold Beckham's jock strap. Allen throws some ducks out there , but you know OBJ could scoop those off the turf with one hand!
  10. OBJ is only in his 5th year. When all is said and done, I think he's a HOFer. Time will tell if he's in the upper echelon with Rice and Moss. Has everyone forgotten about some of his ridiculous highlight reel plays? All the records he broke in his first few years? He's a generational talent at WR. If you are comparing him to TO as a player, they have very different styles. OBJ is far more explosive and is one of the few guys in the league that can take a quick slant to the house, but I think TO was better in the red zone. Personality wise, both of them stay out of legal trouble. A good coach can manage egos. Unfortunately, OBJ has a lame duck QB and a coach with the inspirational qualities of a cinder block. I would take a player of OBJs caliber all freaking day, even with the "headaches"
  11. He had poor stats at Wyoming. He has poor stats in Buffalo. At some point, the guy has to actually put up top tier QB statistics, right? This is the problem with Josh. He has never had passing statistics that scream "elite QB", and we really want to see the data match the hype for once.
  12. Mayfield looks tremendous, can't speak to the others yet. But yeah, Allen is 31st! Woohoo.
  13. That's the Josh Allen way. We explain away every reason why his statistics have been terrible. That's how it was at Wyoming, and it's certainly happening here.
  14. You should know better. Never talk about Josh Allen & statistics together. It was faux pas before the draft, and it's faux pas now. It gets real ugly when you pull out the data.
  15. Cam scored 35 TDs in his rookie year, 45 in his MVP year. If that's what Allen can produce, yeah, SIGN ME UP.
  16. Roethlisberger was also NASTY in college. It's much easier for fans to get excited about a "raw" QB when they lit up good teams in college.
  17. That be awesome, but the odds are quite unfavorable. NCAA rate stats are rarely matched in the NFL, let alone proven upon. That doesn't mean he can't be a great QB, but it's a long shot he becomes that type of passer.
  18. Remember, he just needs to learn how to read a NFL defense, throw with anticipation and display consistent accuracy beyond the LOS. Those are LITERALLY the hardest things for a QB to do.
  19. They had to get somebody. I'm not opposed to a heavy run attack, but we're pretty poor in that area. With that philosophy, ideally you can get some favorable deep ball looks off play action, but we haven't seen that from our offense.
  20. I'd call it 12 points and a cloud of dust
  21. Tyrod was faster and historically displayed much better accuracy. As a passer, Allen has a long way to go. The Captain Checkdown offense we saw against Tennessee and Minnesota isn't sustainable.
  22. I sure hope Mcdermott doesn't look at the tape for answers. The tape belongs in parking lot burn barrel. We're on to Tennessee.
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