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Everything posted by mjd1001

  1. If Allen is ready, I'd say play him, but only if he is ready. If that means wait until after the bye week, then fine also. I always thought that a few games off would do him good. This may be the best case scenario for his development...get him playing a handful of games...so he can see what regular season action is like...then have him take a few games off to digest things. He should be able to look at the game in a different (better) way from the sidelines these past few weeks because he WAS in there for a few games..rather than having to sit on the sidelines form the beginning. So he's had a few weeks off now...where during the week he can study/analyze defenses and game tape...and not spend most of his time learning a specific gameplan or running a scout team. Is it good he was injured...of course its not good but the time off ma have helped his development.
  2. I know what you mean and I agree with you. I have thought about this a lot and there really isn't a 100% solution. My best guess on how to do things? -Identify 4 stars on defense you want to have at any given time( Maybe 1 pass rusher, 1 interior line guy, 1 LB, and 1 shut down corner.) Pay them. Fill in the rest of the D with the 'best guys you can' between players on their rookie contract or street free agents. If in a given year the 'rest of the guys' aren't that good, you hope your 4 studs can carry your D unit to at least be average. If in a given year or two you find some diamonds in the rough with the 'rest of the guys', then you have a top 10 (maybe top 5) d-unit. Right now, the NFL average is to spend about $66 million dollars per year on Defense and about $71-$72 million on offense. I'd try to be near those figures...maybe SLIGHTLY more slanted toward the offense side of things as long as I can lock in my 4 stars on the D-side of the ball.
  3. Ok, I know some of the guys on WGR are going off on the Bills staff for saying "buffalo bills football" means "cold weather, winning the line of scrimage, playing in the wind", etc.....but...I have to say I agree with the WGR hosts...I am so sick of hearing that from the Bills and their coaches/management. If the weather is THAT big of an issue that you THINK you need to play football differently from most of the other successful teams....then just build a dome. However, Even in the 'terrible' Buffalo weather (how many bad games a year here anyway? 2???), other teams have done well passing on bad conditions. I do know there are some people out there (some of my family members) that say...they don't care what anyone says...you still win football with Defense and a running game...run and stop the run. But as others have said, I just don't like watching that kind of football. Its boring to me...at least when you know there are options of play out there like what the Rams, Saints, and Cheifs are doing this year. If you really REALLY want to run the ball more than anyone else..do it out of the spread formation. Because right now...I don't want to see anymore 4 yard runs where the ball is handed off, the back goes right into the back of the O-line..and the whole pile pushes/falls forward for that 4 yard gain.
  4. If he is going to be around...I hope it is not as the feature back. I DO think he is still a very good back, but he is starting to get to the point where he will soon be better as a 'change of pace back' rather than a 'feature back'.
  5. I think McCoy is done being an Elite back. Right now (and next year also) he is a 'decent' back that can excel in certain situations. Put him on a good offense that spreads the field, and he will be better than most. But on this Bills offense, he might be a little worse running than other options. I'm not saying he has 'lost it', but he has lost a half step it appears. When that happens with a back like him...the first thing you notice is he LOOKS like he is running the same way (his style) but the results fall off a bit.
  6. Peterman isn't throwing much over the middle, not downfield at all.....but how anyone can say this is his fault, they just must want him to fail. I think today he actually has looked about as good as an average to above-average backup QB can be expected.
  7. I don't think I can recall a team/fanbase just so sure of what they seem as a guaranteed win. Overnight (once the sun goes down) you can actually pick up some Chicago radio stations in Western NY, I was listening to one earlier in the week and the guys on it were talking about the rest of the bears season after the win this week. WGR had someone from Chicago on (I think on Murphy and Taskers show) the other day..a guy who used to be from Buffalo but now lives in Chicago and he said a few things just assuming an automatic Bears win...and now the Bears actual Twitter account? I'm not saying the Bears won't win, they probably will, but my company has an office in New England (Foxboro/Mansfield area) that I know some guys..and even THEY aren't that aggressive when you talk to them about the Bills/Pats game. After all, this is Bills team that is NOT winless, they beat 2 other NFL teams already, and the Bears team that Beat Arizona by 2...lost to the Dolphins...and might be playing without their best defensive player. Win? Sure...automatic? no way. I'm very close...if not there already...at the point of wanting the Bills to just get a higher draft position next year. BUT, not anymore this week...I want they to win this one game more than maybe any other just because of how Chicago (the fans and apparently the team itself) is treating this game.
  8. Worst case for me? Pat take control of the game early in the first half, cruise to a 31-13 victory. Not quite a major blowout, but not a close game at all. I'm tired of the Bills not mattering in the NFL and to the rest of the league and the country 98% of the time. The absolute worst thing for me is a game that is 'over' quickly with little to no excitement, that turns out exactly the way the rest of the league expects it to.
  9. They should be held accountable by the owner, but not this year. I'm sure those choices were run by the ownership, and they may have even been an option presented to ownership BEFORE they were hired and that is why they were hired.
  10. The Bills drafted a rookie QB who, was considered by many/most people as the least ready of all of the top prospects. The Bills decided to take on a TON of dead cap space this year, as part of a plan to open up room going forward. As a result of the above point, they are spending at least $30-$40 millon dollars less than most teams this year. I don't know how anyone could expect at most 6-7 wins this year..and 4-5 as more likely....which they are right on pace for.
  11. Realize I'm bringing back and old topic, but why doesn't anyone think Buffalo could have/support an NBA developmental team (GLeague team) https://gleague.nba.com/ It might slowly but eventually turn into a full scale minor league system for each team. Might it make sense for Buffalo to put a pitch in to be the team tied to the Raptors? I know their current team is located in Mississaugua, not sure how they are doing regarding support and attendance.
  12. Doesn't matter how those picks turned out....my point was when you think/know you are getting that high of a pick, it certainly helps with giving you something to look forward to.
  13. Ok, I'm sure there are fans like this in most, if not every city, but... My company has a regional office outside of Boston. I usually go there for meetings once a year in December, and I talk directly to, or via conference call, many of our employees from Boston on a weekly basis. Most of the guys there are nice guys...REALLY great guys (and some girls too.) VERY friendly, easy going, great to work with....talk alot about their family and many are involved in charities in their community. Most are working at the professional or semi-professional level. HOWEVER, when the topic of the Patriots comes up it is like something strange out of a horror movie happens. They get animated to the point of yelling, argumentative, I have even heard threats and one guy (who is a really nice guy normally) started yelling so loud his face was turning red and spit was coming out of his mouth? Why? during one of your meetings one of the other workers from out of town CALMLY SUGGESTED in a conversation there may be some truth to the Patriots cheating in the past. We don't always talk sports there, even when we go out to dinner after the meetings..but when we do, nothing gets taken to that level if the Bruins, Red Sox, or Celtics get brought up, but it is incredible what happens when you bring up the Pats there. Once again, I am pretty sure there are bad fans all over, but maybe in Boston, they are just extra sensitive about the cheating topic...or just so used to winning that there is a genuine fear of what will happen when it stops?
  14. No offense to Hughes, he IS right on the surface, but he has to also remember the D-unit is GOING to be better because of the money/attention the front office spent on it. What does he expect from an offense that has as little talent/money spent on it. Of COURSE the D is going to be better, they have higher picks/higher drafted/more expensive players on it. Its a team, O and D are both responsible.
  15. As bad as the browns were? Nope, not close yet. As frustrating? Yes, maybe even more so. Say what you want when the Browns were bad, but when you seem to be picking in the top 5 every year....you have more HOPE looking to the future than I feel with the Bills now.
  16. Nothing will make me feel good about this team right now. I'm so sick of the same below average...or bad...offense for the better part of 2 decades. I'm getting so used to it though, but what will make me feel good by late tonight is if the Pats lose to KC pretty handily. I'm so numb to the Bills right now that a Pats loss almost makes me feel better than a Bills win. That needs to change.
  17. I'd say top 10 right now. Maybe things have changed since early in the year, but those first 2 games still count. Lets see them allow less than 30 points in the next 2 games combined (NE and Indy) then I'll entertain thoughts of the best D in the league.
  18. At this point I'd like to see Allen sit a few games..be the backup. Maybe 5-6 games later try him again. Maybe as the Starting QB, he is spending more time prepping for the upcoming opponents with his teamates, where as the backup he could spend more of that time studying NFL defenses and learning reads?
  19. First of all, I am sick of these posts every week where someone doesn't like something so they just say "FIRE.....(insert name(s))" But, I end up looking at them and often times responding to them just because..its like driving by the car crash people can't stop looking at. I'm not so upset at Beane, or McDermott, or Allen, or Peterman....none of them individually...but rather at the organization. Why is it that for years, maybe going on a couple of DECADES, they can't just get one good QB? Not even a hall of famer but a good one? You would think by luck or simple chance they would stumble upon one.
  20. Did not want to pay $16 million per year with a $21 million dollar signing bonus for a player who might be very talented, but who averages under 60 catches and under 1000 receiving yards per 16 games in his entire career. Played almost a full season with the Rams last year and got 39 catches for 593 yards. This year with the Chiefs in on pace for 64 catches and about 800 yards. For the money he got, I think at this point in his career we have to say Watkins isn't worth it. He has #1 WR elite talent on paper, but now 5 years into his career seems to be nothing more than a decent #2 receiver who can occasionally have a single 'elite' game, as well as have games where he totally disappears.
  21. If you were someone in KB's position....he just might WANT to get cut or traded. If he is traded, he is likely to be in a better situation. If he is cut, he basically gets to PICK the situation he wants to be in from...what is likely to be at least a handful of teams that will take a chance on him.
  22. I don't want them to lose. I want them to win. I'll take a boring win over a boring loss, but what I am really looking for is an exciting, up-and-down the field win. Just because some of us like scoring and football where the offense is in control of the tempo does not make us people who do not understand the game. In all sports, poeple who don't like defensive battles are people who 'dont understand the game' is one of the oldest, laziest arguments around.
  23. I'll take wanting to watch an exciting, high scoring Bills team over a movie...and myself...I'll be HAPPY to keep posting asking/looking for it on this forum. The ONLY way I'd even accept a Bills team that is low scoring (and as boring to watch) as this offense is...if the Defense were all-world and they won 11-12 games per year with that elite D unit. Short of that...and I'm going to want the Bills offense to look a LOT better. I'm sick of low-scoring, plodding offense team that average 7 wins per year. For entertainment, I want BOTH, Bills wins AND a lot more offense, and there are many of us who are fans of the Bills that feel the same way. BTW, is there a list of the rules of the forum that I missed that say if we criticize the Bills, because as fans we want more than what we are seeing...that we should leave the forum? I'd like to see that if I missed it.
  24. I agree 100%. Why is it if the Bills win, some people just think nothing negative can be posted? Personally, I LIKE the wins, but I would much rather have playoff wins, a superbowl win. Beating average teams at home in a defensive struggle while throwing for under 100 yards...we've seen that before, and I know it doesn't lead to the end goal that I want. I'm not hear to read nothing but people cheering a win like today. I'm happy they won, and I'm glad other people are happy. But I am more interested in conversation about what needs to be better so a game like this doesn't have to be won on a last second field goal.
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