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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Schools out for summer!!!
  2. I agree with your overall premise. I enjoy the posters who not only have an opinion but back it up with more than a snarky holier-than-thou dismissal of others, because, you know, they just know! With that said, I take it all with a grain of salt. Even the people with access to all the info you mention don't have a great track record.
  3. I can't take credit for this, heard it on the radio at lunch, but with Harper coming up after Hendricks and Turner on base you pretty much know you're bringing in Blevins so why not give the guy with 12 K's one more batter.
  4. Shoulda known it was gonna be a bad night when Harper hit a broken bat HR. My take is that the bullpen was totally unprepared. None of them could find the strike zone. And they were missing badly. Up 6-1 and DeGrom dominating they probably thought it was in the bag...I sure did. Especially a guy like Famiglia who's used to coming in to a clean 9th. I was just as worried about him getting through the 8th as I was his ability to get through the 9th. Hard to sugarcoat the loss, this one was bad. No choice but to get up off the mat and compete tonight. Baseball doesn't give you the option to wallow in defeat. Lets Go Mets!
  5. I spent the past half hour looking at youtube clips. Hadn't seen those scenes in awhile, just as good as I remembered. However it happened, he added believability to that movie. I'm not s Marine so I can't make the leap and say realism even though that's my impression. Again, sad to hear he's gone.
  6. Thought it was just me. I wonder what the normal turnover is for an NFL team from year to year. I expect it's high but not 33% retention rate. New regime obviously contributed greatly. They've spent the past year positioning for this draft. Can't wait to see how it plays out. I'm optimistic given the fact that they broke the drought in a year with so much turn-over.
  7. Yup. But the story I heard (on the interwebs so take it fwiw) is that at first he was a consultant on the set. He was helping out the guy who originally had the part and Kubrick gave him the role when he saw him in action. The other guy ended up being the "Get some" gunner in the helicopter. Whether that's BS or not, he made that movie for me. To this day I'll give people an "Outstanding!" from time to time. As in "Outstanding Private Pyle!" at the shooting range.
  8. That is freaking awesome all around. I once bought a Mr. Met bobblehead for my son on eBay. They were going for around $30 which I wouldn't pay. I put in a bid for $19.86 and assume the guy was a Mets fan cuz I got it. Bart is into the 7th.
  9. Bartolo is perfect through 5+. I wish he was still on the Mets. Not because I think we'd be a better team, but he was fun to have around.
  10. I never knew he was in Toy Story. His lines and delivery in Full Metal Jacket made that movie IMO. Sad to hear of his passing.
  11. Fun fact: Seaver struck out the last 10 batters he faced.
  12. I have seen your posts and I have no interest in your opinion.
  13. I'm not one to call people out, but this take is just flat out wrong to me. Reminds me of the this regime can't possibly make the playoffs crowd. There are any number of ways this draft will go. Whoever we end up with at QB (and that includes AJ and/or Foles) could be boom or bust. And while I don't expect it will happen suggesting that sitting at 12 and hitting the jackpot is an impossibility is just plain ignorant.
  14. No worries with my son, but thanks. He took a ball off the knee at practice on Wednesday and couldn't walk that night, but just a bruise. He'll play next Wednesday. He did the scorebook today...with his teammate who sat out due to a slight concussion (not baseball-related) I don't want to hijack this thread with LAMP stuff but I think you guys will like this. Beautiful weather for opening day today. Sunny, mid 70's, tomorrow a high of 40 so go figure. A lot of Mets fans on the team and they were doing the pepper shaker thing! They won 3-1. 100% on the dad/son passion. I know you're a big music guy and I loved your post awhile back about seeing hard core metal bands with your son.
  15. Your Brown Eye and Franks' Red Hot? Draw your own conclusions. Better yet, just steer clear.
  16. Drank too much beer? Still able to post? Seems like mutually exclusive events to me. But sure: GO BILLS!!
  17. Nice memory of the GS single, hadn't thought of that for awhile. That was before my kids time. Tomorrow they will know, so thanks for that Tier! LAMP ALERT: read on at your own discretion: Tomorrow is opening day for my youngest sons Little League Team. He is an above average ballplayer but with an off the charts love of playing and the game. He got hurt in practice the night before last and can't play tomorrow. He is crushed. Me too. Because there's is nothing better than watching him play and seeing his love for the game. Not sure how if it will work out but my plan is to have him coach first for an inning tomorrow. Turning off the LAMP now. 11-1!!!!!!!!!!
  18. And he's succeeding. Yesterday their Double-A team (the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp!!!!) outdrew the Marlins attendance-wise. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/23134000/miami-marlins-outdrawn-double-affiliate-jacksonville-jumbo-shrimp-wednesday-games If it's me, I'm planning on riding Plawecki and giving the rookie spot starts for awhile. Usually not much goes on trade-wise until the summer. Oh yeah, keeping my fingers crossed until then too!
  19. I'll add that IMO the front office has been positioning themselves to grab a QB this year since they took over.
  20. Completely agree on the sustainability concern. I would probably be destroying Calloway if things weren't going so well. Winning cures all.
  21. Who elfin cares how "the Bills offensive line stack up against some of the glory years"? Are you suggesting that Christian Hackensuck would prosper if he had a great O-line? We need a QB, we need to re-build the O-line. They are both important, but one is more important.
  22. I don't disagree, but I also think it's part of why Nimmo got sent down today. Hard to argue with any moves when you're playing .900 ball. And as much as I don't like it (get off my lawn!) I have a feeling we may need to get to used to shorter outings, including Jake and Thor. 6/7 may be the new 7/8 normal. Just win baby!
  23. Sorry that your father-in-law passed away, but great story in so many ways. Baseball is all about passing along the love and legacy to me. My grandfather was a huge influence on me as was my father. I hope someone puts a Mets flag in my coffin when my time has come.
  24. Mets just tied it up with 2 HRs in the top of the 8th. They may win, they may lose. To me they already won tonight win or lose.
  25. My youngest son came up with "Mickeys Clubhouse" this morning. That's two resilient wins. Extra innings on a cold late night game when there's a game the next night a 1000 miles away followed by the vets opting in when nobody would have faulted them for taking a night off.
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