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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I remember Flutie tossing him a lateral downfield for some extra yardage at my first ever game at the Ralph. BTW, not sure if it was mentioned but Happy Birthday Thurman! I found out earlier today that he and my eldest son were both born on May 16.
  2. IMO Torre's greatest skill as a manager with the Yankees was his ability to manage the clubhouse (and press) not the game. Always hard to find the line between a good/bad manager and the talent he's working with. The talent that's been handed to Boone is remarkable but I give him credit for weathering a slow start in a hyper-critical market. And at this point it's hard to argue with anything Cashman does with the team. BTW, I hate the Yankees, they are no fun to watch for me. Lets Go Mets!
  3. Jimmy Johnson begs to differ. Which isn't to say I'm advocating that style. The problem with Rex wasn't his mouth, it was his inability to back it up (i.e. - coach). McD is boring and sticks to the script. Doesn't bother me as long as he's getting as much as possible out of the team.
  4. The Von Miller penalty was a big break for sure, made it that much easier to close the game out, but game changer? As I recall there were some questionable calls against the Bills in the first half. Siemien's interceptions were the game changers that day IMO. The difference last year was getting in with only 9 wins. Right off the bat that takes some degree of good fortune. And it was capped off by Dalton to Boyd.
  5. Fun fact: Marcus Stroman and Steven Matz once squared off in a high school game that ended 1-0. Too bad we're not getting a rematch. https://www.mlb.com/news/steven-matz-marcus-stroman-met-in-high-school/c-153594540 https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/the-day-steven-matz-faced-marcus-stroman-in-high-school-1.10942420
  6. Adapted for the Mets: ---- after a good start the Jays Mets are in meltdown last week starter Stroman Harvey went to the DL Reds and closer Osuna was arrested on a domestic assault charge the Mets managed to bat out of order. they sleepwalked a no-hitter through the last three weeks, still a great effort by Paxton, and deGrom hyper-extended his elbow batting a few hours after days before Osuna burst on the news the lineup kerfuffle. Pillar Nobody is on a roll at the plate, youngsters are doing okay, Morales Vargas is a pathetic bust out there with the Yankees and Red Sox Braves and Phillies (?!?!?) balling its looking grim, some really good not much in the way of prospects to call up and move Donaldson anyone with a pulse out of here at the trade deadline so the cheap owners can save money are the hopes expectation Kinda boilerplate for locals, but anything else? ---- May the worst team lose!
  7. Shout out to Promo for The Breeders! Had not listened to them since Cannonball. New album has some great music. Thanks.
  8. I hope you're wrong but I think you're right. Might give you the opportunity to post in row_33's "Always something new to see" baseball thread. Pretty sure he's a Blue Jays fan.
  9. WRT D. Smith, you're more dialed in to the minors than I am. But my understanding was that he wasn't projected as a power hitter. My thoughts on him are superficial. When he came up last year I took one look at his face and saw an out of condition young player. To me he looked like a guy that needed a nap. Today I saw a more conditioned player. I'll remain skeptical but hopeful. Today its arrow up for me.
  10. Huge. Conforto may be breaking out. And despite only 5 innings pitched, Matz pitched well. SNY just showed 5th inning replays. Mets blew a DP ball, old man A-Gon couldn't get to a pop foul and Matz was behind 3-0 on Santana with the bases loaded. 0 runs scored. That set the stage for later.
  11. Wow, you can see the lost weight just from his face. That's encouraging. A-Gon hasn't exactly cemented himself at first. He's just up for the weekend but hopefully he's putting himself in position for a mid-season call-up.
  12. The take-away for me was when Keith mentioned how Mesoraco pushed Wheeler along through a good start the other day.
  13. Because the Mets are the perfect complement to the Bills? It does get tiresome, but it's that much sweeter when we win. Even though they both came up short, the Bills making the playoffs was amazing and the Mets World Series run a few years ago was un-Billievable. Better times ahead.
  14. Nice call. How about the worst Mets managers? Art Howe and (unfortunately) Bud Harrelson come to mind. Amateur hour.
  15. I just saw that and was gonna post. How did they manage that? Can't wait to hear the details.
  16. Paxton is the first Canadian pitcher to throw a no-hitter since 1945 and the first to throw one in his home country.
  17. Vargas in 3 starts: 9 runs in 3 2/3 6 runs in 4 2/3 4 runs in 4 Optimistic guy says the arrows pointing up for Jason.
  18. Technically this doesn't qualify since it's my friends story, but it's pretty crazy. Sorry for the excessive length, but a shortened version wouldn't do it justice. I added another thing to my objects struck while driving to my “Karash” list. A giant freaking seagull! No kidding. Driving north on Wantagh parkway north from the Jones Beach circle, no other traffic. Giant seagull lands in the middle lane ahead of me, picks something up and starts flying away from me, but in the same direction. I am doing like 65 mph. I juke to the right, he does the same and,,....whammo! Big puff of feathers and goodbye to Mr. Livingston Seagull, or so I thought. I pull off at Sunrise, decide to stop at Wendy’s for a leak and a cheeseburger. Get out of the car, walk up along the passenger side, and..... this giant seagull head turns to look at me. I almost fell over. The ENTIRE seagull is stuffed a$$ first in my grill, is quite alive and moving its head all over. Got my needs taken care of, including the cheeseburger, asked the people on line if they know anything about birds, then a lady follows me out. She is mortified, then laughing. So I pull out onto Sunrise highway and start heading to the local bird sanctuary. The first light I pull in behind a guy, he does a double take, looks out his window and says, “Hey. there’s a bird on the front of your car!”. I reply, “Thanks, I know that.” He says, “its alive!!”. I say, “Yes, thanks, I know its alive”. This stuff can only happen to me.... Now I see a little league baseball game. The umpire is so startled by my living hood ornament that he calls timeout, and the entire crowd plus both teams, come to gawk. I ask if anyone has a towel, since the bird bit me when I tried to pull it out. A lady gives me a towel, I wrap the bird, pull on it and,...thwock, out it comes. I wrapped it up and took it to a pet hospital, wrapped like a little beaked baby. They had mercy on me and just took the bird inside.
  19. That was my assumption when I read the following: "The restaurant, Nepalese Chef, in Gloucester has issued the laminated "polite notice" several times to families with small children, and claims no one else has been upset."
  20. I've never been there, but my Mom's side of the family is Newfy (pre-Canadian). Great ancestory question, nobody's ever guessed it when I've asked. I've done the Maine coast starting north from Calais. Stunning, Also made it to to Nova Scotia a few years ago. I wouldn't call it as stunning as Maine but uniquely beautiful country as well. Enjoy your time in Maine sixpack.
  21. I'd have no problem whatsoever bringing the whole family. I guess the guy felt targeted since they handed out cards to families with young kids instead of just posting the policy publicly. Strange choice IMO. I think if that happened to me it would be a WTF moment quickly followed by, yeah not a problem.
  22. I only ever heard Last Splash which I liked a lot. Love this song, gonna have to check them out again, they have a great vibe, no pretensions. And so I did the youtube thing starting with the Breeders and stumbled across a cover I'd never heard before completely unrelated to the Breeders. Kind of cool they were the starting point. Pretty sure this thread has been bereft of Lemmy/Motorhead until now. Always loved this David Bowie song:
  23. Paul McCartney and the Wings were great:
  24. I'm not with you guys on this one. Didn't we do that last year with him? If I remember correctly it worked, but at some point you have to put on your big boy pants and work through a slump at the major league level. And who would we bring up? Would you rather have that guy off the bench instead of Conforto? I don' t pay much attention to the minors so that could change my mind.
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