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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I'm with Another Fan, this is a go to thread for me with contributors I look forward to hearing from. I was on vacation the past week or so with spotty connectivity at best. I relied on scores when I could get them but more importantly commentary from you guys when I could connect, so thanks all. As I type this, Hansel Robles just came into the game for the Angels trying to hold a one run lead in the 8th. I hope he gets lit up.
  2. I caught the Blue Jays broadcasts this week and felt the same way.
  3. Best part was he struck out his first batter and grounded out the second and you know those Angels fans were thinking they got a steal. Been there done that.
  4. Hansel Robles got off to a fine start with the Angels on Sunday giving up an extra-inning HR in his first outing. https://nypost.com/2018/06/25/going-out-west-did-nothing-to-help-ex-met-hansel-robles/
  5. I've been following this thread with interest from the sidelines. Great stuff, particularly when the Stones entered the conversation. Thread seems to have died down, so a bit off topic but I'm interested whether the die-hards think this cover is any good. I think Warren crushes She Said
  6. Selective memory. They had a nice run to the wild card game in 2016 too. Injuries and high-salaried failures over the past two years (Cespedes and Bruce) are ignored. I don't agree with any Mets fan that doesn't admit that the prospect of Harvey, Noah, Jake, Wheeler, Matz, (in that order) didn't look like a recipe for success over Sandy's tenure. Did he get lucky in 2015 with Ces over Gomez? Sure. The payroll was not $150 million over Sandy's 8 years so that's just disingenuous. The same folks that would complain about a non-winning $150 million payroll would probably complain if Sandy hadn't signed Ces..which admittedly has not worked out...but did Sandy destroy the Mets when he kept it to a 4 year deal? Sandy Alderson is destroying the Mets is an attention grabber rooted in ignorance and/or stupidity.
  7. I assume you mean Reyes at third. How about when they moved Reyes to second to make room for Kaz Matsui?
  8. Mets have a long history of playing guys out of position. I don't think it every really worked, but I could come up with a long list of failures. How about HoJo at SS.
  9. I saw him clapping when Frazier got his knees buckled on a fastball down the middle with one out and Nimmo on 3rd. Clapping? WTF?
  10. Did you guys catch how much the ball knuckled on Nimmo's triple? I gotta see that again. Another freaking aggravating game. My youngest called it. Before the game I said that DeGrom would give up 2 through 7, the Mets would get an 8th inning HR and we'd lose 2-1. My eldest had the Mets tying it at 2 in the bottom of the 8th and giving up the winning HR on the first pitch in the top of the 9th. My youngest had it tied late with the Mets getting blasted after they pulled DeGrom and losing 8-2. EDIT: Shazbot! 8-3.
  11. Sounds like he's ready. Bring him up!
  12. I'm as upset as anyone at the state of this team, but the notion that trading Thor somehow makes things better makes no sense to me. He's young, under contract control and dominant when healthy. Where's the guarantee that the haul that comes back for him becomes dominant and remains injury free? Bird in the hand. A starting rotation of Jake/Thor/Matz/Wheeler/Lugo looks pretty good to me. Overall, I like what I've seen from the bottom 3 this year, just gotta get Thor back. This isn't Tommy John surgery. But as much as I'm a "stay the course" person, I'd have no issues if they dumped Calloway. Looks like he's in over his head.
  13. For some reason that reminded me of these guys.
  14. I recently purchased a large parcel of land east of Buffalo.
  15. I'm not from Buffalo and I inflicted this cursed existence on my offspring.
  16. They also have the Bills, Dolphins and Jets all picking in the top 4. I'm embarrassed that I took this seriously for even a second.
  17. Arenado has 5 RBI's in two innings. This could get historic.
  18. Reminds me of one of my favorite lines from my softball days: Who bats after Plawecki? The other team.
  19. I wonder if they're showcasing Dom Smith for a potential trade. He's clearly not an outfielder and I think Alonso has passed him on the "depth chart".
  20. Bowl in a suit pocket? You must have been coming from a high level meeting.
  21. Just some weed, and not very much, enough to get me through a few days skiing at Whistler. I think it was the next year that a Canadian snowboarder lost his Olympic medal after he tested positive for weed. He blamed it on second hand smoke and the weed at Whistler being so potent. I remember thinking that would have been good information to have a year earlier.
  22. I've never been arrested, but it got pretty sketchy at the airport in Vancouver circa 1997 after the canine with olfactory skills correctly identified me as someone attempting to bring something into the fine country of Canada that I shouldn't have. Despite rifling through all my stuff they did not find what they should have...and no it was not hidden in an orifice.
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