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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Irony: as I'm watching the game, I'm surfing the web and the local newspaper already has a story up that with Cabrera coming out of the game there's a "window" for Reyes. And he fails to step on 2nd on a routine play. Two dead as I type so maybe we get out of it, but wow has this season been painful to watch since the hot start.
  2. I don't want to get ahead of myself, still a few innings to go, but with Familia on the DL and Lugo starting, I'm a little surprised to see Gsellman warming up. I wonder what the plan is to close this out.
  3. The inability to own ones mistakes bothers me. Maybe the guy has issues (drugs, mental,..) that explain but not excuse his reaction. I'm skeptical. For many people I think it's much easier to say "Eff you" than it is to say "My bad" .
  4. Globetrotters and Patriots beaters notwithstanding, the Chargers "Air Coryell" teams were fun to watch.
  5. I'm biased towards the Mets voices, especially Keith. He's at his best went he gets annoyed and cranky at bad play. Nice to hear complements about Keith and Ron from an out of market baseball fan. Watching the game tonight, I can't stand ARod. He seems to get a lot of good press so maybe it's me. I think it's his delivery and his rep that I can't get past. Then again I don't like the ESPN Sunday night broadcasts in general so maybe its guilt by association.
  6. Truth be told I was more into Repo Man than ST and had never heard Asleep at the Wheel, so thanks! ???
  7. Strong call. Calloway needs to get himself tossed just for the sake of getting tossed. Not sure he has it in him. Loved those two.
  8. I would too. Great song from the great Repo Man soundtrack. And I was surprised to see Mary Woronov (a B movie staple back in the day) in the video.
  9. 14 runs in 3 innings? Talk about taking one for the team. Pitching staff must have been stretched ridiculously thin to leave him in for that long. What a shame to go out like that.
  10. A great Seinfeld moment was Frank Costanza berating Steinbrenner for trading Buhner for Ken Phelps.
  11. Fair enough. Hard to draw the line between poor/good play and poor/good management. But when Matz/Wheeler/Vargas are pitching very well after being suspect and you diminish the quick hooks they got on their way to pitching well you're ignoring the management aspect.....and no, I did not like the quick hooks. We disagree on playing the same lineup day in day out. You've made that point a few times (not just back to back days), but to me that would be a lack of management. I'll go one step further and say that Bruce has played way too much for my taste. Regardless, I'm not sticking up for Calloway. I think he's skating on thin ice. His comments about playing in NY over the weekend were some combination of dumb, naive and ill-advised.
  12. In the 80's I was all in on heavy metal and hard rock. But when I see favorite 80's songs I'm thinking more of the MTV bands and not "Creeping Death". This doesn't quite qualify, 80's band, 1990 song, but a fave of mine: And who can forget:
  13. I remember getting hooked on the first self-titled album, then they lost me on "The Skull" and then the second self-titled album was great. After that I lost track of them. Very Ozzy/Sabbath... a good thing.
  14. I agree with statement 1. I think it's worse due to the strong start...remember when we were talking about .500 the rest of the way gets us near 90 wins? 2 remains to be seen, but if he flames out here he may not get a second chance (see: Willie Randolph). On the other hand, in a different era, Joe Torre was widely considered a bust after being a player/manager for the Mets (and almost traded for Guidry) and ineffective manager for the Braves and Cardinals before he went to the Yankees and perceptions changed. I'm not buying into 3. There's plenty not to like, but every single facet is an over statement IMO. The starting pitching has been outstanding lately despite losing Syndegaard for a week plus. Tell me you saw that coming. And that includes contributions from Matz, Wheeler and....wait for it....Vargas!
  15. 7 runs in 6 games. At home. And if I got this right, 1 run in 35 innings. This is bordering on when we had John Mayberry Jr. and his sub .200 batting average in the cleanup spot against Kershaw in 2015.
  16. Well if we're doing operator problem can we do operator/passenger problem? Me and a friend planned on leaving Thursday after work to go skiing. As the day progressed the promising snow storm turned into a snow/ice storm and right before we were about to leave a state of emergency was declared for where we had to drive through. My friend Einstein (not his real name) suggests we can bypass the worst of the storm by driving up to the east and then cut-over further north. We'll take it slow and who cares how long it takes. Not so deep down I know this is a bad idea, but fresh snow and an empty mountain await just north of the ice storm. Did you ever see stories of hundreds of cars stranded overnight on a highway and think what a bunch of dumb-a$$es? Yeah, that was us.
  17. Brake line went as I was leaving a restaurant. Not a good feeling pressing the brake pedal to the floor and nothing happens. Restaurant exit was uphill and I was driving a stick so it was manageable after the initial scare.
  18. Well if it we're out of the race you shouldn't have a problem. A half hour before game time should be way more than enough time. If we're in the mix maybe an hour to be on the safe side, but probably less is fine. If you go in early the food lines won't be ridiculously long and you can also walk around and check out the park. You can get right up to the bullpen and watch the pitchers warm up, check out the Mets Hall Of Fame (or whatever they call it) and check out the view from different parts of the park. If you haven't done this already, another thing to do before you enter the park is find the home plate and base plaques for Shea out in the parking lot.
  19. There are better ways to do this, but you could add the photos to a Word document, resize them directly in Word and then print.
  20. You got your guy, eh? Nice call. On a completely unrelated note, here's another insult heaped on Mets fans this past weekend. The Todd Frazier replica pull-over giveaway didn't happen on Saturday night due to a quality control issue: https://www.northjersey.com/story/sports/mlb/mets/2018/06/02/ny-mets-pull-fan-giveaway-because-quality-control-issue/666704002/ Instead, the first 15,000 fans got vouchers for the pull-over. And according to a co-worker they were giving out left-over Conforto jerseys from the night before and other t-shirts. For the record I got the Conforto give-away on Friday and it is surprisingly nice. Might be the highest quality giveaway with the least intrusive advertising I've ever gotten.
  21. I'd be happy to be rid of Bruce, but why would Minnesota want him? And I don't see getting much of value in return...and that would be dependent on us eating contract which also seems unlikely. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet even though my expectations for the rest of the year are pretty low (although starting pitching has been pretty encouraging lately). Farm system looks pretty bare. Besides Alonso I'm not sure who we'd want to make room for this year. I don't see any sense in giving up on Rosario. Mesoraco has shown me enough to continue his tryout. I'm also not ready to give up on Matz who has been very good lately. Gsellman and Lugo could easily be traded, but I don't think dumping promising young pitchers is a good idea. Familia would be a hot commodity. Someone would take Blevins...left handed pitcher with a pulse. And I'd be fine with moving on from Wheeler for the right return. Cabrera is probably our best example of a guy we could sell high on, I'm just not ready yet. His World Series outfield was Benny Agbayani, Timo Perez and Jay Payton.
  22. One year old in 86? That makes you pretty young for the four falls. You my friend are a resilient sports fan. All I can say is that you will be richly rewarded when the Mets and Bills win it all. And they both will.
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