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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I'll concede the sinking feeling on Conforto, I'm losing faith too, just too many positives for me to give up on him yet. But I don't get anyone who wants to dump Noah or Jake. To me, it's madness. We spend our baseball lifetimes looking for the next Seaver or Gooden, now we have two suitors and we want to dump them for what? Guys that "might" be the next Seaver/Gooden or "can't miss" position player? I have a friend who loves to fish. Sometimes we find a spot and we're catching fish but maybe not as many, or as big as we want and one of his questions is "do we leave fish to find fish". The great part is there's no way to know the right answer. Same with baseball players. But I always want the big fish.
  2. Make no mistake, Big Lee Smith could bring the heat: WRT this thread...I'm amazed the conversation has lasted this long. Apologies for the distraction. Nothing to see here. Carry on.
  3. 100% on Rush. I'd add Rattle and Hum for U2.
  4. I want to knowHave you ever seen the rainComin' down on a sunny day?
  5. They are like my children, I love them all equally.
  6. I have to question you on both of these statements. Didn't you insist that Conforto had to start 150+ games this season? I get the frustration, but I'm not with the all-in to all-out frame of mind. Damaged goods carries an implication that you traded for a guy that was already hurt, so a poor choice of words IMO. I assume you mean that we should abandon ship due to the injury history the past two seasons. It's a concern, but why in the world would you give up on world class talent while he's young and under control? Are we going to bring in a young stud whose guaranteed to be as good and injury free? Injuries are an occupational hazard for pitchers...just ask Strasburg, Kershaw, Bumgarner and a host of others. Sucks when they're overpaid but we are not there yet.
  7. It was great to see such a genuinely nice kid have a big game in front of his family. Hitting an inside the park HR in the majors is a rarity, doing it with your parents in the stands is priceless.
  8. Connor had a big smile on his face when I told him that Kevin from Buffalo (TBD) extended his congrats. His father Matt appreciated the moment and sentiment. And for the record the Mets are 2-0 since Connor's season ended. 11-1 before, 2-0 since...draw your own conclusions
  9. I don't like the dramatic shifts of the past few years, but it's part of the game and a sign of the times. I used to play softball and occasionally we'd get cute with outfield alignments against batters who always hit to the same spot. The good batters adjusted, made us look silly and we'd go back to a more conventional alignment the next at bat. Todays batters rarely adjust, they just keep hitting into the shift.
  10. I'd be happy if they catch fire and go an a blistering 5-5 run.
  11. That pretty much sums it up for me. I had the red and blue greatest hits albums but more often than not when I'd listen to a studio album, it just didn't interest me. Abbey Road, and in particular the medley, was the exception for me. Easily my favorite.
  12. Just to close the book on my sons Little League season - they won it all! Once again it took extra innings, they won 3-2 on a bottom 7 walk-off single with the bases loaded and one out. One of the coaches brought a dozen liters of seltzer for the "champagne" celebration. Good times! So now it's time for the Mets to turn their season around. I'm not looking for a miracle, but competence doesn't seem like too much to ask for.
  13. I've shared this before but since you asked.... Yes, in an off hand way. Growing up on Long Island I first started watching football in the early 70's. Dad was from Chicago with no strong allegiance to da Bears. Jets and Giants weren't very good and devoid of superstars - Namath was on his last legs. I have a vague memory of him scoring on a naked bootleg in his last season as a Jet. Somehow I ended up being a "fan" of a different team each year for a few years until my Dad set me straight and told me that being a fan of the Super Bowl winner after the fact wasn't really being a fan. At the time I loved the Juice. The Bills were from NY, so I went all in on them. It's been a rough ride, but I don't regret it one bit.
  14. If you want a laugh, check out the audio from June 15: "Hour 1: Time for the Mets to Blow it Up" from 7:50 to 8:20. EDIT: Oops forgot the link, this is like the attachments to emails that I forget to attach: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/audio/the-afternoon-drive-with-carlin-bart-and-maggie/
  15. I liked when Molly Hatchet threw their hat in the ring with Gator Country ("Skynyrd says it's a real sweet home, but it ain't nothing to me!").
  16. Not sure about that. The whispers are that Sandy is on thin ice. A talk radio guy recently acted like it was a foregone conclusion that this was his last year and they have Minaya waiting in the wings. Maybe, maybe not, but I definitely made a mental note of both. A lot of folks are looking for a scorched earth approach. Dump the manager and any player you can including DeGrom and/or Syndegaard. How about a baby step: dump the batting coach and Reyes outright. Send Conforto to the minors. Do it all on the same day. Make a statement. Show that you care. The acceptance of the past two months is ridiculous.
  17. Same wavelength Blue. Pitch counts save the kids from the coaches. The bench issue was fun to navigate. Regular season everyone sat equally. Playoffs we kept the top 3 or 4 players on the field all game and rotated the rest. It got sketchy but overall they got it. Best part of this team was the top players rooting on the bottom of the order. Zero arrogance, total teammates. Nice to see.
  18. Thanks. Probably the best group of kids and coaches I've been around (in terms of demeanor) since winning started to matter. I'm actually with you on the Mets pitching. Totally agree that's what you build around and I would not give up DeGrom or Syndegaard. The idea that we should trade one or both seems reactionary/impulsive to me. What I agree with is that if you go that route it better be for a kings ransom of proven or semi-proven talent. Funny thing is, even at the Little League level it's all about pitching and setting up the pitchers due to pitch count limits. It's been interesting how our team and other teams have handled that in the playoffs. Both teams left have strong pitchers ineligible to pitch on Saturday.
  19. I'm still not on board but I get the thought process. I'd stick to the plan of building around starting pitching. DeGrom is a stud. A healthy Thor is too. I think Lugo has potential but probably tops out as a #3. I could say the same about Matz and Wheeler but with less optimism.
  20. It's been a disaster for the Mets since the 11-1 start the day before Little League opening day. Meanwhile, my sons team has had a great year. We had two nail-biter playoff wins this week. Last night, we were up 1-0, bottom 6, 2 out, man on 3rd, 1-2 count and they tied on a wild pitch. One freaking strike away...which came on the next pitch. Thought we were sunk (too much drama to detail) but we won 3-1 in the 7th. Championship game Saturday morning. So here's my call: after Saturday when LL is over the Mets will get their early season groove back on! And I'll blame these past 2 months on my son. Love the game. Lets Go Mets!
  21. I'm not in favor of trading DeGrom, but I have to admit Coutinho's comments make sense. And the Yankees would seriously have to overpay for me to watch another ex-Met win a WS in the Bronx. It's messed up how they have the best prospect and major league ready pool when 2-3 years ago they had nothing.
  22. Good stuff. Some added thoughts on each: I hope you didn't copyright Assdribble, because I'm gonna use that and have no intention of paying royalties. Agreed on Conforto, I also wonder whether last year's injury is in the back of his mind. Or maybe he's an every other year player like Saberhagen was way back when. I'll give Sandy a slight pass on the bullpen. Who knew Blevins would be this bad and Swarzak, Ramos and Familia would all get hurt. I'm fine with how he constructed the bullpen, just not fine with how it's played out Not giving up on Calloway just yet, but confidence in him diminishes with each passing day. I can't stomach the thought of trading DeGrom to the Crankees let alone anyone else. But I have to admit that if you're going to do it now's the time and you better get a boatload of value back. Two other Alderson comments: - yesterday Sandy intimated that Reyes is the best option they have for his role with the team. If that's true he must have no respect for the guys at AAA. That was a real head scratcher, Reyes can't field or hit this year. - he also said that when Alonso gets called up to AAA he won't be going back down. Talk about a message sent to Dominic Smith.
  23. A-Gon is gone and Dominic Smith gets another chance. According to the article below Smith has had "a poor year with Las Vegas" and fellow call-up Ty Kelly "has been strong for Las Vegas this year". Slash lines: .260/.343/.370 .262/.340/.450 Kelly has 6 HR's, 29 RBI's, Smith has 2 and 25. So basically 4 good at bats is the difference between poor and strong? https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/adrian-gonzalez-released-mets-1.19119114
  24. Before the game started ESPN was doing the announcer predictions and all 3 came up Yankees. Made sense, right? Mets can't score, Severino is dominating yada yada yada I told my boys that this is the type of game we win, exactly when you don't expect it. That's baseball and a 162 game season. Did I believe it? Um, no....but I didn't not believe it either. Let's Go Mets!
  25. Not projecting my thoughts and feelings on you Augie, but this one hits home for me. I don't think I'm racist, but from time to time I find myself admiring that an athlete is "well spoken". Trouble is it's rarely (if ever) a white person. Why is that? Short answer for me is I accept that I have some generational bias. I have two sons and hopefully my contribution is that it stops with me.
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