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Everything posted by somnus00

  1. The press conference was a bit odd perhaps, but complaining about this is like complaining about Sarah Palin getting "gotcha" questions, or that the press is mean to Trump. If Lynn can't handle predictable media questions on his own, how can we expect him to match up with Belichick?
  2. Say what you will about the Bills players being worthy/unworthy of being in the Pro Bowl, but these numbers show that NFL players, coaches, and fans believe the Bills have a talented roster. I happen to agree with that assessment.
  3. I thought this was going to happen right after NFL Europe went under.
  4. I think the Bills will go after Nick Foles if his option isn't picked up by KC. He'll compete with Cardale. I think Cardale likely needs another year of seasoning (if then). The Bills will also draft another QB after round 3. I'm not saying this will work, I'm just throwing sh!t on the wall.
  5. Mic drop. Thank you. Whaley keeps finding contributors. His hiring of Monos was a very underrated move. Yes, he needs to find a QB, but how many teams in the league actually have that elite quarterback? They don't grow on trees. And how many GMs in the NFL are batting 1.000 in the draft. This team has talent with no coaching direction. Just imagine Matt Ryan throwing to Watkins, Shady, Woods, and Clay (and a defense that isn't schemed for 2001). Let Whaley try to build this team. We've come a long way, talent wise, from the Marv Levy years. The guy who builds a team is the GM. We need some continuity there, especially when we're seeing growth.
  6. I know stats aren't everything (or rather, wins are the only stat that matters). But the Chiefs are 23rd in total offense, and 28th in total defense. How the hell are they 10 - 4 right now. They were a last second field goal away from being 11 - 3. By contrast, the Bills are 18th and 15th respectively. Based on these rankings, you'd expect the Bills to be right around the middle of the pack as far as overall record.
  7. I can't stand him for pulling a Palin on the team (I'm talking about quitting, not the word salads). But I believe we'd be a wildcard team if he had stayed. Just an opinion.
  8. The Bills have a terrible accounting staff. They've done nothing to pull the Bills out of the playoff drought. They should all be fired too. What are the Pegulas thinking?
  9. This may just be my opinion, but it seems like a dick-move by the reporter to be focusing so much on this minute detail that means nothing. Would it really change anything if Rex new about the rumors before vs after the game. I'm not a Rex fan, but the reporter comes off as a douche.
  10. Experienced head coach with a career winning record. It's not like his teams were stacked with talent his first few seasons. Only Roddy White and Michael Turner were Pro Bowl players. Matt Ryan didn't start approaching elite status until his 5th year if you look at his stats. I know we all want the next Belichick, or Parcells, or Walsh. Mike Smith isn't a sexy choice in comparison. But I'd be happy with this until someone provides a better option. I do not want someone from the Belichick tree; it does not produce NFL fruit.
  11. I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't understand the love for McDaniels. Belichick and Brady are the reason the Pats are so good (I just threw up in my mouth a bit). Patriots' coordinators don't do well away from New England. I think Nate Hackett would look brilliant as an OC with Tom Brady under center.
  12. 1) Todd Haley makes a lot of sense. He might keep A Lynn since they're close and have history. Not sure I'd like the choice though. This may not be a sexy pick, but I think Mike Smith makes some sense here. 2) Again, I don't like this, but I think the Bills are going to get Cutler as a one year bridge to Cardale. Backup plan will be Nick Foles. 3) Ryan Schraeder RT.
  13. I love his energy and heart; but I hope Aaron Williams hangs up the cleats.
  14. "Now you might not believe it, but under fire Rex Ryan is one of the... finest football coaches in the world. All he needs is somebody to throw hand grenades at him the rest of his life."
  15. I wouldn't say I was a doubter, but I was wondering if Gillislee should be getting a larger role in the offense. It's amazing that the switch to Lynn brought us the Shady that we traded for. Coaching does make a huge difference.
  16. In my opinion, this is the kind of thing that will eventually kill net neutrality. Over the past few years, there has been a media shift towards shared content, P2P streaming etc. This eats into TV ad money. When billionaires and corporations lose revenue because of a minimally regulated internet, you can bet corporate friendly government regulations are on the way.
  17. How many linebackers, in the entire league, are fast enough to cacth Julian Edelman from behind?
  18. I'll be honest, I thought Su'a Cravens was too slow to play in the secondary. I wasn't impressed with his game speed and I thought he would be a bust as a high draft pick. I'm looking like an ass right now.
  19. You often have to read between the lines with these press conferences. To me it seems that Lynn acknowledged there were issues causing delays in getting the play calls in. He also seemed to hint that Tyrod had freedom to change plays at the line, but that the playbook options were complicated. That's just what I took from it. For what it's worth, Coach Lynn does come off as being a smart guy. Let's hope that turns into production.
  20. Didn't Jeff Fisher just get a contract extension...like a few weeks ago?
  21. I was actually wondering if Gillislee / McCoy is our new Freddy / Marshawn. At the time, Marshawn was the high profile back. A first round draft pick. But at every chance, Freddy just seemed to do more. I'm not saying Gillislee is as good as Fred Jackson, but I see a similar situation where the back up does more with opportunities than the featured back. Gillislee moves forward. McCoy moves laterally until he finds a hole or turns up when he reaches the sideline.
  22. I never understood the hype on Scooby. He was a linebacker who was smart enough to know where the ball carrier would be...but slow so the tackle was made 5 yards too late.
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