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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. We can only detect certain things, though. We're filtered.
  2. Never wear shorts to work unless it's part of your work uniform.
  3. Thanks. Hard interview to listen to simply because of his condition and voice. Poor guy. Very interesting, though. So, Area 51/S4 conceded some information to Eisenhower after he threatened to invade. I assume Dolan and his superior were only one small part of Eisenhower's efforts to gain information. Area 51 would've been inclined to reveal false information to Dolan's party, just to keep them off track. Personally, I think they staged the alien interviews and all that. The saucers were probably just for show. The SR-71 was going to be put into service soon and didn't contain any super-advanced tech, so that didn't matter as much. A nice cover-up for the secret technology they were really working on. The most important piece of information they got was that the technology they were working on was a gravity engine, but that is such a vague piece of information. Any speculative civilian could've assumed that's what they were working on... Was Dolan given the correct "formula" or a fake? Most likely fake. Very cool story.
  4. I'd love to read more about this, but I'm not finding anything on it. If the President, especially one with Eisenhower's experience, wanted to invade the area, I think he could stage a successful operation. Besides the casualties to both sides, I think he would be just as concerned about the social/political fallout.
  5. "If we naruto run, we can go faster than their bullets." ?? I'd love to see crazy people doing this through Area 51
  6. http://www.businessinsider.com/who-owns-taco-bell-arbys-burger-king-2019-3
  7. I'm not going to BK for tacos, if I go to BK at all. Cheesy gordita crunch from Taco Bell is heaven on Earth.
  8. To boost earnings and bolster their content before their streaming service comes out? From what I've read about Netflix/Hulu/etc, it's hard to keep profits up with those streaming services, especially when they have to rely more and more on their own content, and Disney is initially offering super low prices.
  9. I was in Delaware when that one happened! It felt like my desk was sliding back and forth on ice.
  10. A recent description of the tic tac craft by the Navy pilots conveyed a cylindrical translucent outer shell around a square-ish object. As I'm watching the Bob Lazar documentary, he's describing a cylindrical craft with a small reactor in the center. He draws the reactor as a square. It has 3 gravity amplifiers surrounding it that are also square. Below them are the gravity emitters. These descriptions seem to line up. We first synthesized element 115 in 2003. The tic tac aircraft showed up in 2004 (supposedly). In Bob's time involved with the project, they had no way of synthesizing element 115. They were trying to reverse-engineer the technology with regular nuclear energy, which just would never work. It'll be fun to eventually hear the story of the scientists who successfully engineered it.
  11. I think he was supposedly the first to "discover" and work with element 115 as part of his alien tech reverse-engineering efforts. Element 115 is central to the tic tac aircraft tech, which is why Bob has re-entered the conversation.
  12. Is that a mouth?... ....whatever it is, it's a hole of some kind. I believe the technical term is handgina.
  13. I'm assuming the tic tacs are actually rogue AI, not yet our overlords. The AI/cyborgs will be our friends at first and will help us reach other planets. They'll divide and conquer on a universal scale.
  14. That may be, but both suck. Humans aren't living on any other planet or moon in this system. We need to find a warm, stable planet with a good atmosphere. We've found a bunch of theoretical candidates and apparently may have the tech to get their efficiently (the tic tac aircrafts).
  15. Well, he was still held to the military's secrecy/confidentiality standards while he was active, so they wouldn't feel compelled to remind him of that (especially since he was relatively high ranking). Even if they didn't know what it was at the time, they probably got all the additional data they needed from the instruments and they have video. What would they need to know from him? They probably reviewed his standard ops report or whatever it's called. There's definitely an impression now that they desire and/or don't care if this information gets out to the public
  16. https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/
  17. They didn't spend the $5 million themselves. They received a bunch of donations. And then I'm sure NASA profits the most from the proceeds. The $5 million in funding for the restoration was partially provided by Space Center Houston, but the majority of the money was donated by the city of Webster, the Houston suburb where the Johnson Space Center is located. Another half-million in funding came from the general public via a Kickstarter campaign (disclosure: your humble author was a backer).
  18. But think of the profit you would make from selling the Rolex!! That Seiko is perfectly fine for your needs...
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