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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Yeah, New Englanders get ***** for not pronouncing their Rs, but some parts of New York/New Jersey are just as bad.
  2. Sometimes I get caught picking my nose at work... We stare at each other as I slowly remove my finger from the stretched nostril. A thin, glistening thread of snot follows my moist digit before snapping back up and out of sight. They quickly turn away. Embarrassed. I resume typing.
  3. The shower is a great place to get some target practice in
  4. Wow... Thanks for ruining it for me. Those poor horses. His leg is the size of a MadGlab
  5. I'm sure this bout of tough luck can actually be explained by math. Someone start doing the calculations...
  6. This HOF argument kinda reminds me of Emmitt Smith. He's not a RB I would pick over many. He never looked like the best in the league to me. But he lasted a really long time and got the rushing title. He was obviously a great RB.
  7. Josh: So, she calls me up last night and says "Josh, honey. This really weird guy started talking to your mom and I at dinner last night. Said he was a BIG fan of yours? He really creeped us out." Shady: Yeah, I'd be worried too, man.
  8. OMG....can we just stop? Not just you, @Warcodered, but all involved. I mean well when I say this. Stop asking about the maths. Stop feeding the trolls. This thread is for supernatural/sci-fi/fantasy news and stuff. It's supposed to be fun. Have a beer, a smoke, and have fun. Yeah...yeah..."don't worry, it's just a fun debate".... No, it's not. You're just trying to one-up the other guy and it's annoying for the rest of us having to sift through it.
  9. These threads are so ironic. Are any of us little teenage boys??
  10. It's been confirmed that there is another shirtless volleyball scene. They CGI'd that part, though. The jet stunts are real.
  11. There's certainly a line. And we do this to ourselves on both sides of the line. People seriously buy coffee, don't drink it for 2 hours, and then call back to complain that it's not hot enough in hopes of getting a free coffee. Same with NFL fans. The same people cry about not getting calls while simultaneously crying about there being too many flags. I've seen real-life idiots actually do this. The loudest people do this. Rational people couldn't care less, but the NFL is forced to take action on it. The NFL still hasn't addressed to root cause of many officiating issues: the referree hiring system. They need to pay good money for full-time refs. It should probably be handled by a contracted third party. If a lawsuit could cause that result, I'd say it was worth it. Simply asking for an apology from the NFL is not worth it.
  12. I think it'll work on anyone if they really let go. I was called up on stage once to do it, but the guy sent me off because it wouldn't work. I wasn't comfortable enough up there in front of the crowd.
  13. Actor. It seems easier in that profession to maintain the quality of your craft over time. Athletes obviously have a short lifespan. Musicians also lose their voice and dexterity in their later years. Meanwhile, there are still old actors who are killing it. Think Eastwood, Streep, etc.
  14. That's a misleading picture.... I was surprised when I read that the pyramidal structures were only 8ft by 10 ft. That's a small settlement.
  15. We learned that they came over the Bering Strait in grade school. I guess they're zeroing in on the idea that a single migration settled both continents. The story of one population making such a journey would be very interesting. Like the Israelites venturing to their promised land. Granted, the Native American migration took place over a much longer period of time, so not as dramatic. There must've been some great explorers during that time, who we know nothing about.
  16. Those were the days.... We don't live in a beach region, but travel to New England and California at least a couple times a year. Always go to the beach then. There are some great swimming holes near me, though. Rivers are nice....maybe nicer than beaches.
  17. 1. Her name can't still be James Bond. 2. Her number can't still be 007. So, it can't be a 007 film.
  18. Great... China's gonna own quantum internet.
  19. That clip was in the future. My theory: Hopper gets stuck in the upside down. He eventually finds his way out in Russia and a monster chases him through the portal. The Russians capture them both.
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