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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I had to look it up because I knew that name wasn’t right and I wouldn’t want to spread bad info, even accidentally. This guy was open about all this and would tell anyone who would listen so I’m not talking out of school. He was even a local sports talk radio guy. His name is Rick Sanford and he played I think 6 years with Pats* and one in Seattle. He said they wanted him back in Seattle, but he just couldn’t do it. He’s a few years older than me, but knows my wife’s family. His father was probably at my wedding as my FIL was the only dentist in town forever, and if you invite one…. 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: Not to derail things, but he talked about being on the field in OP doing the pregame routine. He looked up to see a plane trying to fly a banner over the stadium going into the wind and barely moving. He said “holy $#%@ I think that thing is going to fall on us!!! Then it turned with the wind and looked like it was shot out of a gun!” 😂 .
  2. I watched the KC/Miami game in a bar with some guy on his daughter’s phone. (Thanks, Peacock! ) We’re talking football and having a great time. At some point the daughter says “Go ahead dad, tell him.” Huh? He was a 1st round pick of the Patriots and played 7 years at safety, including an All Pro year. (He just gave me his name and Pats* I think ‘78 draft) TONS of cool stories about playing in OP. I actually forget his name now, but when his wife left he said she was the one who got him thru the CTE lawsuit. He said his evidence was the ELEVEN documented concussions as determined by team doctors. He said hardly anybody in my condition could have that drag on for 6.5 years and get to the finish line. It was intentionally difficult, which probably shocks exactly nobody. Nice guy, fascinating and we hit it off because he’s from my wife’s home town and they all know each other. He apologized, half in jest I think, that if I see you in the morning in the lobby and don’t recognize you, it wasn’t the bourbon. I can’t remember *&^% anymore.
  3. “If I look goofy enough, they may hesitate.”
  4. ….and he really doesn’t have that much material.
  5. Five in a row is just a fluke…..
  6. Nick Wright gives me a greater appreciation for my remote control.
  7. I’ve thought it was broken and I was fine in a few days, and I’ve had what’ didn’t feel like a big deal linger forever. It’s really hard to know what to expect in the moment for a guy like me.
  8. My wife recently ordered something minor (maybe a small kitchen item?) about noon on a Sunday. It was at our door before dinner. Malls have to evolve. The ones we used to shop at have turned into more of an entertainment hub than a shopping location. More arcades and restaurants are coming in where the Sears stores used to be.
  9. When someone is dealing with addiction, it’s hard to know who they really are.
  10. Extra points only, please.
  11. Brady walked off the field after he tore his ACL. Maybe he’s upset TayTay wasn’t at his game? P.S. - When my son tore his ACL/MCL and then saw Brady walk off he said “that was not the same injury.”
  12. Hitting the helmet off the turf is probably as dangerous as helmet to helmet. You just know that will get called, although I thought it was a bit slow to come.
  13. I’ll just chalk that up to pre-gaming.
  14. Are you just having a puff induced zen moment??? I’m never calm before a game. I often cook something to burn nervous energy, but rarely have an appetite to enjoy it. .
  15. One snowball at a time? I kid, stay classy, Bills fans. Or, at least don’t get caught………. 😋
  16. I was just thinking that. I’d like to see them try it, I think? It seems like so much of the pressure comes up the middle. Now, is that harder to execute? Is there some other reason that’s a bad idea? IDK
  17. I hope he’s shoveling snow at The Ralph! Nobody deserves that experience more!
  18. How ‘bout them Cowboys??? How’s your day going, Jerruh?
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