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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Andy Reid needs to win one more SB and ride off into the sunset. Yes, 31 teams should change head coaches every year after the SB winner is crowned. That makes sense. Fire the HC with the highest winning percentage in franchise history. That makes a ton of sense!
  2. People are upset and he’s the easiest figure to lash out at. They are quite certain that whoever replaces the coach (with the highest winning percentage in franchise history) will do better. I’m not so certain.
  3. I think Bass and Diggs were probably dinged up recently and just doing their best given their conditions. Bass did the right things if he faced the media. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing I’d expect from Diggs. It’s easy to goof around with fans before a game. Facing questions after a game like that is much more difficult.
  4. It all depends upon how the draft falls, of course, but we need to get younger and cheaper. More draft picks is the best way to accomplish that. All you have to do is nail all the picks! Easy Peasy. Having said that, if a stud falls we happily take him. Next year has me wondering what it will look like. EDIT: This beats the hell out of doing this in October! 😋 .
  5. It is a passion, and winning a SB would be glorious. It is important. But let’s not act like we are terrible and “need” a Super Bowl trophy to be complete. I am disappointed by the ending, but I enjoyed the season and the way they fought back from 6-6.
  6. But how many AFL Titles do they have? The correct answer is: history doesn’t matter here. We just finished this season, and we look forward to next season. That’s how it works and what I care about. I like where we sit, but it will be challenging with Josh’s cap hit about to take a leap. Now, do I fear the Pats might get a legit QB and HC? Sure. It could happen, and we’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now we are where we are, and I generally like it.
  7. Is the question about 20 years ago, or now? I like where we are now. AFL Championships or SB’s from 25 years ago don’t matter now.
  8. You can either let it make you crazy, or decide to have some balance in life. It’s entertainment that I enjoy very much. At a younger age I didn’t have the same perspective. Now I try to talk my son of the ledge. I’ve matured. Oh, and you are not in charge of deciding who the best kind of fans are. And you are not in charge of how I will feel if the Bills win a SB.
  9. I’ll skip the emoji. I just completely disagree with this approach. In fact, it doesn’t sound very healthy to me.
  10. Why? Will that make your life better in some way? How does that improve your daily life. Maybe you need some more hobbies or something? There is a huge difference between need and want. I want a Super Bowl very badly, but I don’t need one, because I have a family and a life outside of the Bills. Some might argue I take it too seriously, but it doesn’t define my life. I had a ton of fun watching the Bills this season, and none of that fun has been magically removed from my life.
  11. Anyone who doesn’t intuitively get this is not worth trying to convince. They have already chosen a path of misery.
  12. I think of it more as…..Grow up. This place will be unbearable for months.
  13. It seemed like a random selection of plays, like they were pulled out of a bag willynilly. It never felt like anything was being emphasized or set up. It was just….random to me.
  14. Like with Bass, I think there has been some nagging physical issue that we aren’t fully aware of. It’s hard to judge this time of year because you never know how beat up they really are.
  15. Reflective highway gear is all the rage in the biggest Hero Clubs.
  16. I know I will personally bow my head in a moment of silence in tribute before every Super Bowl in honor of that act. I’ll schedule that right around the National Anthem in the interest of efficiency.
  17. Along with the play calling, I’d suggest he self-scout his leadership traits. I don’t care how much they love you, leaders generally keep their cool and show more control. Emotions are great, but with self control. That was not a great look and it sticks with me, unfortunately. But we were scoring with him, and he deserves another shot. Good luck without Josh. The degree of difficulty just went way up!
  18. I remember when I had only been a fan for 34 years. I know the ride well. I can recite all the disappointments, too. But I don’t allow them to make me miserable.
  19. Didn’t Taron say he felt fine to go back in last week? In general, the NFL just cares about money but in this case I don’t think they were reckless. I pray that proves to be the case.
  20. This kinda puts a little more pressure on the “Win One Before I Die” crowd.
  21. If you didn’t enjoy going on a roll after a 6-6 start, or the playoff win over the Steelers last week, well, I feel sorry for you. Enjoy the ride, there is a lot of cool stuff happening!
  22. I suppose it’s too soon to suggest The Wall? 🤷‍♂️
  23. He took some shots in that one, for sure. I just wish they had another half or two to play.
  24. Thank you for your thoughtful and eloquent contribution.
  25. He certainly made a mistake.
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