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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Thank you for your thoughtful and eloquent contribution.
  2. He certainly made a mistake.
  3. Until you catch him a few times.
  4. What have I stepped into?
  5. Mums the word. During the holidays I can blow up like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man myself, but it’s better without all the attention.
  6. Wow! It’s uncanny how similar that looks to when Josh decided he was going to pick up a 3rd and 13 vs the Dolphins! They had no interest in any of that business!
  7. Ohh, that would be terrible! I hope they all feel better on Monday.
  8. It’s a diving board, like at a resort. Remember, we’re trying to sell this. 😋
  9. Do you just wake up like this? Every day??? That must be exhausting! I like it when they are loose and having fun. That is when some of the best football comes out. .
  10. Thanks, I found enough to confirm it’s the place my mind recalled as Rudy’s Tap Room. Hey, it was a drinking location four decades ago. That’s not TOO bad! But please don’t ask me what I had for lunch yesterday……. 😋 .
  11. I don’t remember the injury details from a game two years ago. I’ll take your word for it. It was what it was is my point. I know I had a good time watching, for a while anyway. 🤷‍♂️ I enjoyed the HELL out of many games this year, and certainly the playoff win over the Steelers. The fans were damn near heroic in those conditions. One for the ages! I’m here to be entertained and have a good time. Yes, I want a Super Bowl as much as the next guy, but not winning a SB does not eliminate all the good times I had along the ride. .
  12. Ohhh, wait a minute! Did that close in the Fall? I don’t readily see much about it on-line, but I think I spent many a Friday night there when my summer job was nearby. I saw Stahl Rd which is in the general area I thought it was, but it’s kinda fuzzy. Just a little roadside joint. I had a job working with aluminum and had to pick up every tiny scrap. I’d collect all the trash, then on Fridays take it to some recycle place where we got $0.22/lb. That was split 3 ways and it was our beer money for the weekend, starting at Rooties. 🍺
  13. Okay, we’ll just put our heads in the sand and ignore the current facts for you. It’s not an excuse, it just is what it is. I’m not upset or whining, but I just like to pay attention to what’s going on. I wish it was different, but it’s something I have no control over.
  14. If you put our injury list next to the Chief’s injury list, you might notice some differences.
  15. One game is just that, one game. It’s not the ultimate referendum on anything. It’s one more piece of the puzzle. I prefer a bigger picture view. Saying the DL is relatively healthy does not paint the entire picture. I’m very concerned about LB and DB. But time will tell. 🤞
  16. An NFL season is a battle of attrition. So far I’ve been impressed with the quality of the depth filling in, but there are always limits. Kudos to the guys coaching up our depth players and having them ready to step in.
  17. Because you say stuff does not make it true. That’s not how the internet works, despite what some people think.
  18. Wait a minute here! YOU do not speak for the pit. I just moved to the back of the line, but you may be getting closer to the front. Do you know anyone at ECMC?
  19. Yeah, even my mother knew the truth. I guess I’m out……but I tried. 🤷‍♂️
  20. It was Rick Sanford. Super nice guy, but one of those athletes who had a rough time after sports. It’s funny, you can learn all kinds of things with a quick Google search now, but it appears the CTE settlement got him back in a good place. He played at USC (Gamecocks, not Trojans) where my FIL played back in the day. He knows my old boss (Tommy Suggs) who at one point held all the USC passing records and remains the Voice of the Gamecocks. He’s originally from Rock Hill, SC and knows all my wife’s cousins and who went to what high schools. He knew my FIL as the only dentist in town forever and we determined his father must have been at our ginormous wedding. Invite anybody, invite everybody. We hit it off, and he had some amazing stories about playing in OP regarding the players, the crown of the field which was unusually prominent, the plane trying to fly a banner over the stadium into the wind that he thought might stall and crash on them during warmups, etc. BTW, we were goofing around a bit, and I can tell you he is still rock solid! EDIT: About the crown/pitch of the field he just laughed. “Yeah, they don’t need all that for drainage, they want to be running downhill at your ass!” 😂. And he DID have ELEVEN concussions. I can see how he might come to feel this way. I was on the field for concerts back in the 70’s and it really stood out then. .
  21. ….or even several seconds. We had just finished a tour of the Vatican last spring and desperately wanted a cab back to the hotel. It was a hot day and we both wanted a shower. The first taxi driver we come across is in the middle of a heated argument with some guy about whether there had been damage following a little fender bender. They agree to let it go, and he tells us it will be 40 euros to get us to the hotel. “There’s a lot of traffic out there now” he says. Same traffic we went thru to get there for 16 euros, but he doesn’t know I’d gladly pay 100 at the moment. We agree to be taken advantage of and get in the taxi. As he takes off he turns around to tell us what an idiot the other driver was. He is looking back at me, and I’m looking forward. I was the only one who saw us drive directly into the back of the car he had just hit and this time there was no doubt. He caves in the back end of the other car, complete with that accident sound that makes you sick to your stomach. I told him that was a bit of “Vatican Karma” at work and went looking for another taxi. The next guy deftly slips a mask over the meter when he realizes were are idiot tourists. He wants to rip us off too and I start texting my wife sitting right next to me. He seems to pick up on the fact that we are onto him. He takes the mask back down and the meter says 12 euros. I gave him a 20 and told him to keep the change. He gave me a funny look when I said it was close, but Karma works both ways. ….and they put in a new kitchen for $1,200.
  22. What part of town are you in? Maybe send him your address? 😋
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