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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. no i dont think they do.... but 9 out of 10 qbs that are next man up for contract reset the market, and i dont think are worth it. so yeah, i dont see that changing. cap goes up, inflation is booming.
  2. Ya know, he really is the greatest, and as a football fan, i couldnt enjoy it as it harmed me greatly. Ive enjoyed being able to just watch him GOAT over in the NFC, and now its over. Wouldve liked one more year. "Fortunate" to have been able to see the GOAT. I was too young to really remember or appreciate Jordan and Gretzsky. Old enough to remember Brady, but never appreciate it... only fair thing for me now is to kick back and watch Josh destroy all his records lol TL:Dr-- good riddance lolllllllllllll
  3. i get people wanting the chiefs knocked off, but for me, if they steam roll their way to a SB win clobbering both teams, it'll validate this team as much closer overall than last year. so im wanting that, while noot rooting for kc if that makes sense. wouldnt mind seeing them lose a heart breaker either. like 31-30 loss to LA
  4. Does Rooney rule apply to coordinator jobs? If so would it apply to an internal promotion? Cant imagine a minority wanting to take that interview knowing they're just being used to check off a box
  5. Didnt you read today, "Verdicts Still Out." Also, ask NE media. His contract was expensive, sounds like our window closed! /s I never trust anyone with arms that hairy, especially not women!
  6. Kinda hope he doesn't. Oddly enjoyed him down in Tampa. And if he retires and picks up an announcer gig I'll have to hate him again right away 😆 don't need any more Pats richard-riders on game days. If he can keep that in check, he'd honestly be great to listen to give insight
  7. Sure on that one? Could be wring but their Philly time didn't overlap, and Pederson didn't have a Tom of nfl experience when he got hired IIRC
  8. When we weren't good I wasn't like that. I had to devour every single game I could. Def didn't miss a playoff game. But last year and this year hurt. Last year SB, I begrudgingly watched. Some kinda trauma barrier I put up, convinced myself footballs really stupid... GROWN MEN? PLAYING FOOTBALL FOR A LIVING? SILLY AF. needless to say that didn't last. Its Thursday, I think I'll watch some of the games I think, but I'm def not excited. Doesn't help that I think 9ers Bungals are gunna be down 2 scores before halftime. Chiefs Rams would be a good SB. Still a long way away. Hopefully I'll be able to get excited about it
  9. I hope the franchise as a whole just declines going forward. Id really like to see a bitter rivalry where Josh puts up a 10k 100td season, and declines, so then the next year josh goes 10k/100 again, and gets no votes lol lets get this thing PETTTTTYYYYY
  10. I can not comprehend how this is a sentence... thought.... typed... "yep looks good" then enter lol. Remember how Mahomes looked against us AFCCG, versus in the SB? EDGE position is the 2nd most important player on a team after qb. I think Beane makes a major push to get Von Miller in the door. I'd bet were the betting odds to land him. Just makes too much sense.
  11. Dang can we not have a normal convo about a 15yr staple of a HC suddenly moving on. Dallas and CHI have to be favorites. Maybe MIA? What yall think? Gotta be a juicy story ready to drop
  12. TBD is getting angsty and argumentative today. "Nature is healing" folks 😆😆😆
  13. throwing shade here, but also serious... how do you block a poster? its hard enough being here after the loss, but theres like 5 of these dudes i just dont even want their irrational negativity in my forum experience Love this perspective brother. people yelling "cry over spilt milk," like no... were trying to learn something from the Loss. something i know the staff will be after hard
  14. right! he went in 2nd rd the Dareus year didnt he? man what a blunder of a pick in a HOF draft class!! barfffff
  15. this never crossed my mind. if youre looking at it out of context, it sounds like an easy NO. but youre right. situationally, our d had no stops. kc full momentum. on the coin toss i knew at the very least it was a kc fg, and wed have to match or win with a td. there was basically 0 chance kc wasnt getting in fg range imo. so what you give up 30yds? situationally the defense is playing "3 or 7" already. D can hyper focus in on NO TD, and forget about the rest of the field. dude, honestly great thinking. its a play call id stand behind win or lose. something id situationally want coach staff to consider. awesome post, im fully sold
  16. Deep ball. Not so much that i think he cant throw it cause clearly he can.... but chemistry on it with the boys to make them work. That 1 play TD to Gabe was something I dont really remember all year. More of that. Cause 1., its fun but 2., stretches the field and opens everything else up to breath
  17. not gunna lie, ive pictured it. Didnt have the balls to type it out of fear of jinx and 20k grumpy bills fans at TBD flame me lol
  18. Gisecki! But before that ball even starts rolling, i feel like he'll end up on a garbage team that has tons of cap space. bummer
  19. Thx brother! I know a million people would try to talk their way around the bolded, but theyre talking out their A, and probably didnt watch that game. Hands down im taking josh 100 out of 100 xs. Home field, Reid, and Tyreek are all major upgrades from our situation last night. I really had it out for Kadarius Toney last draft, get josh his own Ferrari. That said, Mcd showed improvement in my eyes this year, even if it wasnt as much as id hoped for. Gabe showed me he wants that #2 spot more than anyone else. We get White back next year. Im excited for our future!
  20. bust? lol after one year. the dude has played ONE year of DE before this year in his life. didnt play there in hs, and switched in college. the dude has elite frame, and sooooooo much room to pack on muscle and evolve his game with real level coaches and facilities/nutrition. the dudes gotta bull rush, hes gunna pack on 25-30 quality lbs, further develop the bull rush and learn a move. his length is so disruptive in passing lanes as well. nothing but crazy high upside with this kid. hes just g2 do the work and listen to his coaches
  21. caps are going to increase at a higher rate than they did pre-covid. everything will catch up. this year will be better than last, and i fully expect 2 years out to be the biggest % increase weve ever seen
  22. thx for sharing brother. you basically narrated my entire night. glad you got that out, i think most of us are here to cope today. no words left other than GO BILLS and best to you and yours!
  23. Thanks brother. Had a guy at the bank see my hat and give me a quick 'helluva game last night'. Proud of this team and fanbase. Respect to you and yours!
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