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Everything posted by PolishDave

  1. Maybe I wasn't clear. When I used the phrase "making a play" I was inferring "big plays". Should have said big plays. What I see in the video is an elusive running back - who makes average throws compared to other (potential NFL prospect) college level quarterbacks. Once in a while he makes a throw that makes him look special. But the number of incomplete simple throws and incomplete average throws is certainly too high compared to the number of big passing plays he makes. If you want a clearer picture - just focus for a minute on his "big plays". Too large of a percentage of those are plays where he took off and ran with the ball. That is what "wows" people about this guy. It isn't his arm. If you just look at the big plays he makes throwing the ball, there aren't enough of them. That is my knock against him. Much rather have a better passer than he is that very rarely leaves the pocket. Is that too much to ask for? A better passer than him? I would take Mason Rudolph all day every day over this guy. And I would rather have 3 other qbs in this draft higher than Rudolph. Rudolph is a much better pocket passer in my opinion, and it's not even close.
  2. You are mistaken. I am not angry at all. Just throwing in my alternative viewpoint. I came to my conclusion after reading how people were reacting to this story. People are free to care about whatever they want... You, me, everyone else. Most of the people who already contributed in this thread who end up reading what I posted will disagree with it. That is their prerogative. A small percentage will read it and go - "Ya know what, he is probably right." It is so hard to realize it is happening to you when it happens and it happens to us all.
  3. Total 100% manufactured drama. Sorry. That's just how I see it. It is a manipulation tactic. And it works (nearly) every time. It has worked for thousands of years and will continue to work (in my opinion) for a thousand more if humans survive that long.
  4. I think it is hilarious that a person can create such a stir in random people just by asking another dude if he is gay.. Manufactured hysteria because people love drama.
  5. Well in that video, it is hard to argue against the idea that Lamar Jackson looked like a really good running back who often struggles passing. As with his highlight reels, the guy makes more plays with his feet than he does with his arm. If you take away his elite elusiveness (as time/age will do to this guy soon enough) he very likely won't be able to rely on his average passing ability to remain an NFL caliber player. Most of the other top quarterbacks have more long term upside potential in the NFL than this guy. Seems like he could be useful situationally - like on 3rd and short or gimmick plays. The more I see of him, the more convinced I am that Beane and McDermott don't touch this guy at all.
  6. There wasn't any video of jackson in there. lol Just a couple of fanboys whining that everyone doesn't agree with them... Nancy's. This video adds absolutely zero evidence to any point about anything regarding Lamar Jackson except that some Bills fans on Bills forums are very gullible when it comes to accepting other people's opinions.
  7. FoxFi App - cost $7 I think One time purchase. Lifetime hotspot without paying Verizon's $20 per month Hot Spot fee
  8. I've noticed this also and agree completely. Bills fans have a way of talking themselves into bad ideas for some reason. Even if the guy ends up being a decent starter in the NFL, he is not going to last much past age 30 unless he transitions from being a dual threat QB into a pure pocket passer. Wouldn't you rather have a guy who is an above average passer that can run this team 95-100% of his entire lengthy NFL career like a Big Ben or Brady or Rivers or Manning(s)? At best with Jackson, he is probably good for a few years somewhere between the ages of 27-30 and then fades away as his legs start to no longer be an important factor. Probably better odds starting out with a guy who is a primary pocket passer who only runs in key situations where he needs a few yards for a first down and sees the opportunity to run for it.
  9. As long as our guys still bring their lunch pails we're good right? Because our guys can just hit the opposing quarterbacks with their lunch pails.
  10. You may well be right. I don't think that a guy who is as emotional as Mayfield is a "process" guy though. Seems to me he would constantly be worrying about things out of his control - which by definition is "Anti-process".
  11. So you are suggesting (whether intentionally or not) that Beane already has a history of trading for players who are injury prone. Looks like Rosen is their guy then.
  12. First time winning with trades? Really? I think you need to be clearer on what you are saying.
  13. Yes. Definitely. Would be the steal of the year. And then I draft a LB at 21.
  14. You sure about that one? You know that much about all those players? Wow.
  15. I think it is pretty safe to rule out any players in this draft that don't fit into a pretty narrow window of what McDermott likes in players. In my opinion the primary traits are 1) Above average (even insane) work ethic 2) Belief in the process (the process being doing your job right/great/better every play without worrying about the ultimate outcome win/loss of the game) 3) Person of character For college football junkies and analysts out there- What players in this draft actually possess all three of those traits?
  16. I like the "outside the box" thinking. I often do this too in regards to football. I thought the Bills were perfectly suited to have an untraditional style of offense when they had Taylor, Watkins, McCoy and even Mike G. Lynn (having a deep background in running the football) was very good at making the offense unpredictable in both the run game and the pass game. The defense simply wasn't sure who was going to get the football even on running plays. It might have been Shady, Mike G or Taylor himself. The team could have better balanced run vs. pass if they had incorporated more option roll outs into the game plan and really mastered some of them. We saw it at times where Tyrod would roll out (by design) and have the option to run the ball or throw it to the tight end depending on whether the linebackers committed to stopping Tyrod or stopping the pass to the tightend. They could have taken that style of football that Buffalo executed well, and built on it essentially creating a new offensive philosophy. And had they done that, I think it would have forced teams to commit to stopping it which would have relaxed coverage on Sammy - which could have resulted in more long touchdown passes. A team could still do that with Tyrod - an elite receiver and an above average team of running backs. But alas, I don't think anyone will. They could probably do the same thing with Lamar Jackson as well given he has the leg talent of an elusive back also. But I doubt they will. It requires commitment to that style of offense. And we just haven't seen anyone want to really commit to it. The Bills were close, but that was with Lynn running the offense. They would have had to promote him to head coach. And even then who knows if he would have stuck with that or not. Nice topic though.
  17. I recommend it. But remember the rule - If it smells like fish make a dish. If it smells like cologne leave it alone.
  18. Price for dinner is drastically affected by whether or not you drink and what you like to drink. Who hasn't visited a tittybar and dropped more than $300 for lunch and a little entertainment?
  19. I was thinking the same thing. I would have swapped steaks with my wife and probably just eaten the lesser cooked one as it was. When ordering steak, even at a fine steakhouse, I never expect the chef's idea of medium rare to perfectly match my idea of medium rare. I know it could go come out a little more rare or a little less rare - there is an acceptable range. Expecting his idea of medium rare and yours to match perfectly is not a good bet. And when dining out with other people I have come to notice that their idea of what a medium or medium rare steak is and what my idea of a medium rare steak is are often times two different things. It is the risk you take when ordering steak. Fortunately for me, I am not that picky. Ideally, I want it medium rare - as I am used to - but if it is a little over or a little under - I will eat it anyway. And it is typically not enough to affect the flavor/texture that much. Of course that is just my opinion - others may vary. In his case maybe it was very rare. Anyway - give your wife the good steak - send the other back and do so with a smile on your face so you don't ruin an expensive dinner. If you are honestly that put off by it, you have to take the manager aside and politely explain how upset you are. If you are that upset and don't tell the manager, then it is your fault for not at least trying to make yourself clearly understood.
  20. Yep. Article says the dude is 18. I see nothing wrong with it. Let them bang their brains out and enjoy life. You are only young once and you only live once. So much for land of the free. Son, you can willingly give your life for your country.....but hands off the hottie chick that is a few years older than you who wants your balls. As long as they aren't doing it in school who cares.
  21. Nice thoughts. Why didn't you just post this in the Kelly thread that has been at the top of the list of threads for the past 24 hours? It is actually hard to miss that thread.
  22. Someday we are going to get really, really good at beating all types of cancer. And it is sad that so many lives are lost to it in the learning phase just as they have been with so many other terrible diseases. Even when you think you are living a lifestyle that is really helping to prevent situations like this - you are still at its mercy. Such an evil disease. Heart sinks for him and his family.
  23. What are the odds that Cleveland can't get ANY of those guys? Come on man. It won't matter anyway. Cleveland is going to trade up with their #4 pick and end up drafting #1 and #2 and people are going to go WTF?
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