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Everything posted by PolishDave

  1. Methinks Dabol got the skinny from Big Lou. Like this a lot.
  2. Why would you even think that? McCarron should have no impact on who the BIlls draft at all.
  3. Another gift from the Bengals. Thank you Cincy.
  4. McCarron makes no difference whatsoever in who they intend to draft.
  5. Late round picks aren't worth a lot to the Vikings who already have an excellent team.
  6. If the Bills wanted Foles he would be signed. See how that works?
  7. Dude. If you post supposed "secret rumors" or something along those lines - and they don't come true - you are going to get roasted. You have to know that going in. The only fun whatsoever in rumors that don't come true is watching the dude get roasted who published them. Thanks for providing the entertainment!
  8. So you are saying that he is asking who do we want in the draft other than round 1? If that is the case then: what this guy said ^^^^^ Don't really care what order. Personally, I would like to see improvements made to the offensive line more of a priority.
  9. He is only good when playing behind a really good offensive line - and you can say that about most quarterbacks - even crappy ones like EJ Manuel.
  10. Yeah. Who knows? Decades out, things are incredibly hard to predict. I suspect artificial intelligence - when they really get good at it - is going to be a major game changer - especially in the hands of bad people.
  11. McDermott's brother from another mother?
  12. Anything that could benefit from a permanent record that cannot be altered could be something that is improved/disrupted/revolutionized by blockchain. Not only does it promise to enhance the workplace and lives of people within it, it threatens to disrupt the entire way in which business is conducted, the public institutions we rely on, and the very system of government we take for granted. Say goodbye to intermediaries - Now that companies have a secure way of transacting with consumers directly, they no longer need to rely on platforms owned by third-parties (like banks) to conduct commerce. This will make companies more self-sufficient, open up the possibility of internal financial departments, as well as making the retail experience more flexible and immediate. Revolutionizing healthcare - Blockchain gives patients more control over their sensitive medical information, a hospital’s ability to streamline and share it, and everybody’s ability to protect it. Indeed, this much is true for any industry involved in compiling and distributing sensitive information about individuals between practitioners or departments. Employee compensation - Blockchain will make it easier to pay employees, and circumvent costly fees often associated with paying teams that work overseas. That means that companies will have fewer financial barriers when it comes to international expansion, making it increasingly likely that you’ll work with people and departments from all over the world. Enhanced democracy - Even good governments are prone to corruption, rigged voting, and an ultimate disillusion of democracy in the eyes of its citizens. Blockchain potentially allows us the ability to vote in a manner that’s impervious to outside meddling or the influence of corruption. listings above are snippets from this article A few practical examples that might possibly occur as a result of blockchain technology: * Businesses and/or individual citizens won't have to have checking accounts at banks. Or perhaps they will have one that is used much. much less. * Businesses can hire employees from overseas with much less hassle. * Consumers can buy direct from companies anywhere in the world without having to use Amazon.com or Ebay.com or Alibaba.com or whatever. * Worldwide black market commerce may become more accessible to everyone across the globe - no longer have to deal with local drug dealers. * Tax evaders will be able to successfully hide money from all governments to a certain extent * Certain types of crimes will diminish across the globe * New types of crimes will spring into existence across the globe. You aren't likely to get a good comprehensive answer to that question here on this forum. If you really want to imagine all the different ways it is going to change things, you need to do some searching and reading via Google or another search engine. There are so many things that could change from blockchain technology it is impossible to think of them all and list them all. They are too numerous. I predict that at some point (probably way,way down the road) some country's citizens (maybe even the USA) will have a Federal crypto account much like their social security number. This account will be part of the national blockchain that the government can keep track of resources with. Some really high taxed liberal country like Finland would be more likely to enact something like this because those people trust their government far more than citizens here trust theirs. It is very likely that blockchain technology is going to cause a secondary change in some way in society far beyond what anyone is imagining is going to happen - much like how the internet has changed and continues to change the way media is delivered to homes in America. I doubt many people envisioned "cord cutting" as being something the internet was going to cause way back when the internet was in its infancy. The biggest changes blockchain causes will be those types of changes that occur over decades in my opinion. And we won't know it until it starts happening.
  13. Are you honestly asking about blockchain technology or are you asking about Bitcoin but saying blockchain? Because they are two different questions with two different answers. Seems like you are meaning to ask about Bitcoin but you are using the word blockchain.
  14. It is also human nature that most people hate to willingly admit they didn't get a good deal. There were studies conducted to prove this. When a person finally makes a purchase decision, whether it was truly a good decision or not, they try to rationalize that it was a good decision and look for mental evidence that it was that they can use to make themselves feel okay for having made that choice. A typical person would have to feel really, really screwed to admit they didn't get a good deal. When these people are admitting they got a good deal, deep down they are admitting that it was an acceptable deal - not necessarily a good deal. The vast majority of America makes car payments. If you have a system for not doing so, you sir, are among a small minority of economically savvy people.
  15. Yeah. But she is mature which means she has the skills, experience and attitude. If you can see her wrinkles that means you aren't pulling her hair hard enough. Hyah.
  16. Yeah. Only way a QB signs with the Patriots is if the guy wants to be a backup and likes being a backup. It is the absolute worst spot to showcase your talents.
  17. Trying to look at it objectively - and I would say No. I think they already know what they intend to do in regards to the draft. The only thing that will impact that is if their guy is drafted before the Bills get a chance to draft him where they intend to draft him at. I think AJ plays zero into it.
  18. McCarron's mom is just another one of Johnny Football's party girls.
  19. The problem with Trevor is he has already proven himself to be a bad quarterback.
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